Papers by Prof A. Selvarasu

Aquarium business service is an unexplored area of research, from the prospective of customer val... more Aquarium business service is an unexplored area of research, from the prospective of customer value. The research question has been posed to explore the service encounter of aquarium users. The purpose of the study is to map the aquarist reaction against aquarium user's actions. The study has been designed with triangulation of real-time observation, focused-depth interview of aquarium keeping customers (AKC) and aquarists using Human Activity Modeling (HAM). In the pilot study, brainstorming and expert interview have been conducted to identify attributes and aquarium variants available in the market with the help of blueprinting of aquarium business service (ABS). The grounded theory has been applied with use of QSR NVivo software. The customer value constellation map brought out five different unique customer values viz., planted-design, pet-companion, prosperity/evil-protection aesthetic, exotic-marine and upgradation. The service design requirement has been identified with hobbyist, children, businessperson and youngsters segments of aquarium users.

Abstract-In recent years emphasis has been shifting in medical and paramedical professions from a... more Abstract-In recent years emphasis has been shifting in medical and paramedical professions from almost exclusive concentration upon the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Growth in the healthcare sector, consequently has increased the quantity of waste generated. These waste are termed as biomedical waste and are infectious if not segregated and disposed of in a proper way as prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board in India. Irrespective of the existing rules, there lies a problem in segregation. This study has attempted to formulate innovative ideas of segregation . From the eight ideas of biomedical waste Management, the best three are chosen on the basis of ranking done by twelve experts. The best ideas of using coloured trays, closed containers, and segregation charts are found and ranked again based on their attributes. Orthogonal Design is created for each factors resulting in eight profiles for each factor and 35 health professionals are asked to rank the results. Conjoint Analysis is applied for the study.

In current scenario Mass tourism or Beach tourism or Costal tourism occupies more percentage of r... more In current scenario Mass tourism or Beach tourism or Costal tourism occupies more percentage of recreational tourism while ecotourism contributes less percentage which can be overcome by innovation in ecotourism like Estuary Mouth Tourism [EMT] and Small Island Tourism [SIT] in the form of cooperative tourism management. This study is conducted at Porto Novo-Vellar Estuary to assess the awareness and preferences of tourist in addition to the Mangrove Boating Tourism [MBT]. Data are collected from 35 students at the post graduate and doctoral level in the University using sixteen pictorial profiles of tourism packages combining all alternative tourism packages and 35 tourist respondents who visited the destination about the strength and opportunities of the destination. Conjoint analysis and SWOT analysis are applied for the study. Since floating market contributes a lot to Thailand’s economy. Implementation of cooperative ecotourism, with innovations at this estuary can contribute to economic growth.
Keywords- Ecotourism, Mass tourism, Conjoint analysis, SWOT analysis, Cooperative tourism.

Health care sector is fast growing attributed by growing population and technological advancement... more Health care sector is fast growing attributed by growing population and technological advancement. In the process of diagnosis and treatment more amount of Biomedical waste (BMW) are being generated that possess higher potential for infection if not treated properly. Irrespective of existing policies and practices there are problem associated with segregation, handling, lifting, transportation, milling of BMW. The study has been carried out at RMMCH- Raja Muthiah Medical College Hospital. This research is exploratory and the problems are identified by personal observation, discussion and focused depth interview with few senior health care professionals and nursing staff in RMMCH which in turn needs immediate attention and action for improvement. Keeping this in mind the research proposal is drafted with new innovative management techniques which in turn is an outcome of the brainstorming effect of the team members. The innovative management practices include use of coloured plastic/steel tray, sealing machine in place of manual knot, waste bin with detachable bottom, reusable coloured small container with airtight sealing, mechanical/powered forklift mounted waste collection vehicle and nature mill composting machine. Multidimensional scale analysis will be used for BMW , perceptual mapping and conjoint Analysis for prototype profiling innovative concepts. The outcome of the research is expected to be highly positive and is a boon to the health care industry.

