Papers by Ernesto F L Amaral
Espaço para a Saúde - Revista de Saúde Pública do Paraná, 2015

Rand health quarterly, Jan 9, 2016
The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 addressed the need for access to time... more The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 addressed the need for access to timely, high-quality health care for veterans. Section 201 of the legislation called for an independent assessment of various aspects of veterans' health care. The RAND Corporation was tasked with an assessment of the current and projected demographics and health care needs of patients served by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The number of U.S. veterans will continue to decline over the next decade, and the demographic mix and geographic locations of these veterans will change. While the number of veterans using VA health care has increased over time, demand will level off in the coming years. Veterans have more favorable economic circumstances than non-veterans, but they are also older and more likely to be diagnosed with many health conditions. Not all veterans are eligible for or use VA health care. Whether and to what extent an eligible veteran uses VA health care depends o...

The aim of this article is to discuss the idea of rationality in online debates. Taking a deliber... more The aim of this article is to discuss the idea of rationality in online debates. Taking a deliberative approach, this article analyzes 2,375 comments about LGBT rights across four different platforms: Facebook, Youtube, News Portals, and Votenaweb (which was specifically designed as a platform for discussions about bills proposed in the Brazilian National Congress). Using reason-giving as a dependent variable, the article tests five hypotheses: (H1) the number of posts presenting arguments for their positions is directly related to the platform on which these comments were posted; (H2) the chances that a post will present arguments is greater when the forum is balanced; (H3) the chances that a post will present arguments is greater when reciprocity is more frequent; (H4) the chances that a post will present arguments is smaller when the level of disrespect is greater; and (H5) the chances that a post will present arguments diminish when the comments are written by anonymous participants. The results show the importance of the nature of the platform and the salience of respect in inducing reason-giving.
IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 2016
IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 2015
... Daniel Hamermesh, Joseph Potter, Starling Pullum, Thomas Pullum, Eduardo Rios-Neto, Bryan Rob... more ... Daniel Hamermesh, Joseph Potter, Starling Pullum, Thomas Pullum, Eduardo Rios-Neto, Bryan Roberts, Viviana Salinas, Eunice Vargas, Andrés Villarreal and participants at several conferences played an important role in the discussions that led up to this analysis. v Page 7. ...
Resumo: A avaliação de políticas públicas no Brasil é uma área ainda incipiente do ponto de vista... more Resumo: A avaliação de políticas públicas no Brasil é uma área ainda incipiente do ponto de vista conceitual e metodológico. Acredita-se que o fortalecimento desta atividade e o reconhecimento de sua importância culminariam em uma maior preocupação e discussão a respeito do processo avaliativo de políticas públicas, além de um aprimoramento da capacidade de gestão do Estado. Com base em uma revisão bibliográfica, este trabalho apresenta conceitos-chave ligados ao tema das políticas públicas, avalia os aspectos políticos do ciclo da política pública no Brasil e examina a importância do fortalecimento da atividade de avaliação de políticas públicas no País.
This study aims to investigate the determinants of female sterilization in Brazil. The analysis i... more This study aims to investigate the determinants of female sterilization in Brazil. The analysis is innovative because it adds the time of exposure to the risk of sterilization into survival models. The models control for postpartum duration, age at delivery, parity at delivery, place of delivery, region of residence at the time of interview, color/race, and years of schooling at the time of interview.

Este trabalho analisa a relação entre o ensino profissionalizante e o aproveitamento do primeiro ... more Este trabalho analisa a relação entre o ensino profissionalizante e o aproveitamento do primeiro dividendo demográfico em Minas Gerais. A hipótese é que aqueles que cursaram o ensino profissionalizante têm mais chances de empregar-se e maiores rendimentos salariais. Desta forma, a capacitação profissional seria um bom investimento para um maior desenvolvimento econômico e social do estado, promovendo o aproveitamento da favorável situação demográfica vivenciada. Foram utilizados os dados da Pesquisa por Amostragem de Domicílios de Minas Gerais (PAD-MG) de 2009 e 2011, desenvolvida pela Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP). Na análise da empregabilidade foram estimados modelos logísticos, e para a avaliação da renda foram estimados modelos de mínimos quadrados ordinários (MQO). Diante dos resultados, é possível notar que aqueles que cursam o ensino profissionalizante têm mais chances de entrada no mercado de trabalho e um rendimento salarial mais alto, mantendo-se tudo mais constante.
This paper estimates the impact of demographic and educational changes on the earnings and return... more This paper estimates the impact of demographic and educational changes on the earnings and returns to schooling of workers in Brazil and Mexico. Our analysis takes into account demographic, educational and economic variations within each country over time, using Censuses microdata from Brazil and Mexico. Results suggest that demographic and educational transitions generate impact on earnings and on returns to education.

