Papers by usama abd El-Razek

Journal of Plant Production, 2021
This work was conducted during the 2019 and 2020 seasons at the Agricultural Research Station in ... more This work was conducted during the 2019 and 2020 seasons at the Agricultural Research Station in Sakha, Egypt to study the effect of various biofertilizers (Rhizobacterin and non-fertilized) and weed control treatments (pendimethalin 1.7 L/acre, Prometric n 1.25 L/acre, Pendimethalin). 1.7 L/acre + Fluazifob-p-butyl 1.5 L/acre, Prometrine 1.25 L/acre + Fluazifob-p-butyl 1.5 L/acre, scrabble 15 days after sowing (DAS) + Fluazifob-p-butyl 1.5 L/acre wice manual hoeing and control (untreated assay) on soybean nodules, weeds and yield. The results indicated that biofertilization (Rhizobacterin) and weed control treatments increased the nodule number, weight, plant height, number of branches, number and weight of pods, seed yield and seed yield/acre. of soybeans in the two years compared with unRhizobacterin plants. Moreover, the content of protein, oil, nitrogen and protein in soybean seeds increased in the two seasons. From the results obtained, bendemethalin 1.7 L/acre + fluazifob-p-b...
Global Journal of Agriculture and Food Safety Sciences, 2015
Global Journal of Agriculture and Food Safety Sciences, 2015

Agronomy, 2021
Increased demand for quinoa as a functional food has resulted in more quinoa-growing areas and in... more Increased demand for quinoa as a functional food has resulted in more quinoa-growing areas and initiatives to increase grain production, particularly in organic agriculture. Quinoa seeds are a superfood with incredible nutritional benefits. They are abundant in secondary metabolites with significant medicinal activity. This report was consequently performed to investigate whether Azolla fliculoides (AE) or moringa leaf extract (MLE) foliar spray can be supplemented as organic extracts to enhance quinoa growth and productivity under organic farming. Three quinoa cultivars, KVL–SRA2 (C1), Chipaya (C2), and Q–37 (C3), were grown organically and subjected to foliar spraying with AE or MLE at a 20% ratio, as well as their combination (AE+MLE). Plant performance of the three cultivars was significantly enhanced by MLE or AE applications as compared with control plants. The highest outputs were obtained by AE+MLE treatment, which significantly increased the seed yield by about 29% as compa...

Plants, 2021
The continuity of traditional planting systems in the last few decades has encountered its most s... more The continuity of traditional planting systems in the last few decades has encountered its most significant challenge in the harsh changes in the global climate, leading to frustration in the plant growth and productivity, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions cultivated with moderate or sensitive crops to abiotic stresses. Faba bean, like most legume crops, is considered a moderately sensitive crop to saline soil and/or saline water. In this connection, a field experiment was conducted during the successive winter seasons 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 in a salt-affected soil to explore the combined effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and potassium (K) silicate on maintaining the soil quality, performance, and productivity of faba bean plants irrigated with either fresh water or saline water. Our findings indicated that the coupled use of PGPR and K silicate under the saline water irrigation treatment had the capability to reduce the levels of exchangeable sodium...

Agronomy, 2021
The development of new approaches for sustaining soil quality, leaf health, and maize productivit... more The development of new approaches for sustaining soil quality, leaf health, and maize productivity are imperative in light of water deficit and soil salinity. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and silica nanoparticles (SiNP) are expected to improve soil chemistry leading to improved plant performance and productivity. In this field experiment, water deficit is imposed by three irrigation intervals—12 (I1), 15 (I2), and 18 (I3) days. Plants are also treated with foliar and soil applications (control, PGPR, SiNP, and PGPR + SiNP) to assess soil enzymatic activity, soil physicochemical properties, plant physiological traits, biochemical analysis, nutrient uptake, and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) plants grown under salt-affected soil during the 2019 and 2020 seasons. With longer irrigation intervals, soil application of PGPR relieves the deleterious impacts of water shortage and improves yield-related traits and maize productivity. This is attributed to the improvement ...

