Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Biology
Snap bean fields in 12 of the 25 governorates of Egypt were surveyed to determine the distribution and taxonomy of snap bean-nodulating rhizobia. Nodulation rates in the field were very low, indicating that Egyptian soils do not have... more
In a greenhouse experiment, two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria "PGPR" strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens FB11 and a Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae FBG05) isolated from roots of faba bean plants were tested singly and in... more
ABSTRACT: Bioassay-guided separation with an eye toward antifungal activity led to the isolation of the new alkaloid 5-(1̀,1̀-dimethylallyl)-8-hydroxyfuro[ 2-3-b] quinoline (1) and the known biscoumarin daphnoretin (2) as the active... more
The occurrence and the dynamics of phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria (PPNSB) as well as Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Clostridium, and cyanobacteria at dierent rice growth stages were studied in two rice®elds, at Kafr-El-Shiekh and... more
The phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacterium (PPNSB) Rhodobacter capsulatus was used to inoculate seedlings of four rice varieties Giza 159, Giza 171, Giza 176 and Giza 181, grown in hydroponic culture with or without nitrogen. After... more
A pot and a lysimeter experiment were carried out to study the eects of inoculation of the roots of rice seedlings with R. capsulatus in combination with graded levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on growth and yield of the rice variety... more
Ninty three PGPR isolates out of 531 rhizosphere and rhizoplane isolates of some wild plant species at Almadinah Almunawwarah, KSA were screened for the best antagonism towards plant pathogenic fungi (Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotinia... more
Objective: To study in vitro antibacterial activity and physicochemical properties of three unifloral honeys (citrus, clover and cotton honeys), and to study the impacts of storage, dilution with water (33%, w/v) and autoclaving (121 °C... more
A novel bacteriocin-like substance produced by vaginalLactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius CRL 1328 with activity against Enterococcus faecalis,Enterococcus faecium, and Neisseria gonorrhoeaewas characterized. The highest level of... more
Objective: To study in vitro antibacterial activity and physicochemical properties of three unifloral honeys (citrus, clover and cotton honeys), and to study the impacts of storage, dilution with water (33%, w/v) and autoclaving (121 °C... more
In a greenhouse experiment, was adapted to monitor potential of faba bean seed bacterization with R. leguminosarum for induction of systemic resistance in faba bean against Broad bean mottle virus and Botrytis fabae. The results... more
The role of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in adaptation of plants in extreme environments is not yet completely understood. For this study native bacteria were isolated from rhizospeheric arid soils and evaluated for both... more
This study was conducted to determine what effects nanoparticles (NPs) like TiO 2 , ZnO, and Ag may pose on natural attenuation processes of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soils. The solid NPs used were identified using x-ray... more
Please cite this article as: Morsy FM et al., Dark and photofermentation H 2 production from hydrolyzed biomass of the potent extracellular polysaccharides producing cyanobacterium Nostoc commune and intracellular polysaccharide... more
Cellulosic biowastes are one of the cheapest and most abundant renewable organic materials on earth that can be, subsequent to hydrolysis, utilized as an organic carbon source for several fermentation biotechnologies. This study was... more
The Frasassi and Acquasanta Terme cave systems in Italy host isolated lithoautotrophic ecosystems characterized by sulfur-oxidizing biofilms with up to 50% S(0) by mass. The net contributions of microbial taxa in the biofilms to... more
Utilization of fluorescent pseudomonads bacteria (FPB) as plant growth promoting agents offers a promising alternative solution to the application of potential harmful agrochemicals. In this study, FPB inhabiting ectorhizosphere and... more