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Lithuania emerged in the cultural space of Estonians more intensively since the 1930s. The most productive period in translating Latvian and Lithuanian literature was the Soviet period when the Baltic unity reached its peak. After... more
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      Translation HistoryBaltic countries
The year 1905 notes the political awakening of the Estonian people, when different political movements and the first Estonian national parties were established. The revolution drew the attention of all the social strata to the political... more
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      Book HistoryBook studies
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The article includes an overview of the development of e-publishing in Estonia. The treatment is based on the analysis and comparison of existing research, mainly student papers; statistical data from the database of Statistics Estonia... more
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    • Publishing Studies
Between Cultures and Texts: Itineraries in Translation History. Entre les cultures et les textes : itinéraires en histoire de la traduction. Edited by Antoine Chalvin, Anne Lange, Daniele Monticelli, with an Introduction by Theo Hermans.... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslation History
The article studies the activities of a small-town agent of book-culture from the viewpoint of book history. It concentrates on the life story of Tõnu Franzdorf (1862-1940), a self-taught author, journalist, editor, bookseller, publisher... more
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      Book Publishing19th Century (History)
The article treats the development of commercial e-book publishing in Estonia from the publishers’ perspective. The data is collected by surveys and interviews carried out among publishers in 2016. The results reveal that the main... more
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The academic research on book history in Estonia started in the 1920s when the conditions of an independent state made it possible to develop national science on a full scale. Prior to the emergence of scholarly studies, Estonian... more
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Straipsnyje apžvelgiama tautinių mažumų knygų leidyba Estijoje ikikariniu nepri­klausomybės laikotarpiu (1918–1940) ir po 1991 m., kai estų kalba buvo paskelbta oficialia Estijos Respublikos kalba. Tyrimas pagrįstas statistiniais... more
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    • Sociology
Estonian national minority in Russia was formed as a result of emigration dur-ing the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. The Esto-nian peasants moved to Russia in the hope of obtaining land and becoming free... more
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Institute of Information Studies, Tallinn University,Narva maantee 25, 10120 Tallinn, EstoniaE-mail: [email protected], Latvija ir Lietuva dažnai apibūdinamos vienu geopolitiniu bendravardikliu kaip Baltijos valstybės. Ši sąvoka siejama... more
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    • History
1926 metų visuotinio gyventojų surašymo duomenimis, Sovietų Sąjungoje gyveno per 150 000 estų. Jie sudarė vieną gausiausių šalies mažumų. Dauguma jų gyveno Sankt Peterburge ir aplinkiniuose regionuose. Todėl Sankt Peterburgas (tuomet –... more
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    • History
Department of Information Sciences, Tallinn University25 Narva Road, 10120 Tallinn, EstoniaE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] apibūdina estų knygotyros formavimąsi ir raidą 1918–1944 metais, pateikia šio laikotarpio... more
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    • History
This paper explores the dynamics of publishing of non-Russian Soviet literatures in Soviet Estonia, establishing the output of titles and the most popular source literatures. The analysis follows the position of Soviet national... more
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In the light of differing views on the development of the common Baltic identity, based on analogous historical, political, economic and cultural features, the paper studies its manifestation through translations from the Latvian and... more
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      Translation HistoryBaltic countries
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I lu k ir j a n d u se t õlke d 2 0. s a j a n d i es im ese p oole Ees t i j a S oo m e r a a m a t u t o o d a n g u s (19 0 0-194 0) A i le Möld re Sissejuhatus Käesolevas artiklis esitatakse statistilised andmed tõlkeilukirjanduse... more
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