The Responsiveness program of administration has been traced to way back 1972, during the period ... more The Responsiveness program of administration has been traced to way back 1972, during the period of re-election campaign of Richard M. Nixon, the then presidency of Whitehouse. The objectives set for the program has resulted into a devastating performance of re-election of the presidency. The administrative reform commissions of governance has laid out the vision of responsive administration as people (citizen and common man) centred, decentralized (autonomous Local self functional domains), professionalism (constant training - scientific performance assessment), constant assessment of cost and returns based administration. It is emphasized that for the effective responsive administration, refining and redefining become essential (Kerala Administrative Commission Report, 2011). The responsiveness has to be accommodated with changes both internally and externally in a flexible and adaptable ways to anyone in the society(O’Leary, Rosemary et al., 2014). Keeping pace with the new public administration, the business administration has emerged into a new sphere of management than administration in organizations.

The conference war jointly organized by Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patr... more The conference war jointly organized by Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage (VRU), National Innovation Agency, AFBE (Asian Forum for Business Education), Panjab University, Chandigarh and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The key focus of ICIIIM-2014 was to promote worldwide awareness of inclusive innovation and innovative management. There are 27 papers accepted for oral presentation in the ICIIIM 2014 conference. Out of these papers, only good papers are selected for publication of the conference proceedings. The selection was done by the method of double blind, peer review process. These papers are the scholarly articles and representation of research from Bangladesh (University of Dhaka), China (Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Tianjin University of Finance and Economics), Indonesia, India (Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID)Chandigarh; SA Infrastructure Private Limited, Ghaziabad; Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu; Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand; Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies (CDEIS); Punjabi University, Patiala; Business Communication Area, Institute of Management Technology. Ghaziabad; Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad), Philippines (College of Business and Accountancy, Lyceum of the Philippines University; MPA STI College-General Santos City), Portugal, Netherlands (Department of Health Services Research, Maastricht University), Sri- Lanka (Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa), and Thailand (King Mongkut’s University of Technology; Graduate School of Tourism Management, Assumption University, Bangkok; Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University). The submitted papers have been double blind peer reviewed before final submission as to be accepted as papers for oral presentation in the conference. The reviewers are Prof. Brian Sheeshan, President Asian Forum for Business Education, Prof. M.A. Akkas, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka and Prof. Fernando Cardoso de Sousa of APGICO (Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation) for reviewing the papers meticulously in spite of their busy schedule and for giving valuable comments.
IMPACT: There were exchange of new knowledge and insights of research papers from Bangladesh, China (Three), India (Sixteen), Indonesia, Netherlands, Philippines (Fourteen), Portugal (Two), South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka (Two), and Thailand (Seven). The domain knowledge shared during the two days deliberations are, 3G service readiness, quality of work life, organizational culture, grassroots innovation, urban development, SMEs, Islamic banking, leadership styles, knowledge management, service design, teachers’ competency, women empowerment, regional diversity, spirituality, green practices, international tourism, alternative tourism, strategy innovation and inclusive healthcare. It provided a platform for experts, researchers, scholars, students, academicians as well as marketing professionals from all over the world to present their experiences, cases and development activities through presentations, discussions, and publications and exchanging ideas and opinions. In addition, the VRU – organizing University has endorsed their willingness to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Our Annamalai University for a period of five years to collaborate in academic exercises jointly in all possible areas of activities.