Plants, 2021
Water stress or soil salinity is considered the major environmental factor affecting plant growth... more Water stress or soil salinity is considered the major environmental factor affecting plant growth. When both challenges are present, the soil becomes infertile, limiting plant productivity. In this work a field experiment was conducted during the summer 2019 and 2020 seasons to evaluate whether plant growth-promoting microbes (PGPMs) and nanoparticles (Si-ZnNPs) have the potential to maintain soybean growth, productivity, and seed quality under different watering intervals (every 11 (IW0), 15 (IW1) and 19 (IW2) days) in salt-affected soil. The most extended watering intervals (IW1 and IW2) caused significant increases in Na+ content, and oxidative damage indicators (malondialdehyde (MDA) and electrolyte leakage (EL%)), which led to significant reductions in soybean relative water content (RWC), stomatal conductance, leaf K+, photosynthetic pigments, soluble protein. Subsequently reduced the vegetative growth (root length, nodules dry weight, and total leaves area) and seeds yield. H...

Journal of Plant Production, 2012
To study the effects of foliar application with micronutrients on yield and yield components of f... more To study the effects of foliar application with micronutrients on yield and yield components of faba bean (c.v. Misr 1), an experimental research was conducted in complete randomized block design by three replications during the two growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 in Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research Station, El-Behera Governorate. Results shwoed that, spraying with Fe+Zn+Mn increased plant height, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, number of seeds/plant, 100 seed weight and seed yield /faddan in the combined data. Also, chemical constituent, chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, reducing sugars and the non reducing sugars significantly increased in all treatments spray with micronutrients compared with non-treated (control). Meanwhile, Altermaria leaf spot incidence on treated plants significantly decreased 18.2%-60.5% compared with non-treated control plants.

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2017
ABSTRACT Two field experiments were executed to investigate the effects of foliar-applied moringa... more ABSTRACT Two field experiments were executed to investigate the effects of foliar-applied moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extract (MLE; 1:30 w/v) and salicylic acid (SA; 0.5 mmol), singly or in combination, on growth, physio-biochemical, yield attributes and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize (Zea mays L., Three Ways Cross 329) under full and deficit irrigation conditions. Deficit irrigation was carried out by withholding water for 36 d from 12 to 48 days after sowing (DAS). At vegetative stage, deficit irrigation significantly decreased all growth criteria, chlorophyll a concentration, and relative water content (RWC). In contrast, deficit irrigation considerably increased the concentrations of carotenoids, proline, membrane permeability (MP) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Similarly, grain yield, most yield components and WUE were significantly depressed in drought-stressed plants. However, foliar-applied treatments particularly MLE+SA significantly increased growth traits, photosynthetic pigments, RWC and proline accumulation associated with a simultaneous decrease in MP and MDA concentration under full and deficit irrigation conditions. The application of MLE+SA markedly increased grain yield, yield components and WUE over control (spray tap water). Overall, the combined application of MLE and SA could be used for alleviating the adverse effects of growth, physiology, yield criteria and WUE in drought-stressed maize plants.

Journal of Plant Production, 2015
In order to investigate the influence of different irrigation regimes i.e. irrigation at tillerin... more In order to investigate the influence of different irrigation regimes i.e. irrigation at tillering stage (I1), at tillering and heading stage (I2) at tillering , heading and grain filling stage (I3) of the available soil moisture depletion with three methods of sowing i.e. broadcasting, drilling and beds sowing on some and characters of growth attributes, relative water content, water use efficiency and drought susceptibility index for four wheat cultivars namely; Gemmeiza-11,Misr-1, Shandaweel-1 and Sids-12. So, two field trials was carried out during 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons, at El-Gemmeiza Agric. Res. Stat. The results can be summarized as follows: Subjecting wheat plants to drought-stress resulted in a significant reduction in plant height, number of days to heading, number of days to maturity, grain filling period, flag leaf area and relative water content. Water use efficiency and total chlorophyll content tends significantly increased as irrigation regime decreased. Moreover, number of days to heading, number of days to maturity, grain filling period and flag leaf area were insignificant differed due to the tested sowing methods. However, beds sowing method was significantly differed total chlorophyll content, relative water content and water use efficiency. Gemmeiza-11 cultivar surpassed others tested cultivars with respect the abovementioned traits, except number of days to maturity since Shandaweel-1 cultivar was the earliest. Wheat plants grown under severe water deficit were more sensitive to drought. This was clear from drought sensitivity based on drought susceptibility index. Sids-12 and Misr-1 cultivars was proved to be the most drought-tolerant cultivar compared to the other tested ones.
Journal of Plant Production, 2018
Two field experiments were carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station, El-Gharbia G... more Two field experiments were carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station, El-Gharbia Governorate during two successive seasons of 2012 and 2013. These experiments were conducted to study the probability of using clean agriculture to produce organic cotton and reduce environmental pollution. A randomized complete block design with 4 replicates was used in both seasons, where the following twelve patterns were evaluated with regard to growth and its attributes of the Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense, L.), cultivar Giza 86:-Patterns 1, 2, 3 and 4 included two rates of mineral NPK fertilizers (45 kg N: 22.5kg P2O5 :24 kg K2O /fed (the recommended rate) and 60 kg N :30 kg P2O5 : 36 kg K2O /fed) in combination with chemical or bio-control, respectively.

