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Journal created:
on 15 September 2005 (#8296371)
on 22 February 2010
Tarot ~ Wicca ~ Metaphysical ~ Mystic ~ buy/sell/p
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to TAROT_COLLECTOR the Tarot~Wicca~Metaphysical~Mystic buy/sell/promote community! Here you will be able to discuss the many forms of divination and tarot available!

Promote your Tarot~Wicca~Metaphysical~Mystic communities and journals!

Talk about your favorites, show your original tarot and mystical artwork or theories, and encourage the creativity of others! This will be a carefully monitored community. The mission will be to have a community where tarot artists, readers and collectors can promote their communities, sell or buy tarot decks or tarot/wicca related material, promote Ebay auctions of your own items for sale, advertise wish-lists, etc.

Posts will be monitored. We will not start out with a lot of "rules" just a few guidelines that will expanded only as necessary.

1. Join or monitor the community, some posts may be friends only, and you may not see them if you are not watching the community.
2. Be aware that tarot decks and other metaphysical materials will often contain nudity, either photographic, or drawn/painted/digitized.
3. ABSOLUTELY no flaming, or belief-bashing of any kind.
4. Please no heated 'copyright' arguments in this community. It will be understood that for review purposes copyrighted material will sometimes be posted in part, but it will be linked/credited to the copyright holder where applicable. Please, if in doubt do not post copyrighted material, but link to it instead. Any complaints from a copyright owner about copyright violation should be sent to the moderator. additional actions can be addressed to Livejournal should that be necessary. This is an open community so be nice! There's more to life than copyrights!
5. Did I say BE NICE? Okay, be nice. Conflicts will be resolved by the moderator by delete and ban of the instigator. Simple and sweet.
6. Promote promote promote! That is primarily what this community is for. Promote your favorite decks. Promote appreciation of your own collection. Promote your ideas about tarot. Promote your favorite metaphysical artists. Promote your communities. Promote what you sell, promote what you want to buy. Plenty to do here!

Tarot collector believes that the entire universe, seen and unseen is a vast divinatory experience. From the stars to the clouds to the cards to the leaves falling in autumn. Every being is involved in divination whether they recognize it or not, and so discussions about synchonicity and the like is entirely welcome!

Welcome to the community. Direct all suggestions and comments to the moderator. Thanks!
