Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Diagnostic Radiologic Technology
Background and Aim: As ageing advances, the human brain undergoes many gross and histopathological changes with regression of the brain tissue leading to the enlargement of the ventricles. Knowledge of morphometric and size of normal... more
Background and Aim: As ageing advances, the human brain undergoes many gross and histopathological changes with regression of the brain tissue leading to the enlargement of the ventricles. Knowledge of morphometric and size of normal ventricular system of brain is important to understand these changes. Methods: For the present perspective study, computerized tomography (CT) for 152 patients (Males-89 and Females-63) were studied for the measurements of fourth ventricle, third ventricle and lateral ventricle and it was statistically analyzed. Results: The anteroposterior extent of the body of the lateral ventricles on the right side was 74.89 + 9.86 mm and 70.06 + 8.83 mm in the males and females and on the left side was 74.89 + 9.89 mm and 69.56 + 11.42 mm in the males and females; the length of the frontal horns on the right side was 28.53 + 3.88 mm and 26.16 + 4.21 mm in the males and females and on the left side was 28.53 + 3.88mm and 26.17 + 4.237 mm in the males and females respectively. The width and height of the fourth ventricle were 12.54 + 1.90 mm and 9.66 + 2.12 in the males and 11.60 + 2.099 mm and 9.70 + 2.219 in the females respectively. The width of the third ventricle was 5.70 + 1.54 mm and 5.40 + 1.68 mm in the males and females respectively. Conclusion: The present study has defined the morphometric measurements of the lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and fourth ventricle of the brain which has clinical correlations in diagnosis and for further line of treatment.
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +3
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- Neuroscience, Morphometry, Tomography, Brain
Abstract: Background: hydronephrosis is one of the most common complication of renal obstructive diseases, if left untreated, it may cause severe complications which may lead to acute and chronic renal failure. Objectives: to assess and... more
Abstract: Background: hydronephrosis is one of the most common complication of renal obstructive diseases, if left untreated, it may cause severe complications which may lead to acute and chronic renal failure. Objectives: to assess and classify hydronephrosis and determine the causes using ultrasound. Materials and methods: It is a prospective study, the study population composed of 53 female and 47 male who were suspected with renal diseases and referred to the ultrasound department for investigation. Data collection sheet was designed to include the demographic data such as age, gender, and clinical history. All the patients had been examined with ultrasound using the abdomen and renal ultrasound imaging protocol with 3.5 MHz probe.
The renal system (kidneys, urinary bladder and prostate) had been scanned, longitudinal and transverse sections were performed through the kidneys and prostate. Hydronephrosis and the underline causes were measured and reported. Statistical analysis was performed using the standard Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 16 for windows.
Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. Results: According to sonographic appearance, hydronephrosis had been classified into mild, moderate and severe hydronephrosis. Mild hydronephrosis is most common (53%), moderate (30%), severe hydronephrosis (13%) and extreme hydronephrosis was 4%. There were various causes of hydronephrosis, ureteric stone 31%, kidney stone 23%, pregnancy 12% and benign prostatic hypertrophy 11%. Most of the study population had history of renal
stones (63%) Conclusion: Ultrasound is the first line of investigation of the renal system. It is sensitive and accurate to assess and classify the hydronephrosis and determine the main causes. Metabolic disorders (gout and diabetes) were the most risk factors of renal obstructive diseases.
Keywords: Sonographic, Evaluation, Hydronephrosis, Determination, Causes
The renal system (kidneys, urinary bladder and prostate) had been scanned, longitudinal and transverse sections were performed through the kidneys and prostate. Hydronephrosis and the underline causes were measured and reported. Statistical analysis was performed using the standard Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 16 for windows.
Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. Results: According to sonographic appearance, hydronephrosis had been classified into mild, moderate and severe hydronephrosis. Mild hydronephrosis is most common (53%), moderate (30%), severe hydronephrosis (13%) and extreme hydronephrosis was 4%. There were various causes of hydronephrosis, ureteric stone 31%, kidney stone 23%, pregnancy 12% and benign prostatic hypertrophy 11%. Most of the study population had history of renal
stones (63%) Conclusion: Ultrasound is the first line of investigation of the renal system. It is sensitive and accurate to assess and classify the hydronephrosis and determine the main causes. Metabolic disorders (gout and diabetes) were the most risk factors of renal obstructive diseases.
Keywords: Sonographic, Evaluation, Hydronephrosis, Determination, Causes
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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Objectives: This study was to assess the diagnostic capabilities of Transabdominal Sonographic Findings in the Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder abnormalities. Methods and Material: In a cross-sectional study design, was conducted in different... more
Objectives: This study was to assess the diagnostic capabilities of Transabdominal Sonographic Findings in the Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder abnormalities. Methods and Material: In a cross-sectional study design, was conducted in different hospitals and clinical centers at Khartoum State. A total of 110 patients with symptoms of urinary bladder diseases were included in this study who had been selected and scanned with ultrasound using the appropriate technique Results: The study confirmed that cystitis was the commonest vesical pathology and common in female than male, Hematuria 29.75%, dysuria 25%, and showed that shistosomiasis mainly involve the male. Conclusions: This study concluded that ultrasonography is the first line of investigation as well as laboratory test (urine general) since it is safe, accurate and not time consuming.
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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- Radiology
This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis ofobstructive jaundicecauses. The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and hospitals in the period between Jan 2010 -March 2011.A total of 102 patients... more
This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis ofobstructive jaundicecauses. The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and hospitals in the period between Jan 2010 -March 2011.A total of 102 patients were examined using ultrasound(U/S), 3.5 MHz probe, Fukuda, Toshiba, Sheimadzu and Aloka Machine. The population of the study(jaundiced patients)had been selected by the technique of non-probability sampling and full history was taken.The causes of obstructive jaundice were detected as stone 19%., mass 51%,Sensitivity of ultrasound in determining the level of obstruction was 96% and extra hepatic obstruction was 67%. The prevalence ofobstructive jaundice was found to behigher in females (58%) than male (42%).Ascites and liver cirrhosis were found in 24% of the patients, hepatitis and hepatomegaly represent 33%.The study confirmed that obstructive jaundice represent 89.2% of the patients and non-obstructive jaundice was 10.8%.The study recommended to measure bile duct, liver size, portal vein, spleen and compare the liver echo texture with the adjacent organs .Scanning should be performedfor liver metastasis and also detect stone in the common bile duct.
Objectives: The study aimed to determine the role of spiral CT Angiography in suspected cases of Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Material and methods: The study was conducted at EL-Nilain center , Royal care center and Faisal center. Fifty... more
Objectives: The study aimed to determine the role of spiral CT Angiography in suspected cases of Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Material and methods: The study was conducted at EL-Nilain center , Royal care center and Faisal center. Fifty patients of suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) from (August -November 2011), had been selected randomly of different ages and genders underwent spiral CT angiography from the level of arch of aorta to the dome of diaphragm. Scanning was done using Siemens CT machine. Results: Out of 50 patients, there were 38 (76%) positively identified with pulmonary embolism, moreover females (68%) were most likely presented with PE, the right pulmonary artery was more affected. The peak incidence age ranged between 40-60years (32%), Shortness of breath is the most clinical indication with (54%) incidence; half of the patient were presented with DVT, Consequently on CTA 12% of patients with PE showed plural effusion, 20%with consolidation collapse and cavities. Conclusion: The study confirmed that, the spiral CT scanner is very effective modality in detection of pulmonary embolism , since it is non -invasive procedure , and has a high specificity , so it is preferred and used as the first line of investigations in diagnosing of Pulmonary embolism .