The study is to develop standard tools for review of the power of viral marketing in OTC drug mar... more The study is to develop standard tools for review of the power of viral marketing in OTC drug market in particular. The growth of the Indian over-the-counter or OTC market (that is advertised non-prescription medicines) has outperformed globally with a market size of $3.4 billion. With the internet as an increasing locus for consumption, consumer have unparalleled access to information, and the ability to share/receive the messages as ever before, along with the opportunity to interact with other consumers and companies in different ways. Viral marketing is defined as “marketing techniques that use social networks to produce increases in brand awareness through self-replicating viral diffusion of messages, comparable to the spread of pathological viruses” (Kiss and Bichler, 2008). The customers have habituated to receive/share messages exponentially is social network both company’s message content and people’s intent messages. Based on the orientation of Blake Rohrbacher (2002) ORCI, a new operational viral marketing power have been proposed by Gamothaisankar K and Selvarasu A. (2013) as a tool for qualifying viral messages of OTC medicine in social network on internet. The reliability score of the scale has been found with a Cronbach’s alpha value 0.584 and based on standardized items 0.606 with a KMO sample adequacy of 64%. The study is based on multistage sampling that involves random sampling of lottery method have been adhered in the selection of sample respondents. To determine the sample size as 460, the researcher has used the formula of Schaeffer, Mendenhall and Ott (2005). The study tools are pre-tested with Friedman test and shows significant value. The concept of viral marketing power comprises of seven subscales namely self medication value (SMV), OTC drug value (ODV), emergency value (EmV), vital value (VV), guile value (GV), spiral value (SV), and vile value (ViV), six independent variables namely net savvy, social network savvy, click, referral share, see/receive and OTC web content, and eight covariates namely market maven (MM), customer knowledge (CK), product knowledge (PK), time (Ti), treatment (Tr), money (Mo), fun, and attitude (Att) are used to study the effects of viral messages. Individual effects of each subscale have been studied. Also the interaction effects of the subscales in viral marketing power have been studied.

A theory of sustainable competitive positional advantage has been proposed as an important tool f... more A theory of sustainable competitive positional advantage has been proposed as an important tool for identifying the
sustainable competitive position of products and services in the minds of consumers. In order to verify this theory, one
of the growing sectors, print media has been selected. It is observed that there are more than twenty English dailies
brands available at the National and State level in India. The researcher has proposed the study in line with the conceptual and research propositions postulated by Sunder G. Bharadwaj et al. (1993). The objective of the study is to identify and describe the sustainable competitive positional advantage of various English dailies in general and cost leaderships (price) as well as differentiations in particular based on demographics, psychographics, reading activity, opinion and interest. In addition, the study is attempted to draw perceptual maps of top of mind brands of English dailies based on cost leadership and differentiation dimensions. The study has been designed
based on a new marketing scale (A. Selvarasu and C. Kathiravan, 2007). There are eight variables adopted from Todd McCauley and Mary Nesbitt (2004), namely, Motivators, Inhibitors, Personality, News Content, Advertisement Content, Innovation, Quality, and Service Excellent to describe competitive advantage of English dailies. All the eight variables of English dailies have been redefined using four variables of sustainability, namely, rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substituable (Barney, 1991 and Coyney, 1986). The overall scores for SCPA have been computed at three levels such as low score, medium score and high score of English dailies in accordance with approach of competitive advantage as cost leadership, differentiation and focus (Michael Porter, 1980-1985).
Keywords: sustainable competitive positional advantage, English dailies, cost leadership, differentiation, strategies,
readership, motivators, inhibitors, personality, news content, advertisement content, innovation, quality, service excellent,
rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substitutable.

Aquarium business service is an unexplored area of research, from the prospective of customer val... more Aquarium business service is an unexplored area of research, from the prospective of customer value. The research question has been posed to explore the service encounter of aquarium users. The purpose of the study is to map the aquarist reaction against aquarium user’s actions. The study has been designed with triangulation of real-time observation, focused-depth interview of aquarium keeping customers (AKC) and aquarists using Human Activity Modeling (HAM). In the pilot study, brainstorming and expert interview have been conducted to identify attributes and aquarium variants available in the market with the help of blueprinting of aquarium business service (ABS). The grounded theory has been applied with use of QSR NVivo software. The customer value constellation map brought out five different unique customer values viz., planted-design, pet-companion, prosperity/evil-protection aesthetic, exotic-marine and up-gradation. The service design requirement has been identified with hobbyist, children, businessperson and youngsters segments of aquarium users.

