Texas A&M Health Science Center
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Background. Previously, the importance of providing skin for intraoral lining for full-thickness mucocutaneous defects has been emphasized. More recently, simple skin grafting of the intraoral portion of muscle flaps has been described.
Giant cholesterol cyst (GCC) is a rare lesion of the temporal bone. Graham et all reported GCC to be a distinct clinical entity with unique histologic and radiographic findings. These lesions must be differentiated from other lesions of... more
Current controversy about the primary treatment of traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) has anchored on final vision following injury, but, to our knowledge, no study has examined the effect of different treatments on regaining and protecting... more
EDITOR'S NOTE: The reviewers have rated the books on a scale of one to five stars. The highest ratings are given to books that fulfill thelr objectives and skillfully convey information to the chosen audlence. Books are judged on... more
Background. Selective neck dissections are accepted elective treatment in N0 patients. We present the results of a dissection of levels II to III and intraoperative pathologic control of a sample of subdigastric and supraomohyoid nodes in... more
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At the fall meeting of the American Academy ofFacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, DavidA. F. Ellis, MD, and his coauthors, Toronto, Ontario, presented a study outlining their search for a substance that could be used for... more
Background: There is minimal information describing the common characteristics among patients seeking primary/revision rhinoplasty. Success is traditionally interpreted from the surgeon's viewpoint, without considering the patient's... more
Giant cholesterol cyst (GCC) is a rare lesion of the temporal bone. Graham et all reported GCC to be a distinct clinical entity with unique histologic and radiographic findings. These lesions must be differentiated from other lesions of... more
Relapsing polychondritis is a rare autoimmune disorder of unknown cause characterized by recurrent inflammation of cartilage predominantly affecting the ears, nose, and upper airway. The bridge of the nose and surrounding tissue can... more
Surgical decompression of the optic canal is indicated in patients with traumatic optic neuropathy who fail to respond to corticosteroids. Traditional surgical approaches to the orbital apex have been effective in achieving optic nerve... more