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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This study aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasound(U/S) versus spiral Computed Tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of urinary system calculi. This study was conducted in the Department of Radiology in ALamal Hospital in Khartoum State, in... more
This study aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasound(U/S) versus spiral Computed Tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of urinary system calculi. This study was conducted in the Department of Radiology in ALamal Hospital in Khartoum State, in the period ranged (August 2011-December 2011, included 50 subjects (35 males (70%) and 15 females (30%)), their ages range from 15 to 72 years old with symptoms of renal stones They were selected from patients who had been referred for CT KUB and U/S in ALamal hospital.Spiral CT and U/S were done for all cases .this study showed that The most affected age group ranged from 21-40 years old 56 %, most patients were affected in the both sides, with no history of renal stones in their families most of the stones lodged in the kedneys (36%) and at the ureters (8%). It can be said that the two image modalities were performed together and used as essential techniques of renal stones, which help to obtain accurate diagnosis and demonstrate any changes that can affect urinary systems by stones.
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.We performed an observational retrospective study which included100 patient with clinical suspected of AC were randomized into... more
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.We performed an observational retrospective study which included100 patient with clinical suspected of AC were randomized into two groups. The first group included these patients with final diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and other group included patients with final alternative diagnosis to acute cholecystitis. Study found that the incidence of AC is high in obese, AC incidence is higher within the age of 41-50 years, female (57%) more affected, Khartoum population suffer more than Omdurman and Kassala (71%), also tenderness is observed on examination with 38% and is not exist with 61%. The study concluded that ultrasound had a great value in increasing accuracy in diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and it decreases the false negative diagnostic rate and improves the clinical outcome.
The main objective of this study is to measure aortic diameter and to estimate the cardiothoracic ratio. The study was carried out in the College of Radiologic Technology, The National Ribat University,Khartoum Sudan and Special... more
The main objective of this study is to measure aortic diameter and to estimate the cardiothoracic ratio. The study was carried out in the College of Radiologic Technology, The National Ribat University,Khartoum Sudan and Special Diagnostic Centres, Khartoum Sudan. PA chest radiographs of 50 individuals their age ranged from(19 -70) years were used for this study included both genders.
Purpose: This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis of obstructive jaundice and to identify the most common causes and symptoms. Materials and methods: The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and... more
Purpose: This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis of obstructive jaundice and to identify the most common causes and symptoms. Materials and methods: The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and hospitals in the period between Jan 2014 and July 2014. A total of 150 patients with obstructive jaundice were examined using ultrasound machine, 3.5 -7 MHz probe. Results: The study revealed that 65.33 of the study population with obstructive jaundice were female and 34.67% was male. The most common affected groups were 46 -65 years old and 25 -45 years old. The common causes of obstructive jaundice were biliary stones (61.33%) which were common in females and abdominal masses (32.67%) which were common in females, too. Nausea, yellowish discoloration and abdominal pain were the most common symptoms (98%, 97.33% and 96.67% respectively). The causes of obstructive jaundice showed significant difference between males and females (P-value = 0.002). Conclusion: Ultrasound was superior diagnostic tool in detecting and assessing biliary system obstruction, because it was easy, available, accurate and noninvasive. The ageing and gender were considered as risk factors of obstructive jaundice.
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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Objectives: This study aimed to measure renal stone using different modality (kidney, ureters and bladder [K.U.B], fluoroscopy and intravenous urography [I.V.U]), to compare these three methods of measurements and to detect the variation... more
Objectives: This study aimed to measure renal stone using different modality (kidney, ureters and bladder [K.U.B], fluoroscopy and intravenous urography [I.V.U]), to compare these three methods of measurements and to detect the variation of stones size after each lithotripsy shock for the same type of stones. Materials and Methods: A total of 26 patients males (19) and females their age ranged between 18 and 70 years with renal stones, I.V.U, K.U.B were done for all cases. In Al Nelain Medical Centre, The size of renal stone was measured in K.U.B and I.V.U by using the Ruler exposure. Staghorn stones which were >4 cm needed >4 times of exposure to. Results: The findings were found to be that stone <1 cm can be measured but does not disintegrated by lithotripsy and most of the stones that were >1 cm were properly measured when using the fluoroscopy and were treated effectively after 2 nd time of the shock waves. Conclusion: This study concluded that the surface area, site, number of stones after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) could be detected using K.U.B, I.V.U and fluoroscopy, and could help in prospective selection of patients who will respond well to ESWL.
