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This research investigates the influence of social media usage on research skills of undergraduates offering Educational Management at six different universities randomly selected from the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. Various... more
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      Creative WritingSocial NetworksElectronic publishing
Recent reports by the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (2017) revealed that while the numbers of schools and children in both rural and urban areas are increasing, the numbers of qualified teachers are not increasing... more
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    • Ogun State
The study at investigating the management factors influencing students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State. It examined the influence of human resources on students’ academic performance; the... more
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      ManagementEducational Administration and PlanningEducational PlanningSchool management and leadership
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that involves the development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceFuture of EducationEducational Planning
The education system in Nigeria plays a role in driving developmental and societal progress as well as contributing to economic growth and national development. However, it faces challenges that hinder its ability to reach its potential.... more
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      Educational evaluationEducational Planning
This research paper examines the failure of the 1977 Nigeria National Policy on Education and explores the diverse factors that contributed to its inability to achieve its intended objectives. The paper examine the policy's implementation... more
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      Public AdministrationEducationDevelopment Studies
This study explores the traditional education system in Nigeria. Traditional education deeply rooted in a nation's heritage has long been instrumental in passing down cultural values, skills, and societal norms. This study unravels the... more
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      Cultural StudiesEducationEffectivenessEducational management and leadership
The paper addresses the critical issue of graduate unemployment in Nigeria and investigated skill acquisition as a sustainable solution. The paper highlights the mismatch between educational outputs and labor market demands, noting the... more
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    • Entrepreneurship
The study explored the impact of practicum experience on students professional development in Ogun State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design survey type was used. The population of the study comprised 358 final year educational... more
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Abstract This study examined the perceived effect of Teachers’ Preparation and Professional Development on Students’ Academic Achievement in Ogun State Secondary Schools. The decline in the performances of Secondary School students in... more
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      Economics of EducationEducational Planning and PolicyInstitutional Administration
ABSTRACT This study is to find out the hindrances to effective teaching and learning in two African universities with the aim of providing everlasting solutions. The development of country depends not so much on the physical and material... more
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    • Institutional Administration
As publication is the chief means of communicating research, a primary means of recognition and reward in academic works. The study focuses on publication productivity of academic staff in SouthWest Nigeria universities. The descriptive... more
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Numero 5/2017/2 nd semestre 178 © LASODYLA -REYO -UAC ABSTRACT
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Poor orientation, socialization, networking and professionalization in teachers' professional development can negatively affect teachers' job satisfaction and thus result to low performance. Teachers who are dissatisfied with their jobs... more
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It is a known fact that governments alone can no longer shoulder the responsibility of education; hence, there is a need to consider other stakeholders whose contributions may help to salvage the situation. This study was carried out to... more
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This study examined the conceptions of incessant Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) strike actions in Nigeria public universities and identified the positive and negative sides of this action to university teachers. A qualitative... more
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The study investigated young graduates' perception of the N-Power programme and poverty alleviation in Nigeria. In a country where people cannot boast of two square meals a day, where diseases, accidents and hunger kill on daily basis,... more
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    • Institutional Administration
This study reviews the challenges of students and lecturers towards the implementation of Computer-Based Test (CBT) in Nigerian higher education institutions. In Nigeria, quite a large number of Polytechnics have either developed their... more
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    • Psychology
Students of nowadays find it difficult to secure admission into higher institution in Nigeria because of population explosion and limited facilities in the existing institutions. The number of private higher institutions is gradually... more
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    • Education
In today's globalized world of quality assurance, there is the need for institutions to acquaint themselves with global practices. This study was conducted to comparatively analyse the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) provisions and... more
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    • Educational planning and Management