We analyze the 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000, and 2010 Brazilian Demographic Censuses, in order to inves... more We analyze the 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000, and 2010 Brazilian Demographic Censuses, in order to investigate the associated factors with a woman having had a live birth during the year prior to each census. We estimated logistic regression models for women aged 10–49 years. As independent variables, we selected region of residence, rural/urban location, presence of electricity, color/race, religion, marital status, labor market participation, time of residence in the municipality, information about whether they had a stillbirth, age, education, and parity. Our findings confirm that the probability a woman had a child is higher in the North and Northeast regions, as well as in households without electricity. Women that have a greater chance of having had a child are black/brown, Catholic, married, non-labor market participants, short-term migrants, experienced a stillbirth, between 20–29 years of age, have less education, and have higher parity. Patterns have been changing throughout time, thus posing questions for further analyses.

Brazil is characterized by racial and socioeconomic segregation. The objective of the research pr... more Brazil is characterized by racial and socioeconomic segregation. The objective of the research presented here is to analyze socioeconomic and racial segregation in three metropolitan areas (Recife, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre). Microdata from the 2000 Brazilian Census was used for this analysis, as well as maps produced for the selected areas by groups of census tracts (áreas de ponderação), using Geographic Information Systems techniques. In general, results indicate that among those areas with a majority of whites, a high proportion of the population holds at least high school degree. Moreover, the nonwhite population lives farther away from the core of the municipality, compared to whites. Finally, whites tend to live in less elevated areas with more public infrastructure and a greater availability of major roads. An improvement to this research could be the inclusion of spatial analysis and statistical models to better understand the relationship between race and socioeconomic indicators.

This paper analyzes the impact of the educational conditions of Brazil's Bolsa Família Program on... more This paper analyzes the impact of the educational conditions of Brazil's Bolsa Família Program on the school enrollment, age-grade discrepancy, and labor of children benefiting from the program. The main hypotheses of this paper is that a child who lives in a household that receives the benefit has higher chances of being in school, lower chances to have age-grade discrepancy, and lower chances of working. Data used are from the 2010 Brazilian Demographic Census. Logistical models were estimated for each dependent variable (school enrollment, age-grade discrepancy, and child labor) and for three household income thresholds. Independent variables account for characteristics related to the household, mother, child, and whether the household was receiving Bolsa Família. The income thresholds are a maximum household per capita income of 70 Brazilian Reais, 140 Brazilian Reais (the official maximum value for eligibility into the Bolsa Família in 2010), and 280 Brazilian Reais. Models were also estimated separated by the rural and urban areas in the official income threshold. Results follow initial hypotheses of higher chances of school enrollment and lower chances of age-grade discrepancy among children who receive Bolsa Família. However, models also suggest higher chances of child labor among beneficiaries of the program.

This study analyzes the profile of female sterilization in Brazil by age, parity, type of deliver... more This study analyzes the profile of female sterilization in Brazil by age, parity, type of delivery, place of delivery, color/race, region of residence, years of schooling, marital status, and number of unions. The descriptive analysis is based on the 2006 Brazilian National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children (PNDS), which has information on history of pregnancies with live births from 2001 to 2006. Results suggest that: (1) women with high levels of sterilization, high percentages of more than one pregnancy in the period, and larger parity than the desired number of children tend to have high parity, be black, brown, or indigenous, reside in the North or Northeast, have low levels of education, and have two or more unions; and (2) women with high levels of sterilization, low percentages of more than one pregnancy in the period, and lower parity than the desired number of children tend to have cesarean sections, give birth utilizing private health care obtained through a private insurance plan or direct out-of-pocket payment at private hospitals, and be married. The 1997 family planning law could be altered in order to allow female sterilization in conjunction with childbirth, as a way to attend the demand of Brazilian women in public hospitals.
Migration and Development, 2015
Papers by Ernesto F L Amaral