Journal of Plant Production, 2015
Two field experiments were conducted at Gemmeiza Agric. Res. Stat. during 2011/12 and 2012/13 gro... more Two field experiments were conducted at Gemmeiza Agric. Res. Stat. during 2011/12 and 2012/13 growing seasons, to study the influence of different irrigation regimes i.e. irrigation at tillering stage (I1), at tillering and heading stage (I2) and at tillering , heading and grain filling stage (I3) with three methods of sowing i.e. broadcasting, drilling and beds sowing on yield and its components of four wheat cultivars namely Gemmeiza-11, Misr-1, Shandaweel-1 and Sids-12.A significant reductions in grain and straw yields in both seasons was obtained as a result to subjecting wheat plants to drought-stress. Results showed that three irrigations increased significantly number of spikes/m 2 , number of grains/spike, 1000-grain weight, grain weight/spike, biological yield and harvest index except protein content. It could be noticed beds sowing method gave highest yield components. Gemmeiza-11 wheat cultivar surpassed the other tested cultivars concerning with the above mentioned traits, except number of spikes/m 2 and straw yield. While, Misr-1 surpassed in no. of spikes in both seasons and harvest index in the second season, however, Shandaweel-1 produced the highest protein content. A significant interactions between the effect of irrigation (I), sowing methods (M) and wheat cultivars (V) were found in increasing the yield and its components, except between irrigation and sowing methods (I x M) concerning with grain weight/spike (g), grain yield (ardab/fad), straw yield (ton/fad) and biological yield (ton/ fad) in the second season only. Correlation positive and significant relationships between grain yield/fad and all yield components. It could be concluded that to get highest productivity of wheat under middle delta region conditions it must cultivate Gemmeiza-11 cultivar with addition of three irrigations with using the beds sowing method.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017

Two field experiments were carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agriculture Experiments and Research Statio... more Two field experiments were carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agriculture Experiments and Research Station, ARC, El-Gharbia Governorate, Egypt during 2008 and 2009 seasons. The objectives were to study the effect of three cropping systems soybean/maize, three time of soybean planting and two distribution of maize plants on yield and its components for both crops. A split-split plot design with three replications was used in RCBD. Data analysis indicated that, all studied traits recorded significant effects due to the interactions between cropping systems and Time of planting and distribution maize plants in both seasons. The highest ear leaf area and 100-grain weight were found with treatment cropping system (2:4) x soybean planted 21 days after maize and second distribution of maize planting in both seasons. While, grain yield /fed. was different from season to anther, but treatment cropping system (2:2) x Soybean planted 21 days before maize and the first distribution of maize planting recorded the highest values of grain yield/fed. in the first season, and the same cropping system in the second season with both distribution maize plants and soybean planted 21 days after maize. The highest seed yield/fed. was found with the interactions between cropping system (2:4) and the second distribution of maize planting and both time of planting soybean planted with maize and soybean planted 21 days after maize in first and second season, respectively. The highest values of LER recorded with intercropping systems (2:2) and (2:4) in both seasons.
Asian Journal of Crop Science, 2014
Papers by usama abd El-Razek