So much is happening. I haven't had time to post in so long.
First - In 4 days, I will be 16. As in, on the road. If you are ever in Kentucky, you might want to stay outta my way. :D I can't wait. One more step to being legal, and not being thought of as the baby. Because that shit gets old. Quick. And who is going to take me seriously anywhere, until i become of age. Especially in a relationship. I've figured that out fast.
Second - This school year is beginning to kick my ass. One A and the rest B's???? What??? I'm an all-A student, damnit! I don't get B's! Well, obviously.. now I do. And it sucks. Boooo.
Third - I feel like writing a Mirandy one shot, but inspiration isn't coming to me. I've been thinking about it though, so maybe I can get some creative juices flowing. (And if other effects come along with that, then so be it. I won't complain.) ;)
Fourth - Someone I love dearly just stopped talking to me about a month ago. No call, no text. No goodbye. Just, gone. What the fuck? I never did anything to deserve that, and I'm a good enough person to at least get an explanation on why you're being an ass. Right? So, I'm done. Done trying to talk. If you're reading this, and you finally decide I'm worth talking to, be my guest. But I'm not going to make someone a priority, when they consider me an option. Not anymore. I've been doing that for a while.
Fifth - I have met my soulmate. (Okay, maybe I'm being over dramatic) But! I have definitely met my Meryl soulmate. He's amazing. His name is Kevin, and I got him into Meryl and he just loves her. He borrows my movies and memorizes quotes, and we just talk in Meryl Streep code that no one understands, and it makes me happy.
Today he just blurted out something, and you better believe I didn't miss a beat--
"We have some pieces from Banana Republi--" - Kevin
"Well, we need more, don't we?" - Me
He loves Aloysius Beavier. Doubt may be his favorite, tied with the DWP. He is especially obsessed with these lines:
"May I ask what you're writing with that... ballpoint pen?"
"I have doubts!"
LOL. And courtesy of i_heart_cuddy, (i think) "Sister Aloysius: Fighting pedophilia and ballpoint pens since 1964." He wants to make a T-shirt.
He's so accepting of me, and I don't feel like I have to hide anything from him. Its hard to find a friend like that, you know?
Anywho, I'm off to do something I probably don't want to.
Goodbye, loves!