Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem
Prof. Salem (PhD, 1995) is the Prof. of Immunology at Tanta University, Egypt. Dr. Salem is the Founder and Director of the Center of Excellence in Cancer Research, Tanta University, Egypt; Founder, and Chairman of the Egyptian Association for Cancer Research. He is among the founding members of the Middle Eastern Association for Cancer Research, Canada. Dr. Salem is the General Supervisor of Delta Development Research Center, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt; Ex-Director of the Grant, Innovation & Technology Transfer Center; Member of the Executive Board of Directors, Zewail City, Supervision Board Committee, New Egyptian Community Universities; Scientific Advisor to Galala University and Regional Development Center, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. He was Visiting Prof at the Medical University of South Carolina, USA.
Dr. Salem awarded Obada-prize for Distinguished Researcher, endowed by the African Academy of Sciences and the Natural Sciences Publishing, USA. April 2021. He also Khalifa Education Award for Distinguished University Professor in Research in Arab Countries (2020); Tanta University Award for Excellence in Research (2020); The State Medal of Science and Arts of the first class, President of Egypt, 2019; the State Esteemed Award in Basic Sciences (2018); State Excellence Award in Basic Sciences (2009); State Encouraging Award in Biology (2003), Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. He also won Tanta University Esteemed Award, Tanta University, Egypt (2015).
Dr. Salem obtained his BSc (Zoology) in 1984, his MSc (Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy), in 1989, and PhD (Immunology) in 1995 from the Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. He was appointed as Demonstrator in 1984, Assistant Lecturer in 1989, and Lecturer in 1996 at Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University. He obtained a PhD grant from Egypt (Channel System) to study Immunology Department, Kyushu University, Japan from 10/1992-1/1995 and a Japanese Postdoctoral Fellowship at the same department from 10/1997-3/2001. He worked as an Ass. Prof. from 2001-2010 at Surgery Department, Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, USA.
Dr. Salem is a fellow of the World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS), a member of the WAMS Int. Scientific Council, and Chair of the WAMS Int. Board of Immunology, WAMS, The Netherlands. He is a member of several national committees including the National Committee for Professorship Promotion, National Committee for the Biological Sciences, National Committee for Scientific Research Strategies, National Committee for Basic Sciences Sector, Supreme Council of the Egyptian Universities, and Council of Basic Science Sector, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. He is a member of several editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals as well as ad hoc reviewers for more than 80 journals.
Dr. Salem's h-index is 33 and published 172 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and attended more than 100 national and international conferences. He supervised more than 80 Master's and PhD students. He was invited to give scientific talks (90 talks) in Egypt, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, USA, China and Canada. Dr. Salem’s research focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying how cancer escapes from host immunity, in particular the rules of the immunosuppressive cells including lymphoid and myeloid lineages as well as developing effective anticancer immunotherapy strategies. His research projects have been funded by the National Institute of Health, USA; European Union, Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Egypt, USA National Academy of Sciences, Tanta University, Egypt, private foundation and industry.
Phone: 0174272624
Dr. Salem awarded Obada-prize for Distinguished Researcher, endowed by the African Academy of Sciences and the Natural Sciences Publishing, USA. April 2021. He also Khalifa Education Award for Distinguished University Professor in Research in Arab Countries (2020); Tanta University Award for Excellence in Research (2020); The State Medal of Science and Arts of the first class, President of Egypt, 2019; the State Esteemed Award in Basic Sciences (2018); State Excellence Award in Basic Sciences (2009); State Encouraging Award in Biology (2003), Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. He also won Tanta University Esteemed Award, Tanta University, Egypt (2015).
Dr. Salem obtained his BSc (Zoology) in 1984, his MSc (Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy), in 1989, and PhD (Immunology) in 1995 from the Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. He was appointed as Demonstrator in 1984, Assistant Lecturer in 1989, and Lecturer in 1996 at Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University. He obtained a PhD grant from Egypt (Channel System) to study Immunology Department, Kyushu University, Japan from 10/1992-1/1995 and a Japanese Postdoctoral Fellowship at the same department from 10/1997-3/2001. He worked as an Ass. Prof. from 2001-2010 at Surgery Department, Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, USA.
Dr. Salem is a fellow of the World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS), a member of the WAMS Int. Scientific Council, and Chair of the WAMS Int. Board of Immunology, WAMS, The Netherlands. He is a member of several national committees including the National Committee for Professorship Promotion, National Committee for the Biological Sciences, National Committee for Scientific Research Strategies, National Committee for Basic Sciences Sector, Supreme Council of the Egyptian Universities, and Council of Basic Science Sector, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. He is a member of several editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals as well as ad hoc reviewers for more than 80 journals.
Dr. Salem's h-index is 33 and published 172 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and attended more than 100 national and international conferences. He supervised more than 80 Master's and PhD students. He was invited to give scientific talks (90 talks) in Egypt, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, USA, China and Canada. Dr. Salem’s research focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying how cancer escapes from host immunity, in particular the rules of the immunosuppressive cells including lymphoid and myeloid lineages as well as developing effective anticancer immunotherapy strategies. His research projects have been funded by the National Institute of Health, USA; European Union, Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Egypt, USA National Academy of Sciences, Tanta University, Egypt, private foundation and industry.
