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Objective: To explore socio-economic differences in 'Nutritional Care Potential' (NCP) of housewives belonging to three distinctively different income groups living in urban areas of Karachi. Methods: Data was collected from families... more
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      PakistanSocial ClassClinical SciencesQuestionnaires
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      PakistanAdolescentChildUnited States
Madam, Dyslipidemia is a major problem in diabetes. It occurs more commonly in Type-II diabetes alongwith obesity and serum lipid abnormalities are characterized by decreased HDL cholesterol and elevated total triglyceride levels, whereas... more
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      Treatment OutcomeProspective studiesBody Mass IndexClinical Sciences
Aim: To assess insulin levels and their association with metabolic risk factors (family history of diabetes, abnormal glucose tolerance, hypertension, overweight and android obesity) among a representative group of Pakistan.
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      ObesityPakistanMetabolic syndromeOverweight
To assess the differences in fasting blood glucose, insulin and lipids of children having family history of diabetes or heart disease in first or second degree relative compared with a control group. Questionnaire was given to collect... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFamily historyBlood GlucoseBlood sampling
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      PakistanDietBody Mass IndexEating
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Observations on associations between fatness and metabolic risks among South-East Asian adults have resulted in devising lower thresholds of body mass index (BMI) for them. Metabolic abnormalities, including type 2 diabetes, are now also... more
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      DemographyNutrition and DieteticsObesityAnthropometry
p r i m a r y c a r e d i a b e t e s 4 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 79-83 Diabetes Punjab Pakistan a b s t r a c t Aims: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and their relationship to age and obesity were estimated in... more
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      Primary CareObesityPakistanDiabetes mellitus
Dietary trends have been found to be related with metabolic syndrome in various studies. To identify dietary patterns and study associations between the dietary patterns of subjects with high and low risk of metabolic syndrome in a... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsPakistanMetabolic syndromeBlood sampling
Background: This study was carried out to assess the association of glycemic control and hypertension with chronic complications in type 2 diabetic subjects attending a tertiary care centre in Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: This was a cross... more
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      PakistanHyperglycemiaBlood GlucoseHypertension
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      ObesityDiabetesPakistanBlood Glucose
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      ObesityPakistanLife StyleFamily history
Changes in diet and activity are supposed to be responsible for the increased prevalence of urbanization related diseases. By comparing determinants of food choice among rural and urban south Asians we can assess the impact of... more
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    • Nutrition and Dietetics
Food habits and nutrient density of diets of six groups of rural and urban school children aged 10-12 years were compared. Data were collected from three-day food records. In the UK, data were collected during October-November 1994 and in... more
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      DemographyNutrition and DieteticsPakistanPopulation Health
Objective: To study the socio-economic differences in height and body mass index (BMI) in urban areas of Karachi. Design: A comparative study was undertaken to compare the heights and BMIs of adults and children belonging to three... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAnthropometryPakistanAdolescent
Objective: To determine the association between maternal dietary intake and nutritional status during pregnancy with anthropometric measurements of the newborns at birth.
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      IslamFastingDiabetes mellitusQuestionnaires
Objective: The aim of the present study was to monitor the efficacy of glimepiride going beyond 4mg in our daily practice, since the action of glimepiride is reproducibly dose-dependent and the dose of glimepiride can be given upto 8 mg.
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    • Pakistan
Rationale: Patients admitted for upper gastrointestinal (UGI) resection for malignancy are often malnourished secondary to anorexia, taste changes, dysphagia and increased energy expenditure. The aim of this study was to determine the... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritional Status