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Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics

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(no subject) [Nov. 11th, 2007|01:41 pm]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics

Fruits basket x7
Gokinjo monogatari/paradise kiss x8
Howls moving castle x2
Spirited Away x1
InuYasha x9
Samurai Champloo x3
xxxHOLiC x1
Paprika x1
Excel Saga x1

J Artists:
Anna Tsuchiya x9
Mari Yaguchi x3
Utada Hikaru x3
Miyavi x9
Ringo shiina x1
Kana x8

Music & Artists:
Metric x2
Karen O x5--these are not resized to 100x100, I apologize!!
The blow x4
Peaches x1
Kelli ali x1
Gravy Train!!!! x1
Chicks on Speed x1

San-x x1
The sea is watching x3
Misc x1
Across the Universe x1
Battle Royale x3
Tank Girl x2
Memoirs of a Geisha x1

Video Games:
Kingdom Hearts x1
Princess Peach/Super mario Sunshine x5
Zelda (Wind waker, Ocarina of time, Twilight Princess, phg, x19
Katamari x1


( Follow the fake cut )
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(no subject) [Sep. 4th, 2006|03:29 am]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics

Delete if not allowed.

A community for banners and icons of any kind.
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6 x tank girl icons [Dec. 1st, 2005|01:48 am]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics



Read my user info for rules regarding these icons.

Id love some feedback as well!


1. 2. 4.

(fake cut to the rest)
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(no subject) [Oct. 29th, 2005|03:01 pm]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics


Hope its alright to post these here?

Please credit me and ask if you want to use as a base.

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(no subject) [Jan. 7th, 2005|01:27 pm]
Icons from the Tank Girl Movies and Comics

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