Phone: 0174272624
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Books by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem
and the laws governing the various things and phenomena that
we see in the natural world. Scientific research concerns the act
of knowingwhat mankind does not know yet. And science follows
very definite methods in trying to know what is yet unknown.
In the past various approaches have been proposed for finding
out the answers to the questionswe have about various events
and things. Some of these have proved to be useful, and some
have led people astray. Finally, after much trial and error, after
much groping in the dark, after many successes and failures,
science has found the proper methodological approach to find
truth about nature. This is what constitutes the philosophy of
Practical strategies for better decision making, problem solving and goal
This book is an excellent introduction to the basic principles of critical
thinking. It will provide you with insightful tips, and easy steps that you can
follow to solve problems efficiently. The tips presented in this book aren’t
restricted to just one scenario and can be made use of in every aspect of life.
Critical thinking is the ability to think objectively and rationally about a
particular situation without letting your emotions rule you. This is an
important skill that’s quite important in life if you want to be successful. Like any other skill, this one can be easily learned! All it needs is a little bit of practice and patience.
In this book, you will learn about critical thinking, the skills essential for
critical thinking, strategies for better decision-making, and you will find tips for problem solving, and the learn the strategies needed for setting goals. The tips and various strategies mentioned in this book are not only easy to understand but can be followed quite easily as well. Let us get started without any further ado.
وهكذا تحيا القلوب الرقيقة التي تبحث دائما عن يد تكفكف عليها أو كلمة تطبطب عليها. وعن تلك القلوب وعن تلك المشاعر تدور هذه المجموعة القصصية التي قد تجد نفسك فيها هنا أو هناك محاولا أن تمنع مشاعرك من السقوط
and the laws governing the various things and phenomena that
we see in the natural world. Scientific research concerns the act
of knowingwhat mankind does not know yet. And science follows
very definite methods in trying to know what is yet unknown.
In the past various approaches have been proposed for finding
out the answers to the questionswe have about various events
and things. Some of these have proved to be useful, and some
have led people astray. Finally, after much trial and error, after
much groping in the dark, after many successes and failures,
science has found the proper methodological approach to find
truth about nature. This is what constitutes the philosophy of
Practical strategies for better decision making, problem solving and goal
This book is an excellent introduction to the basic principles of critical
thinking. It will provide you with insightful tips, and easy steps that you can
follow to solve problems efficiently. The tips presented in this book aren’t
restricted to just one scenario and can be made use of in every aspect of life.
Critical thinking is the ability to think objectively and rationally about a
particular situation without letting your emotions rule you. This is an
important skill that’s quite important in life if you want to be successful. Like any other skill, this one can be easily learned! All it needs is a little bit of practice and patience.
In this book, you will learn about critical thinking, the skills essential for
critical thinking, strategies for better decision-making, and you will find tips for problem solving, and the learn the strategies needed for setting goals. The tips and various strategies mentioned in this book are not only easy to understand but can be followed quite easily as well. Let us get started without any further ado.
وهكذا تحيا القلوب الرقيقة التي تبحث دائما عن يد تكفكف عليها أو كلمة تطبطب عليها. وعن تلك القلوب وعن تلك المشاعر تدور هذه المجموعة القصصية التي قد تجد نفسك فيها هنا أو هناك محاولا أن تمنع مشاعرك من السقوط
أشد ما يحزنني أثناء قراءتي في الفلسفة على وجه العموم وفلسفة العلم على وجه الخصوص أن معظم فلاسفة الغرب مثل هيجل يعتقدون بل ويصرحون أن الفلسفة إنتاج أوروبي مطلق تمتد جذوره في اليونان وسيقانه في أوروبا وخاصة ألمانيا (الجنس الآري الناطق باللغة الآرية) وينفون عن الحضارة المصرية القديمة التي سبقت الحضارة اليونانية بآلاف السنين والتي كانت معابدها وكهنتها (العلماء) تمثل مدارس يتعلم فيها الفلاسفة (العلماء) اليونانيين مثل "طاليس" و "فيثاغورث" وآخرهم "أرسطو". حتي أن العديد من الدراسات أثبتت أن "طاليس" نفسة أصله عربي كنعاني (فينيقي) . إنه الاستعلاء والاستقواء والغرور الذي أصاب فلاسفة أوروبا ما قبل وما بعد الحداثة (التي بدأت بعد عصر ديكارت).
"شكرا للفلفل الأحمر"
مقال بقلم د. محمد لبيب سالم
من يحمي خلايانا والخلايا في الحيوانات والنباتات من العطب والشيخوخة، بل وفي النهاية الموت المبرمج. فالخلية في حالة عمل دائما ولا تنام ولا تهدأ إلى قليلا أثناء النوم. وطالما الخلية تعمل وتكد وتجتهد فلابد من تكوين مخرجات نتيجة لعملية الأكسدة التي تتسبب في إيذائها أو موتها أو تحويلها إلى خلايا سرطانية.
- The 3 signal Model for Generation of Killer T cells Immunotherapy
- Negative Stimulatory PD-1 and PDL-1
- Nobel Prize winners: Allison and Honjo
- Clinical Applications of the scientific findings