Aquarium business service in India recorded a value of US$ 1.3 million in the export trade in the... more Aquarium business service in India recorded a value of US$ 1.3 million in the export trade in the year 2006 according to food and agriculture organization. Internationally, Singapore ranks first with US$ 49.5 million, and Zech Republic, Japan and Malaysia stood almost equally 7% in aquarium fish trade. Robert fanner (2001) reported that the concept of running a service company in contrast with a retail business is not new to many industries. The service sectors provide employment for more economic growth. In this direction, in order to develop market for aquarium business service, there is a need or studying consumer preference and existing marketing strategies, adopted by aquarists. The objectives of the study are to identify consumer preference for ornamental fish and profile of costumers, the existing marketing strategies adopted by ornamental fish aquarium business service providers. Selvarasu A. and Sankaran A. (2010) have developed a marketing scale to measure consumer preference for aquarium hobby. In addition, an interview schedule have been planned to review the existing marketing strategies as on year 2010. Aquarium business service marketing scale comprises of seven dimensions, initially. As a result of the pilot study, based on the results of reliability test, five dimensions have been retained for the final study.

Historically in the world, since last century, fish stocks of many species have been overexploite... more Historically in the world, since last century, fish stocks of many species have been overexploited. A good management of fisheries became essential to permit the preservation of species. Managing fisheries got increasingly complex, once many interests, often contradictory, are always involved. Moreover, through time, political will has not been enough to change things in many places around the world and overexploitation has remained for many species. In India, with a strong population density in many coastal areas depending on fishing, the situation is very severe for many species and new requirements for preservation are now being tried. In literature, fisheries have been analysed in contexts of uncertainty. Chaos theory is one of the theories that have been used to explain fisheries. This work intends to represent a reflection about fisheries overexploitation, considering the utilization of chaos theory and the understanding of the related problems taking into account ethics setting. The India situation is showed.
Corporate social responsibility advertising(CSR Advertising) results from commercial advertising,... more Corporate social responsibility advertising(CSR Advertising) results from commercial advertising,having social dimensions. This concept works as amarketing tool of cause-related marketing (CRMarketing). In this study, the case of IOCL (an Indianoil company) is presented to show how the companycreates innovative advertising ideas, serves the society,contributes to save environmental natural resourcesand allows to add economic value. In addition to theusual ways of commercial advertising, this kind ofapproaches on CSR-advertising is an advance toestablish a positive image in the mind of customers. Theslogan ‘go green’ is highlighted in order to contribute tosave natural resources on Earth. Reactions of CSRadvertisingare measured to test the effect of publishedmessages and the manipulation of CSR advertisingmessage and persuasive claims.

This study explore the factors influencingmortgage loan default by using the data of mortgagedefa... more This study explore the factors influencingmortgage loan default by using the data of mortgagedefault case from Jammu and Kashmir Bank. Toachieve the study objectives sixteen variables are taken.The variables are categorized into three dimensions asborrower’s profile, loan value contents and collateralsecurity. The tools used for analysis of data describingmortgage loan defaulter’s are chi-square, regression,ANOVA, and logistic regression through SPSS 18.0.The results indicate that the borrower’s gender,borrower’s age, borrower’s marital status, theborrower’s income, loan rate, loan type, loan amount,amount repaid, LTV, LTI, form of collateral security,Value of collateral security, purpose of loan andsecondary finance on collateral security are significantlypositively correlated with the defaulter’s outstandingloan amount. While as education qualification ofborrower is significantly negatively correlated withdefaulter’s outstanding loan amount. Logisticregression results indicate that income, secondaryfinance on collateral security and interest rate aremainly responsible for mortgage default.

