The Summer 2024, #158 issue of TAPR PSR is now available by clicking here:
Table of Contents of the Summer 2024, #158 issue of TAPR PSR:
- President’s Corner
- Call for Nominations
- TAPR Forum on YouTube
- TAPR Wear Available
- New Product: ezDV
- New Product: RX888 Clock Kit & Thermal Pad
- Wanted: New Treasurer
- New Product: HF Receiver Isolation Transformer
- M17 Launches Open-Source Innovations
- VE4KLM Report
- Write Here!
- On the Net
- The Fine Print
- Our Membership App
By the way, your PSR editor is now accepting contributions for the next issue of PSR. October 15, 2024, is the deadline for submissions; send your submissions to [email protected]