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""I've never felt so free as when I'm in this classroom," says Roy B., a sixty-two year student in my philosophy course. We had just finished a discussion on Descartes, and Roy said this in his truck-driver twang, the wrinkles around his... more
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In response to the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, a "solution" of providing body cameras to police officers was proposed. The following week, Eric Garner's death was caught on tape, but no indictment occurred. Will body... more
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      Race and EthnicitySocial JusticePoliceMichel Foucault
A review of Prison Obscura, a photographic exhibit that explores the relationship between the prison and the camera.
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      ArtPhotographyContemporary ArtSocial Justice
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      Animal EthicsUrban Wildlife
Animal ethicists have recently debated the ethical questions raised by disenhancing animals to improve their welfare. Here, we focus on the particular case of breeding hens for commercial egg-laying systems to become blind, in order to... more
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      Animal EthicsAnimal WelfareUtilitarianismPerfectionism
Some species face extinction if they are unable to keep pace with climate change. Yet proposals to assist threatened species' poleward or uphill migration ('assisted migration') have caused significant controversy among conservationists,... more
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      Applied EthicsClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationEnvironmental Studies
This chapter provides an overview of
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    • Environmental Ethics
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      Veterinary MedicineAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsAnimal Welfare
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      Climate ChangeClimate ethics
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Sustainability
In his paper "The Opposite of Human Enhancement: Nanotechnology and the Blind Chicken problem" (Nanoethics 2:305-316, 2008) Paul Thompson argues that the possibility of "disenhancing" animals in order to improve animal welfare poses a... more
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      Animal EthicsNon-Identity ProblemAnimal Genetic engineering
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Sustainability
It is frequently claimed that breeding animals that we know will have unavoidable health problems is at least prima facie wrong, because it harms the animals concerned. However, if we take 'harm' to mean 'makes worse off', this claim... more
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      Veterinary MedicineAnimal EthicsVeterinary ScienceNon-Identity Problem
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      Animal EthicsAnimal RightsVeterinary ScienceFeral cat
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      Environmental EthicsEnvironmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)Reparations
Recent years have seen a drastic increase in the rates of overweight and obesity among people living in some developed nations. There has also been increased concern over obesity in companion animals. In the latest article in Veterinary... more
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      Veterinary MedicineObesityVeterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary
Few biologists have studied the evolutionary processes at work in indoor environments. Yet indoor environments comprise approximately 0.5% of ice-free land area -an area as large as the subtropical coniferous forest biome. Here we review... more
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      Indoor environment - thermal comfort, indoor air quality health and wellbeingIndoor Environment and EnergyIndoor environmental quality