Correct assessment of gestational age is a cornerstone of management of any obstetric case. Several anatomical parameters are useful in the assessment of gestational age. The ultimate aim of this study is to determine the fetal... more
Correct assessment of gestational age is a cornerstone of management of any obstetric case. Several anatomical parameters are useful in the assessment of gestational age. The ultimate aim of this study is to determine the fetal gestational age through the measurement of the foot(foot length) and to determine the accuracy of fetal foot length in estimating gestational age. Methods: There were one hundred pregnant ladies in 2nd and 3rd trimesters had been selected randomly in different medical centers and hospitals in Khartoum State. They were scanned with ultrasound using the international protocols and guidelines of obstetric ultrasonography. Statistical analysis using regression equation and correlation was obtained. Results: There was a strong correlation between fetal foot length and gestaional age. Conclusion: Fetal foot length is a reliable parameter for use in the assessment of gestational age and is particularly useful when other parameters do not accurately predict gestation...
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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Objectives: This study aimed to assess various renal diseases using IVU and US examinations Methods: This is a retrospective analytical which included 50 subjects referred for IVU and was done in Fedail hospital, Soba University hospital... more
Objectives: This study aimed to assess various renal diseases using IVU and US examinations Methods: This is a retrospective analytical which included 50 subjects referred for IVU and was done in Fedail hospital, Soba University hospital and Alnilain medical center radiology departments, Data were collected in the period between(16.7.2011) to (21.10.2011). Results: This study included 50 subjects referred for IVU, 76% male against 24% females, the most affected ages ranged between 21 to 40 years .There was 43(86%) of the patients with renal or ureteric stone according to U/S findings and 7(14%) with other problem, according to the renal function 26(52%) were normal secretion and 9(18%) showed nonfunctioning kidney up to 24 hrs. The most common affected site was kidney represented 76 %, then ureter which represented 24%. Conclusion: The study concluded that kidney with normal secretion in IVU which associated with stone not cause obstructive changes. The non-functioning kidney was st...
Known the ideal components of MR department and how to deal with those that help to keep department with long life and the human inside it in safe environment.
Spina bifida is a common cause of disability in infancy and childhood. Up to 70% of spina bifida cases can be prevented by maternal periconceptional folic acid supplementation. The aim of this prospective research was to study the risk... more
Spina bifida is a common cause of disability in infancy and childhood. Up to 70% of spina bifida cases can be prevented by maternal periconceptional folic acid supplementation. The aim of this prospective research was to study the risk factors and spine abnormalities in children with spina bifida in Central Sudan. Between June 2009 and May 2011, 105 Sudanese children with spina bifida, 55 females and 50 males, aged between the first day of life to 9 years were recruited in this study. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire and radiographs. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used to perform data analysis. First born child had increased risk for the disease and incidence was more common in winter. Thirty nine percent of mothers were in the age group (32)(33)(34)(35) and no mother had used folic acid before pregnancy. The neural arch defect involved three vertebrae in 23.5% of myelomeningocele cases and one vertebra in 40.9% of meningocele cases. Complete absence of laminae was seen in 66.3% of cases. In 55.8% of patients the defect was less than one centimeter in width. None of mothers used folic acid before getting pregnant and about half of mothers used it after they detected their pregnancy.
