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    • Biological Sciences
Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most frequently reported complications of chronic blood transfusion therapy in patients with beta-thalassemia major (BTM). However, the occurrence of thyroid dysfunction and its possible association with... more
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The aim of the current study is to evaluate the potential mechanism of antidiabetic action of the essential oil of Artemisia sieberi and its effects on some hematological and biochemical parameters in alloxan induced diabetic rats.... more
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Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia which has a deleterious effect on all systems including reproductive system of animals. The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of ethanol extract derived from... more
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Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and Muslims fast during this month. We designed this study to evaluate the effect of Ramadan fasting on plasma lipids profile and serum glucose among healthy Jordanian students. Ramadan... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
This study was carried out to assess the lipid pattern in gymnasts of the Jordan National Team. Twelve athletes represent the National gymnastic team (4 males and 8 females, mean age 18±1 year) were included in this study. The training... more
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This study was designed to evaluate the role of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone ( -MSH) on heart rate and some hematological values in alloxan induced diabetic rats. 40 male white rats were divided into four experimental groups:... more
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    • Control Group
Problem statement: Urtica pilulifera L. (Urticaceae), has long been used for the treatment of various aliments including diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia which has a deleterious effect on all... more
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      Male Reproduction HealthFood intakeStreptozotocinReproductive System
The aim of this research was to examine the biochemical factors related to kidney functions such as glucose, urea, creatinine, sodium and potassium levels among Jordanian top level athletes. Eighty athletes (67 males and 13 females)... more
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    • Scientific
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacology
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Introduction: Rubia tinctorum L. (F. Rubiaceae) has historical role in promotion of healing process of thermal injuries. The cellular changes associated with burn healing process mediated by the plant were investigated. Methods and... more
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    • Multidisciplinary