Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Educational Foundations
There is little research about the potential effects of large-scale institutional changes. Mergers and demergers of educational ministries provide an example of such changes, with their impact on the detailed workings of the... more
This paper analyzed elementary teacher education (hereafter 'TED') programs in the top performing European (TIMSS) countries to help inform future elementary TED policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Methodological emphasis revolved... more
This paper analyzed the costs and benefits of attending the top three U.S. elementary teacher education programs by examining how much emphasis is on general content knowledge (GCK), as opposed to general pedagogical knowledge (GPK), as... more
This study compared how the centralization of Egyptian Islamic Higher Education historically affected educational quality, probity of school management and general levels of and appreciation for Islamic knowledge. This research compared... more
A Comparative Policy Analysis of Elementary Teacher Education in the Top Performing Asian TIMSS Countries Abstract Purpose: This paper analyzed elementary teacher education (hereafter 'TED') programs in the top performing (TIMSS) Asian... more
In a time of increasing anxiety between 'The Muslim World' and 'The West', it is important to investigate the philosophical assumptions that seem to undergird the two parties' Weltanschauung1—particularly as we are slowly realizing that... more
This study explored the interaction of school and students’ cultures at a Latino academic/social enrichment after-school programme in Georgia, USA. I researched if and how students used language, a defining aspect of cultures, as cultural... more
In a time of increasing anxiety between 'The Muslim World' and 'The West', it is important to investigate the philosophical assumptions that seem to undergird the two parties' Weltanschauung-particularly as we are slowly realizing that... more
This study explored the interaction of school and students' cultures at a Latino academic/social enrichment after-school programme in Georgia, USA. I researched if and how students used language, a defining aspect of cultures, as cultural... more
This paper analyzed elementary teacher education (hereafter ‘TED’) programs in the top performing European (TIMSS) countries to help inform future elementary TED policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Methodological emphasis revolved... more
This paper analyzed the costs and benefits of attending the top three U.S. elementary teacher education programs by examining how much emphasis is on general content knowledge (GCK), as opposed to general pedagogical knowledge (GPK), as... more
This study compared how, over time, the centralization of Islamic Higher Education affected educational quality, probity of school management and general levels of and appreciation for knowledge. This research involved comparing... more
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzed elementary TED (Teacher Education) programs in the top performing TIMSS ( Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ) Asian, i.e. Japan, South Korea, and Singapore countries to explore how much... more
In this dissertation, I will explore the intellectual foundations of Egyptian national education to understand the paradoxical existence of a Secular Humanist rooted national education system in a Muslim-majority country (MMC). Such an... more
Quand le chercheur s’investit dans son action de recherche, il entretient un rapport cognitif et affectif avec son objet d’étude. Dans cet article, nous souhaitons aborder comment la question de l’implication du chercheur est un enjeu de... more
This study addresses the religious identification of young people from an immigrant background in the context of a sociological perspective. This study is essentially focused on young people's perceptions of their religious... more
This study relates to private schools in Quebec, which primarily shelter Muslim immigrant children. In Quebec, although society is delighted with its public education, which has become officially secular, the number of religious school... more