Marketing function per se is undergoing a shift in managing transaction in a transparent e-market... more Marketing function per se is undergoing a shift in managing transaction in a transparent e-marketing way (Kauffman et al, 2004) especially in Indian Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) – see Reynolds et al (2007). The assessment of e-marketing and disposal system of scrap and purchases in PSUs, namely NLC Ltd and Indian Railways, have been studied. The review of factors such as e-auction offers, time of auction, experience, security deposit (EMD), basic rate per unit, allotment of bid, acceptance of bid, payment and delivery of successful bids on select items in two PSUs over a period of three to five years have been presented. The study adds strength to the concept of e-marketing and e-procurement as well as to the theory of marketing. Assessing the e-marketing and e-procurement system covering e-auction/e-procurement offer, promotion, pricing, payment and delivery, transparency, wider
participation, bid price, win/lose, time saving has been improvement in the e-marketing and e-procurement
system has been focused in the study. It is understood that
the e-marketing process is in vogue and therefore it is imperative to describe in comparison with e-procurement.
Sample size of 100 each for both NLC and Indian Railways has been selected using simple random sampling method on cost basis depending on the distance of travel. Finally, the data collection spread in pilot as well as main study with field survey using questionnaire. The result of main study has been obtained with relevant statistical tool such as ANOVA, Cross Tabulation, Chi-square test, Correlation, Factor analysis and multiple Regressions. The results have been identified for both e-auction and e-procurement with a view to indicate, the similarity and dissimilarity existing among the factor proposed in the study.
Keywords: e-marketing , Marketing function , e-procurement .

The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a medium s... more The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a medium size Indian Apparel Company, by 10% ROA in the industry. In order to compute the peer average, data have been collected by scanning the annual and financial reports of 2007 three representative companies. The value of the peer average got thus, has been used as reference value for comparison with medium sized apparel retail Companies. The study has indicated that medium apparel companies expect to increase sales by 2% and to decrease expenses by 0.5% and cash by 11%. In line with research results, the company under study has currently announced to invest heavily for expanding its operation area through new acquisitions and promotion of online sales. At the same time in order to decrease expenses’ company has invested in NetApp Unified Storage Solution which would help in savings costs in automated labour intensive IT management task and scale of infrastructure. The study has been conducted with a unique approach of identifying the expected returns and its related proportion of costs in business operations. It has a decision tree model to achieve results, as return on networth branches out into financial leverage and return on asset.
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.

The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a medium s... more The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a medium size Indian Apparel Company, by 10% ROA in the industry. In order to compute the peer average, data have been collected by scanning the annual and financial reports of 2007 three representative companies. The value of the peer average got thus, has been used as reference value for comparison with medium sized apparel retail Companies. The study has indicated that medium apparel companies expect to increase sales by 2% and to decrease expenses by 0.5% and cash by 11%. In line with research results, the company under study has currently announced to invest heavily for expanding its operation area through new acquisitions and promotion of online sales. At the same time in order to decrease expenses’ company has invested in NetApp Unified Storage Solution which would help in savings costs in automated labour intensive IT management task and scale of infrastructure. The study has been conducted with a unique approach of identifying the expected returns and its related proportion of costs in business operations. It has a decision tree model to achieve results, as return on networth branches out into financial leverage and return on asset.
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.

