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This is a reflective article that looks my experiences as an international PhD student from Saudi Arabia at the University of East Anglia in the UK. Coming from a completely different learning context, several learning issues emerged... more
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This study explores the parental choices of introducing children to English in the pre-primary stage. The study took place in a private kindergarten in Al-Madinah, KSA. The study looks at mothers as an active agent; their strategical... more
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      Social CapitalSaudi ArabiaCultural CapitalMiddle East
The global spread of COVID-19 has caused disruptions in many aspects of our lives. Education systems worldwide have changed dramatically. Numerous countries have encouraged schools to shift to e-learning and, as a result, parental... more
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      Early Childhood EducationEducation Systems
Transitioning from secondary to higher education is not a natural step for many first-year university students. Most female students who join Taibah University did not have the chance to visit the university and get to know the programs... more
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      Higher EducationStudent MotivationFirst Yearstudent welfare
Technology is surrounding children, and they are engaging with it from an early stage. This reality raises concerns among professionals and educators. Several recommendations have been published regarding children’s time spent in front of... more
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      Digital LiteracyEarly Childhood EducationQualitative Research