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Background and Aim: As ageing advances, the human brain undergoes many gross and histopathological changes with regression of the brain tissue leading to the enlargement of the ventricles. Knowledge of morphometric and size of normal... more
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Abstract: Background: hydronephrosis is one of the most common complication of renal obstructive diseases, if left untreated, it may cause severe complications which may lead to acute and chronic renal failure. Objectives: to assess and... more
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Objectives: This study was to assess the diagnostic capabilities of Transabdominal Sonographic Findings in the Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder abnormalities. Methods and Material: In a cross-sectional study design, was conducted in different... more
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    • Radiology
This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis ofobstructive jaundicecauses. The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and hospitals in the period between Jan 2010 -March 2011.A total of 102 patients... more
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      EngineeringNursingUltrasoundLiver Disease
Objectives: The study aimed to determine the role of spiral CT Angiography in suspected cases of Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Material and methods: The study was conducted at EL-Nilain center , Royal care center and Faisal center. Fifty... more
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This study aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasound(U/S) versus spiral Computed Tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of urinary system calculi. This study was conducted in the Department of Radiology in ALamal Hospital in Khartoum State, in... more
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      Computed TomographyUltrasoundMedicineIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.We performed an observational retrospective study which included100 patient with clinical suspected of AC were randomized into... more
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      MedicineIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
The main objective of this study is to measure aortic diameter and to estimate the cardiothoracic ratio. The study was carried out in the College of Radiologic Technology, The National Ribat University,Khartoum Sudan and Special... more
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Purpose: This study was done to assess the role of ultrasound in diagnosis of obstructive jaundice and to identify the most common causes and symptoms. Materials and methods: The study took place in different Khartoum clinical centers and... more
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Objectives: This study aimed to measure renal stone using different modality (kidney, ureters and bladder [K.U.B], fluoroscopy and intravenous urography [I.V.U]), to compare these three methods of measurements and to detect the variation... more
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Correct assessment of gestational age is a cornerstone of management of any obstetric case. Several anatomical parameters are useful in the assessment of gestational age. The ultimate aim of this study is to determine the fetal... more
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Objectives: This study aimed to assess various renal diseases using IVU and US examinations Methods: This is a retrospective analytical which included 50 subjects referred for IVU and was done in Fedail hospital, Soba University hospital... more
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Known the ideal components of MR department and how to deal with those that help to keep department with long life and the human inside it in safe environment.
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Spina bifida is a common cause of disability in infancy and childhood. Up to 70% of spina bifida cases can be prevented by maternal periconceptional folic acid supplementation. The aim of this prospective research was to study the risk... more
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    • Academic
The incidence of chronic renal failure had been increased in recent years. The disease is costive and needs special care which is very expensive. The aims of this study were to identify the main causes and to measure the renal length... more
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The aim of this study was to establish normal constant value for cardiothoracic ratio among Saudi people in Almadinah Almunawwarah. The cardiothoracic ratio of 66 male and 43 female aged between 6 to 83 years old were estimated from the... more
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Deep vein thrombosis is one of the main serious vascular diseases which may lead to death and serious complications if left undiagnosed and untreated. Color Doppler is one of the accurate and safe imaging modality which plays a great role... more
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This study aimed to determine the thyroid hormones profile of students of the Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Medical Radiological Science in Khartoum, Sudan during the period from 01/01 /2013 up to31/12/ 2013 using... more
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