The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a large si... more The objective of the study is to recommend strategies for improving the performance of a large size Indian Apparel Company, by 10% ROA in the industry. In order to compute the peer average, data have been collected by scanning the annual and financial reports of 2007 three representative companies. The value of the peer average got thus, has been used as reference value for comparison with large sized apparel retail Companies. The study has indicated that large companies expect to increase sales by 1.5% and to decrease cost of goods sold by 0.5%. In line with research results, the company under study has currently invested heavily in new technologies to
increase sales and to reduce cost of goods sold. It has brought its apparel section into the price band of US$8.88 and above to reduce expenses and to manage inventory. The study has been conducted with the unique approach of identifying the expected returns and its related proportion of costs in business operations. It has a decision tree model to achieve results, as return on networth branches out into financial leverage and return on asset.
Keywords: Apparel Retail Finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return
on Asset, Return on Net Worth
The study proposes marketing support facilities provided by all three categories of bank employee... more The study proposes marketing support facilities provided by all three categories of bank employees each as a commitment to service performance. IM has proved its results in human resource management implication and it is proposed to yield in marketing as well as business development function in banking service performance in the form of added values in an organization.
Papers by Prof A. Selvarasu
Keywords- Ecotourism, Mass tourism, Conjoint analysis, SWOT analysis, Cooperative tourism.
IMPACT: There were exchange of new knowledge and insights of research papers from Bangladesh, China (Three), India (Sixteen), Indonesia, Netherlands, Philippines (Fourteen), Portugal (Two), South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka (Two), and Thailand (Seven). The domain knowledge shared during the two days deliberations are, 3G service readiness, quality of work life, organizational culture, grassroots innovation, urban development, SMEs, Islamic banking, leadership styles, knowledge management, service design, teachers’ competency, women empowerment, regional diversity, spirituality, green practices, international tourism, alternative tourism, strategy innovation and inclusive healthcare. It provided a platform for experts, researchers, scholars, students, academicians as well as marketing professionals from all over the world to present their experiences, cases and development activities through presentations, discussions, and publications and exchanging ideas and opinions. In addition, the VRU – organizing University has endorsed their willingness to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Our Annamalai University for a period of five years to collaborate in academic exercises jointly in all possible areas of activities.
sustainable competitive position of products and services in the minds of consumers. In order to verify this theory, one
of the growing sectors, print media has been selected. It is observed that there are more than twenty English dailies
brands available at the National and State level in India. The researcher has proposed the study in line with the conceptual and research propositions postulated by Sunder G. Bharadwaj et al. (1993). The objective of the study is to identify and describe the sustainable competitive positional advantage of various English dailies in general and cost leaderships (price) as well as differentiations in particular based on demographics, psychographics, reading activity, opinion and interest. In addition, the study is attempted to draw perceptual maps of top of mind brands of English dailies based on cost leadership and differentiation dimensions. The study has been designed
based on a new marketing scale (A. Selvarasu and C. Kathiravan, 2007). There are eight variables adopted from Todd McCauley and Mary Nesbitt (2004), namely, Motivators, Inhibitors, Personality, News Content, Advertisement Content, Innovation, Quality, and Service Excellent to describe competitive advantage of English dailies. All the eight variables of English dailies have been redefined using four variables of sustainability, namely, rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substituable (Barney, 1991 and Coyney, 1986). The overall scores for SCPA have been computed at three levels such as low score, medium score and high score of English dailies in accordance with approach of competitive advantage as cost leadership, differentiation and focus (Michael Porter, 1980-1985).
Keywords: sustainable competitive positional advantage, English dailies, cost leadership, differentiation, strategies,
readership, motivators, inhibitors, personality, news content, advertisement content, innovation, quality, service excellent,
rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substitutable.
participation, bid price, win/lose, time saving has been improvement in the e-marketing and e-procurement
system has been focused in the study. It is understood that
the e-marketing process is in vogue and therefore it is imperative to describe in comparison with e-procurement.
