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In this paper, I intended to analyze 14 Saudi students’ argumentative essays using the Theme-Rheme system. The system of Theme-Rheme is considered useful and has been utilized in analyzing students’ problems in L2 writing in many studies... more
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Implementing systemic functional linguistics, in particular Theme-Rheme system as a method of teaching writing has been recommended and suggested in many studies The present small-scale paper aimed to analyze 7 texts produced by Saudi... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationSystemic Functional LinguisticsLinguistics
Implementing systemic functional linguistics, in particular Theme-Rheme system as a method of teaching writing has been recommended and suggested in many studies The present small-scale paper aimed to analyze 7 texts produced by Saudi... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationSystemic Functional LinguisticsLinguistics
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This is an investigation of the assimilation process across word boundaries of the four main dialects of Yemeni Arabic. Twenty native speakers of these dialects have been asked to read the collected data, five from each dialect. The... more
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    • English literature and ELT and Applied linguistics
This is an investigation of the assimilation process across word boundaries of the four main dialects of Yemeni Arabic. Twenty native speakers of these dialects have been asked to read the collected data, five from each dialect. The... more
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    • English literature and ELT and Applied linguistics
This paper is a spectrographic analysis of the duration of geminate consonants and their impacts on the preceding and the following vowels in Ta'zi Dialect (TD), a prominent dialect of the Yemeni Arabic. More than fifty words comprising... more
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The paper investigates the phonological features of the seven modes of reading the Qur'an. The source of the modes of reading is attributed primarily to the Prophet Muhammad. However, the feeling of who is more accurate in his reading... more
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      PsychologyLinguisticsEnglish linguisticsReading Process
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      PsychologySchizophreniaHigh ResolutionMagnetic resonance image
The present research aims to discuss the phonological patterns in Quranic verse-final pauses (fawāṣil) in order to provide an insight into the phonetic network governing the symmetrical and the asymmetrical pauses (fawāṣil) in terms of... more
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      PsychologyLanguage Linguistics and literary studies
Higher education institutions across the globe are investing much into developing and applying ICT to improve teaching and learning to cope with students' needs in the newly emerging knowledge economy and information society.
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English continues to develop as the global language of knowledge, business, commerce, and the gateway to drive the economy of the countries worldwide. The desire to participate in the knowledge society, in which English is the dominant... more
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    • Mobile Learning
This paper explored postgraduate TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) students' perspectives on academic writing challenges and their practices to overcome them. The study is triggered by identified needs in literature... more
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      Academic WritingPostgraduategoogle classroom
The use and integration of mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs) in learning and teaching, as well as the creation of new knowledge can determine whether a country is able to successfully compete in the emerging global... more
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Mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs), with advanced capabilities, have created new prospects and opportunities, for both students and faculty who are learning and teaching English as a foreign language, in higher... more
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    • Engineering
Higher education institutions across the globe are investing much into developing and applying ICT to improve teaching and learning to cope with students' needs in the newly emerging knowledge economy and information society. In Saudi... more
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This paper explored postgraduate TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) students' perspectives on academic writing challenges and their practices to overcome them. The study is triggered by identified needs in literature... more
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      SociologyAcademic WritingPostgraduategoogle classroom
The use and integration of mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs) in learning and teaching, as well as the creation of new knowledge can determine whether a country is able to successfully compete in the emerging global... more
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      PsychologyEducational TechnologyMobile LearningTeaching EFL
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      PsychologyEducationTeacher EducationCritical Thinking