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The study aimed to measure the effectiveness of mobile learning in teaching some concepts and topics of e-learning to female students of Childhood Studies Department, in College of Family Sciences for Girls, at Taibah University; at the... more
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    • Mobile Learning
This study aimed to determine the principles of designing instructional applications which are used via mobile phones & tablets PC. It was conducted during the first semester of the academic year (1434/1435 AH). A closed questionnaire... more
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      Instructional DesignMobile Learning
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    • Educational Technology
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    • Educational Technology
The study aimed to determine the opportunities and challenges of mobile learning in higher education from the perspective of faculty members in Saudi public universities. The sample of the study composed of (235) faculty members from (18)... more
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      Higher EducationM-Learning
This study aimed to figure the trends & methodology in the scientific research in mobile learning technologies in the Arab published studies between (2004) and (2013); to predict future trends in scientific research in this topic. The... more
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      Future StudiesMLearning
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      Social NetworkingLearning TechnologyInstructional TechnologySocila Media
The study aimed at measuring the effect of e-activities via learning management system Blackboard in the development of the skills of digital storytelling, and hence at measuring learning satisfaction with using it. The study employed... more
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      Educational TechnologyElearning
‫�ارئ‬ � ‫الق‬ ‫�د‬ � ‫تزوي‬ ‫إىل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫�اب‬ � ‫الكت‬ ‫�ذا‬ � ‫ه‬ ‫�دف‬ � ‫يه‬ ‫�م‬ � ‫فه‬ ‫�ى‬ � ‫عل‬ ‫�ه‬ � ‫تعين‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫�ع‬ � َّ ‫َق‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ُت‬ ‫ي‬ ‫�ة،‬ � ‫وافي‬ ‫�ات‬ � ‫مبعلوم‬ ‫�ط‬ � ‫يرتب‬ ‫�ا‬ � ‫وم‬ ‫�ة،‬ � ‫الب�صري‬... more
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      DesignEducational Technology
This study aimed to explore the future of emerging educational technologies in higher education over the next five years, and then identify the educational trends that may accelerate their adoption, the challenges that may face their use,... more
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      Higher EducationPredictionKingdom of Saudi ArabiaEmerging Technologies
The study aims to measure the effectiveness of a proposed mobile learning environment in developing the awareness of digital citizenship elements and being in harmony with them among female students at Taibah University. The study... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationDigital Citizenship
The study aimed to identify the top digital education technologies and the factors affecting their continuation during the period (2007) to (2019) in light of theory of diffusion of innovation. The study was applied in the second semester... more
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      Digital TechnologiesTechnology Adoption and DiffusionTechnology AdoptionDiffusion of Innovations Theory
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of designing an interactive book in developing learning and innovation skills (critical thinking and problem solving-communication-collaboration-innovation and creativity), and then to... more
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      Instructional DesignProject-Based Learning21st Century SkillsInteractive e-books
The study aimed at measuring the effect of e-activities via learning management system Blackboard in the development of the skills of digital storytelling, and hence at measuring learning satisfaction with using it. The study employed... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational SciencesElearning
This study aimed to determine the most important emerging instructional technologies to faculty members in Saudi Universities. Hence, it aimed to determine the range of using those emerging instructional technologies, and the motives of... more
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      Public RelationsEmerging TechnologiesMotivesInstructional Technologies
The study aimed to investigate the degree of satisfaction of graduate female students in Educational Technology specialization about the Blackboard system and its use in their emergency remote teaching in the light of DeLone and McLean's... more
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      PsychologyEducational SciencesGraduate StudentsDegree in music
The study aimed to investigate the degree of satisfaction of graduate female students in Educational Technology specialization about the Blackboard system and its use in their emergency remote teaching in the light of DeLone and McLean's... more
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of a Training Program is based on Collaborative Cloud Computing for Promoting Technical Performance among Faculty Members at Taibah University. The study employed experimental research... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationCollaborative TechnologyCloud Computing
This study aimed at investigating attitude towards e-learning blogs among the students at Taibah University in learning "University Life Skills". The study employed case study method. The population of the study consisted of all female... more
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      BlogsHigher EducationAttitudeEducational Technology , Elearning
This research paper traces historical education development of Saudi Female since the reign of late King Abdul Aziz-may Allah have mercy upon him_ up to the reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.... more
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      Saudi ArabiaKingdom of Saudi ArabiaGirls EducationSaudi Arabia Growth Development