Sample size of 100 each for both NLC and Indian Railways has been selected using simple random sampling method on cost basis depending on the distance of travel. Finally, the data collection spread in pilot as well as main study with field survey using questionnaire. The result of main study has been obtained with relevant statistical tool such as ANOVA, Cross Tabulation, Chi-square test, Correlation, Factor analysis and multiple Regressions. The results have been identified for both e-auction and e-procurement with a view to indicate, the similarity and dissimilarity existing among the factor proposed in the study.
Keywords: e-marketing , Marketing function , e-procurement .
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.
increase sales and to reduce cost of goods sold. It has brought its apparel section into the price band of US$8.88 and above to reduce expenses and to manage inventory. The study has been conducted with the unique approach of identifying the expected returns and its related proportion of costs in business operations. It has a decision tree model to achieve results, as return on networth branches out into financial leverage and return on asset.
Keywords: Apparel Retail Finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return
on Asset, Return on Net Worth
Keywords- Ecotourism, Mass tourism, Conjoint analysis, SWOT analysis, Cooperative tourism.
IMPACT: There were exchange of new knowledge and insights of research papers from Bangladesh, China (Three), India (Sixteen), Indonesia, Netherlands, Philippines (Fourteen), Portugal (Two), South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka (Two), and Thailand (Seven). The domain knowledge shared during the two days deliberations are, 3G service readiness, quality of work life, organizational culture, grassroots innovation, urban development, SMEs, Islamic banking, leadership styles, knowledge management, service design, teachers’ competency, women empowerment, regional diversity, spirituality, green practices, international tourism, alternative tourism, strategy innovation and inclusive healthcare. It provided a platform for experts, researchers, scholars, students, academicians as well as marketing professionals from all over the world to present their experiences, cases and development activities through presentations, discussions, and publications and exchanging ideas and opinions. In addition, the VRU – organizing University has endorsed their willingness to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Our Annamalai University for a period of five years to collaborate in academic exercises jointly in all possible areas of activities.
sustainable competitive position of products and services in the minds of consumers. In order to verify this theory, one
of the growing sectors, print media has been selected. It is observed that there are more than twenty English dailies
brands available at the National and State level in India. The researcher has proposed the study in line with the conceptual and research propositions postulated by Sunder G. Bharadwaj et al. (1993). The objective of the study is to identify and describe the sustainable competitive positional advantage of various English dailies in general and cost leaderships (price) as well as differentiations in particular based on demographics, psychographics, reading activity, opinion and interest. In addition, the study is attempted to draw perceptual maps of top of mind brands of English dailies based on cost leadership and differentiation dimensions. The study has been designed
based on a new marketing scale (A. Selvarasu and C. Kathiravan, 2007). There are eight variables adopted from Todd McCauley and Mary Nesbitt (2004), namely, Motivators, Inhibitors, Personality, News Content, Advertisement Content, Innovation, Quality, and Service Excellent to describe competitive advantage of English dailies. All the eight variables of English dailies have been redefined using four variables of sustainability, namely, rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substituable (Barney, 1991 and Coyney, 1986). The overall scores for SCPA have been computed at three levels such as low score, medium score and high score of English dailies in accordance with approach of competitive advantage as cost leadership, differentiation and focus (Michael Porter, 1980-1985).
Keywords: sustainable competitive positional advantage, English dailies, cost leadership, differentiation, strategies,
readership, motivators, inhibitors, personality, news content, advertisement content, innovation, quality, service excellent,
rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substitutable.
participation, bid price, win/lose, time saving has been improvement in the e-marketing and e-procurement
system has been focused in the study. It is understood that
the e-marketing process is in vogue and therefore it is imperative to describe in comparison with e-procurement.
Sample size of 100 each for both NLC and Indian Railways has been selected using simple random sampling method on cost basis depending on the distance of travel. Finally, the data collection spread in pilot as well as main study with field survey using questionnaire. The result of main study has been obtained with relevant statistical tool such as ANOVA, Cross Tabulation, Chi-square test, Correlation, Factor analysis and multiple Regressions. The results have been identified for both e-auction and e-procurement with a view to indicate, the similarity and dissimilarity existing among the factor proposed in the study.