The incidence of chronic renal failure had been increased in recent years. The disease is costive and needs special care which is very expensive. The aims of this study were to identify the main causes and to measure the renal length... more
The incidence of chronic renal failure had been increased in recent years. The disease is costive and needs special care which is very expensive. The aims of this study were to identify the main causes and to measure the renal length using ultrasound. The study was conducted at Ali Fadl Hospital and Al Salam Hospital in Khartoum State from the period of January to April 2012. There were 53 patients with chronic renal failure had been selected to satisfy the study? The study confirmed that diabetes; hypertension and glomerulonephritis were the main causes of chronic renal failure which represented 91.9%, 83.8% and 94.6% respectively. The study showed most of the right renal lengths of the impaired kidneys was ranged between 4.3 to 5cm which represents approximately 55% of the measurements. The renal length of the impaired left kidney was mainly ranged between 5 to 5.5 cm and represent 64.15 %. The mean value of the length of the right kidney was 5.95 cm and the left was 6.14cm.
The aim of this study was to establish normal constant value for cardiothoracic ratio among Saudi people in Almadinah Almunawwarah. The cardiothoracic ratio of 66 male and 43 female aged between 6 to 83 years old were estimated from the... more
The aim of this study was to establish normal constant value for cardiothoracic ratio among Saudi people in Almadinah Almunawwarah. The cardiothoracic ratio of 66 male and 43 female aged between 6 to 83 years old were estimated from the transverse diameters of heart and thorax respectively using posteroanterior normal chest radiographs. The study was conducted at King Fahd Hospital in Radiology Department from the period of January to March 2014. The mean and standard deviation of cardiothoracic ratio, transverse cardiac diameter and transverse thoracic diameter were established .The mean values for cardiothoracic ratio for both males and females were 0.54 and 0.47 respectively and both showed highly significant difference. Conclusion: the cardiothoracic ratio of Saudi people is approximately similar to that of Africa(Nigerian).
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +2
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Deep vein thrombosis is one of the main serious vascular diseases which may lead to death and serious complications if left undiagnosed and untreated. Color Doppler is one of the accurate and safe imaging modality which plays a great role... more
Deep vein thrombosis is one of the main serious vascular diseases which may lead to death and serious complications if left undiagnosed and untreated. Color Doppler is one of the accurate and safe imaging modality which plays a great role in diagnosis and management. Objective: to evaluate Sudanese patients with suspected deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities using color Doppler ultrasonography. Materials and methods: the study population composed of 150 patients (different ages and gender) with suspected deep venous thrombosis at the lower extremities. They had been investigated with color Doppler using high frequency linear transducer. The protocol begins with the patient in supine position from upper thigh till foot with longitudinal and transverse scanning to examine the veins from the common iliac veins down to calf veins. Extent of thrombus was determined by locating the proximal end of thrombus and documenting it with longitudinal and transverse scans. Results: pati...
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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This study aimed to determine the thyroid hormones profile of students of the Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Medical Radiological Science in Khartoum, Sudan during the period from 01/01 /2013 up to31/12/ 2013 using... more
This study aimed to determine the thyroid hormones profile of students of the Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Medical Radiological Science in Khartoum, Sudan during the period from 01/01 /2013 up to31/12/ 2013 using Radio-immunoassay (RIA). A cross sectional descriptive study was done involving 40 healthy students with the mean age of 21.79 years with a range of 19-29 years . Serum levels of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) were measured using Radio-immunoassay (RIA) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH), TSH was assayed using Immunoradiometric Assay (IRMA). Subjects who volunteered to participate in the study were interviewed; their height and body weight measured, 5 ml of blood withdrawn, and sera harvested. The results showed that the reference range of thyroid related hormones level (mean±2SD) was found to be as follows: T3 =1.38 ±2 (0. 5) n mole/L, T4 = 132.5± (44.0) nmol/L and TSH= (mean±SD) 1.20± 0.82 mU/L .In conclusion, the thyroid hormone concentrations obtained in this study was in the lower range of the values reported in previous studies. a local reference of thyroid hormone concentrations was established.
- by Moawia Gameraddin and +1
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