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‫واملزمنة‬ ‫الشائعة‬ ‫العصبي‬ ‫اجلهاز‬ ‫اضطرابات‬ ‫أحد‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الصرع‬ ‫من‬ ‫الرغم‬ ‫وعلى‬ ‫العالم‬ ‫حول‬ ‫شخص‬ ‫مليون‬ 65 ‫نحو‬ ‫ويصيب‬ ‫يقارب‬ ‫ما‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫اليزال‬ ‫للصرع‬ ‫الدوائي‬ ‫العالج‬ ‫في‬ ‫العلمي‬ ‫التقدم‬ ‫املستعصية‬ ‫الصرع‬... more
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Background:-University studentsare routinelycomplaining of triggers, especiallyirregular sleepand stress, which are commonly associated with migraineattacks. Objectives:-To assess the prevalenceof migraine headache among female students... more
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Background:-University studentsare routinelycomplaining of triggers, especiallyirregular sleepand stress, which are commonly associated with migraineattacks. Objectives:-To assess the prevalenceof migraine headache among female students... more
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Background: Teaching and learning are fundamentally different between conventional and problem based learning (PBL) curricula. There is a transformation in the
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    • Medicine
Background : Self medication refers to the treatment of common health problems with medicines approved as safe and effective for use without consulting a physician and without any medical supervision. Objective :The aim of the present... more
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      ResearchMedicineApproximate ReasoningAdvanced
Amaç: Safra taşı oluşumun etiyopatogenezi bilinmesine rağmen, tirotoksikozun safra taşı oluşumu üzerinde etkisini araştıran çok az sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tavşanlarda tirotoksikozun safra taşı üzerine etkileri... more
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    • Medicine
The material selection criteria involve the requirement of high strength and good corrosion resistance aluminum alloys for the matrix materials. The mechanical properties have been determined for different metal matrix composites produced... more
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Salmonella infection is an international public health concern. Salmonella organisms are Gram-negative bacilli that belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae, and more than 2500 Salmonella serovars have been described. The most common... more
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    • Medicine
Introduction. Around half of the visually impaired population has uncorrected refractive errors (URE), and myopia constitutes a high proportion of them. URE should be screened and treated early to prevent long-term complications. The aim... more
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Background: Effective treatment of diabetes is not enough alone, there must be education and training from physicians and nurses to patients. To achieve education in correct manner there must be enough knowledge of physicians to apply... more
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      Primary Health CareFamily MedicineMedicineDiabetes mellitus
Background:Psychological health is as important as physical health, which needs more attention to provide the high quality of life to patients with chronic diseases. Kidney disease is among the top-stress illnesses because of the... more
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      MedicineHemodialysisCross sectional Study
High-Level Synthesis (HLS) allows designers to create a register transfer level (RTL) description of a digital circuit starting from its high-level specification (e.g., C/C++/SystemC). HLS reduces engineering effort and design-time... more
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      Computer ScienceHigh Level SynthesisSystemcTrojan
The online version of the above article has been updated on October 3, 2019 with the following changes: (1) Dr. Malak Althagafi's name has been removed from the author list upon her request and (2) Tables 1-4 and S1-S11 and related text... more
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesExome Sequencing
This study aims to develop a valid and reliable Arabic version of the Compliance Questionnaire on Rheumatology (CQR-A) and to explore the impact of demographic factors on compliance. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study... more
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      RheumatologyMedicinePhysical TherapyInternal Medicine
Breast feeding (BF) is known to have many advantages but our Arab region has a pattern similar to western countries; where exclusive breastfeeding less than 35%. Knowledge given to women during her antenatal visits plays an important... more
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Background: Breast feeding (BF) is known to have many advantages but our Arab region has a pattern similar to western countries; where exclusive breastfeeding less than 35%. Knowledge given to women during her antenatal visits plays an... more
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Background: Medical students usually suffer from many mental health issues and that is mainly due to the challenging environment of college of medicine. This study aimed to assess the severity and compare the prevalence of depression,... more
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    • Medicine in Developing Countries
Introduction. Optimum growth and development are best achieved by breastfeeding, which is the safest source for infant feeding. Mothers in Saudi Arabia start to breastfeed their infants but soon introduce formula brands. Objective. To... more
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