Keywords: e-marketing , Marketing function , e-procurement .
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.
Keywords: Apparel retail finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return on Asset, Return on Networth.
increase sales and to reduce cost of goods sold. It has brought its apparel section into the price band of US$8.88 and above to reduce expenses and to manage inventory. The study has been conducted with the unique approach of identifying the expected returns and its related proportion of costs in business operations. It has a decision tree model to achieve results, as return on networth branches out into financial leverage and return on asset.
Keywords: Apparel Retail Finance, Strategies, Strategic Profit Model, Return
on Asset, Return on Net Worth
His contribution in the initial period in the field of innovative teaching on ‘SipSip’ and ‘Lessens’ brands of soft drink by making of advertising in the classroom, experiencing shopping of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in classroom, ‘ni3M: need for innovation in Man, Machine and Management – innovation awareness programme for Technology Students’, ‘’ Zipped Collar&Cuff shirt, initiating consultancy assignment for Casino Bakery Foods brands and advertising (inikka inikka pesurathunna enna theriyuma!), Precast cement Products, Tasty Foods for curry masala powder, Micro Enterprise development, Livelihood programme for Tsunami victims, Gross root innovation Documentation, Valued volunteering with National innovation Foundation (IIM-A/DST), India, ‘Amphi – Floating House’ idea, USDA tool based subsector study for IFAD, Rome under Women Development Corporation of Tamilnadu, India, Herbal Diaper Market study for Rural Technology Action Group-IIT-Madras, facilitated Napkin Machine Making (Muruganathan, Coimbatore) under Innovation-Incubation fund of National Innovation Foundation, India, gave him the special status of ‘Innovative Teacher Award’ by Scan Foundation, Bangalore, India. His 2011 initiative in establishing MRSI.AU.Market Research Scholar Internatonal.Annamalai ( University has paved way for interdisciplinary Faculty Development programme in the University on Sector Specific Marketing Decision Model. His colleagues as a team of Dr.A.Rajamohan, Dr.J.Tamilselvi, Dr.B.Karthikeyan and Dr.k.Gomathishankar and Dr.K.Sakthivendan were responsible for the establishment of marketing forum.
His paper on product-market analysis of Writing instrument, two-wheeler, cosmetics, computer, and wrist-watches [panel discussion among distributor-competitors], beverage-tea industry-market study, sustainable competitive positional advantage [SCPA], internal marketing mix, e-marketing vis-à-vis e-procurement, CSR advertising, service design for aquarium business, are noteworthy. His paper on Internal Marketing Mix co-author with his scholar Krishnaswamy Natarajan was adjudged as the best paper as ‘First Prize’ in AIMS10 International (U.S.A.) Conference-2013 held at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India. His paper on E-marketing vis-à-vis E-procurement co-authored with his Ramamoorthi Jayaram has been certified with ‘Excellence Award’ 2014 for originality, novel, current and suitable for extension of research applications ( .
His staff training programme on ‘Strategic Leadership’ 2014 was a special event focusing on Strategic Market Leadership, Strategic Information Leadership, Strategic Project Leadership, Strategic Lean Leadership. His outreach programmes with students for Designer Foods as 3-days Real Marketing Simulation physical Game-2012, 30-days StudentS’ shoppee ( as Marketing Venture Innovation project 2013 (A three operators Joint account A.Selvarasu, B.Vimala & R.Gnanaguru, Indian Bank A/c.No. MRSI-AU MARKETING FORUM, Annamalai Nagar, 608002), 2-in-1 Marine-in-Fresh Aquarium prototype making 2014, are remarkable social marketing events. His e-learning case study teaching on e2e-employee communication at Annamalai University in the blog platform as ‘iAUs.iDea sharing.Walk the Talking. Not We, but Our iDea. Ventilate before it is too late’ is in action and progress ( from October 2014. His membership with New Economic Papers –RePEc as Author pmu263 and editor for Central and West Asia 2013, added value to the University. He has helped his village from public hearing campaign for approval to Siambimangalam Goodearth shipping company by producing hidden agenda document of approval for Single Super Phosphate Fertilizer in place shipping 2011. He has considered himself as giver and problem identifier and known for his simplicity and innovative thought leadership. His special publication of a user manual for Marketing Simulation Game with the content support of, was a collaborative effort with his colleagues Dr.B.Vimala, Dr.R.Gnanaguru and Dr.G.Subashini, 2012. He always refers his doctoral research scholars Dr.C.Kathiravan, Sakthivel Karunamoorthy, Ramamoorthi Jayaram, Sankaran Anbazhagan, Rais Ahmad Itoo, Ananthan Vel, Gomathisankar Kandappa, Krishnasamy Natarajan, Riyaz Ahmad and Selvamani for his academic, research and consultancy endeavours. He recalls at most of the times his peers Dr.P.Chinnathurai, Dr.S.Pragadeeswaran, Dr.C.Ananthan, and Dr.A.Ananthan, Dr.P.Rajamohan, Dr.R.Arunmozhi, Dr.B.Venkatesan, Dr.Jose Philipe, Dr.Mizanur Rahman, Dr.K.Chitra, Dr.Kasilingam, Dr.Nambirajan, Dr. Erdogan Ekiz, Dr.Rajasekar, Dr.Paul Rito for sharing most of his life events. His dependents are Appasamy Anjalakshi, Manoranjitham, Jeevamutharasi, Sanjeevini.