Papers by JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz

This study is a Comparative Foreign Policy (CFP) analysis of the Palestine Liberation Organizatio... more This study is a Comparative Foreign Policy (CFP) analysis of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) foreign policy behavior from 1964 through 1981. This study develops and tests a role modification model that accounts for evolutionary changes in foreign policy behavior. One of the major premises of this research is that what often appears as dramatic restructuring in foreign policy is actually the culmination of a series of modifications that transpired over an extended period of time. The model relies on a total of six independent variables as determinants of PLO foreign policy output representing multiple levels of analysis. There are a total of 12 dependent variables expressed as either foreign policy tactical roles or strategic goals. Relying on content analysis of relevant PLO documents, the role modification model demonstrates that the foreign policy output of the PLO experienced a gradual, over time change in both the means and ends of its foreign policy. The model...

Recent literature in entrepreneurship suggests that institutions matter for entrepreneurial inves... more Recent literature in entrepreneurship suggests that institutions matter for entrepreneurial investment. Prior studies, however, have focused on the role of formal institutions. Yet, many emerging economies have had high levels of entrepreneurial investment for a relatively long period with deficient formal institutions. This study argues that political connections, which are a more fundamental aspect of networking in emerging economies, may act as substitutes for deficient market and legal institutions, thus facilitating entrepreneurial investment. The empirical test uses a nationally representative sample of entrepreneurial firms in reform-era China. The results suggest that entrepreneurial firms with political connections (or higher level political connections) have significantly higher reinvestment rate, in particular, among smaller firms. xxx 1105 investment in emerging markets. The empirical test uses a nationally representative sample of 1946 Chinese entrepreneurial firms surveyed in 1997. China in the early reform era (1978-1999) provides an appropriate context for this test for two reasons. First, China has been the largest emerging economy since it initiated economic reform in the late 1970s (Naughton, 2007). Second, despite unfavorable legal and regulatory institutions and a less developed market system as in many other emerging economies, Chinese entrepreneurs have maintained high level of reinvestment rate and thus have played an increasingly important role in China's rapid economic growth in the reform era (Zhou, 2009). 2. POLITICAL CONNECTIONS AND ENTREPRENEURIAL INVESTMENT 2.1 Institutions and entrepreneurship The recent entrepreneurship literature has highlighted the association between institutions and
chapter 1 Introduction chapter 2 Maneuvering the Academic Culture chapter 3 Women, Men, and Job S... more chapter 1 Introduction chapter 2 Maneuvering the Academic Culture chapter 3 Women, Men, and Job Satisfaction Academia chapter 4 The Academy: Vehicle for Gender Equity and Cultural Justice chapter 5 Social Systems Barriers of Women in Academia chapter 6 The Empress's New Clothes chapter 7 Teaching Cultural Diversity chapter 8 Using Inquiry and Children's Literature to Ask Hard Questions With Women in Education chapter 9 Recognizing our Students chapter 10 Bringing Women's Ways of Knowing to Doctoral Research chapter 11 Conclusion chapter 12 Bibliography
Remembrance and Forgiveness, 2020

This study is a Comparative Foreign Policy (CFP) analysis of the Palestine Liberation Organizatio... more This study is a Comparative Foreign Policy (CFP) analysis of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) foreign policy behavior from 1964 through 1981. This study develops and tests a role modification model that accounts for evolutionary changes in foreign policy behavior. One of the major premises of this research is that what often appears as dramatic restructuring in foreign policy is actually the culmination of a series of modifications that transpired over an extended period of time. The model relies on a total of six independent variables as determinants of PLO foreign policy output representing multiple levels of analysis. There are a total of 12 dependent variables expressed as either foreign policy tactical roles or strategic goals. Relying on content analysis of relevant PLO documents, the role modification model demonstrates that the foreign policy output of the PLO experienced a gradual, over time change in both the means and ends of its foreign policy. The model also identifies the conditions under which any one of the independent variables is able to exclusively determine foreign policy output and which roles one can reasonably expect the PLO to exercise under a given circumstance.

Introduction by JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz Expanding the Academic Knowledge Base: Helping Students to C... more Introduction by JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz Expanding the Academic Knowledge Base: Helping Students to Cross Gender's Great Divide by Margaret Konz Snooks Teaching About Gender Through Experience: A Pedagogy of Engagement by Cindy Simon Rosenthal Homeless in Academia: Homesteading as a Strategy for Change in a World of Hegemonic Masculinity by Annica Kronsell Feminism and Interdisciplinarity by Sharlene Hesse-Biber Women in Art: A Continuing Controversy by J. Susan Isaacs Radical Learning: A New Vision of Feminist Pedagogy by Peggy Douglas Beyond Gender and Heterosexuality: Teaching Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson in an Undergraduate Classroon by Justyna Kostkawska A Model for Evaluating Gender Equity in Academe by Kenneth L. Miller and Susan M. Miller The Transformative Leadership of Women in Higher Education Administration by Margaret Madden Institutional Barriers for Women Scientists and Engineers: What Four Years of Survey Data of NSF POWRE Awardees Reveal by Sue V. Rosser Th...
The Middle East Journal, 2009
Oral History Review, 2016
Teaching in Higher Education, 2010
Papers by JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz