Terms of Use for Tabelog Reservation Service (for Inbound Tourists)
These Terms of Use for Tabelog Reservation Service (for Inbound Tourists) (these "Terms") govern your use of Tabelog Reservation Service (for Inbound Tourists) (the "Service"), an online restaurant reservation function within Tabelog website provided by Kakaku.com, Inc. ("KKC"). Before starting to use the Service, you are required to agree to these Terms.Please read these Terms carefully. By clicking "I Agree," you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms.
Article 1. Scope of Application
1. These Terms shall apply to any and all actions taken by you in connection with the Service, and you are required to agree to the Terms before using the Service.
2. In addition to these Terms on this page, other notices regarding the use of the Service that KKC may display on Tabelog, including precaution notices about cancellation, shall form part of these Terms. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between such notices and these Terms, these Terms shall prevail.
3. Any and all matters related to Tabelog, other than the use of the Service, shall be subject to Tabelog Terms of Use at the following URL. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Tabelog Terms of Use and these Terms, these Terms shall prevail.
Tabelog Terms of Use:https://tabelog.com/help/rules/
4. These Terms are written in English and may be translated into other languages, but the English version is the original and the versions written in other languages are informative. In the event of any conflict between the English version and those written in other languages, the English version shall prevail.
Article 2. The Service
On the Service, KKC will provide the following services. The Service is available only in the following multiple language versions of Tabelog.
Article 3. Conclusion of Reservation Contract
1. If KKC has accepted an application from you through the Service for a reservation at a restaurant, KKC shall notify you of the details of your application via e-mail to the e-mail address designated by you or by posting them for you on the Service's website. Once the details of your application are notified to you by either way as above, a contract of your reservation through the Service ("Reservation Contract") shall be concluded between you and the restaurant for which your application is accepted (such restaurant, the "Restaurant"), under the terms and conditions of the reservation, including the cancellation policy, that the Restaurant has registered for the Service as shown for you on the Service.
2. Upon acceptance of your application for a reservation through the Service, KKC shall notify you of your reservation number in the notice to be given to you as set out in the preceding Paragraph. You shall be responsible for the use and management of your reservation number, and you shall be solely responsible for any loss and damage caused by your inadequate management of, your wrong use of, or use by a third party, or other reasons. KKC shall assume no liability or responsibility therefor, except the case under Article 16, Paragraph 1.
Article 4. Payment of Reservation Fee
1. In consideration for your use of the Service, you shall pay to KKC the reservation fee as set out on a separate page on the Service.
2. Upon conclusion of a Reservation Contract, you shall pay the reservation fee payable by you under the preceding Paragraph by credit card. No Reservation Contract shall be concluded without payment of the reservation fee.
3. If you cancel your Reservation Contract in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 9, KKC will not refund your reservation fee set out in this Article, regardless of whether or not you incur a cancellation fee. If, after your Reservation Contract is concluded, you change your reservation to reduce the number of people of your group, the reservation fee payable or paid by you under Paragraph 1 will not be reduced or refunded.
4. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the cancellation of the Reservation Contract is due to the event any of the reasons caused by the restaurant, KKC shall cancel the credit card sales related to the reservation fee to the user or refund the reservation fee if it has been paid. However, if the KKC is unable to refund the reservation fee for more than one year after the cancellation is confirmed due to reasons attributable to the user (including but not limited to suspension of credit card use, etc.), the user shall be deemed to have waived the right to refund the reservation fee.
Article 5. Agreement to Pay Cancellation Fee
1. When you enter into a Reservation Contract (including when you make any changes to your Reservation Contract), you must agree that, in the event of any of the reasons of cancellation set out in the cancellation policy that will be provided to you on-screen at the time that you enter into that Reservation Contract, you will pay the cancellation fee set out in that cancellation policy to the Restaurant using the credit card you register in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.
2. If you do not agree to pay the cancellation fee pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, no Reservation Contract will be concluded between you and the Restaurant.
Article 6. Acceptable Credit Cards
1. To pay for the Service, you may only use a credit card in your own name. You shall not use another person's credit card, enter false credit card information, or commit any other fraudulent act. If you commit a fraudulent act, KKC may demand you compensate KKC for any loss or damage caused by your fraudulent act.
2. The same credit card must be used for Article 4 (Payment of Reservation Fee) and Article 5 (Agreement to Pay Cancellation Fee).
Article 7. Information Provided upon Conclusion of Reservation Contract
1. You shall not include any false information in the information you provide at the conclusion of your Reservation Contract, including not only your personal information such as your name, but also your intent to apply for the Reservation Contract. You hereby represent and warrant that you have any and all legal authority necessary to conclude your Reservation Contract, including, but not limited to, the authority to use the credit card used to pay for the Service.
2. KKC shall handle your personal information and other privacy information received from you at the conclusion of your Reservation Contract in accordance with the privacy policy established by KKC.
Article 8. Payment for Food and Beverage
In accordance with your Reservation Contract, you shall pay the food and beverage charges for your Reservation Contract directly to the Restaurant. The food and beverage payment shall include the payment for the food and beverage service you order directly at the Restaurant, in addition to the food and beverage you have already ordered on the Service for your Reservation Contract.
Article 9. Cancellation of Reservation Contract
1. If you wish to cancel your Reservation Contract, you shall follow the cancellation procedure specified by KKC, which will be provided on a separate page on the Service.
2. If you cancel your Reservation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph or fail to arrive at the Restaurant on the date and time agreed upon in your Reservation Contract without following the cancellation procedures pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, including late arrival from the date and time agreed upon in your Reservation Contract and reduction in the number of people of your group from the number of people agreed upon in your Reservation Contract, the Restaurant may collect a cancellation fee from you. Whether or not you incur a cancellation fee shall depend on the cancellation policy that the Restaurant adopts on Tabelog (if the Restaurant has more than one cancellation policy, the one shown for you at the time of reservation shall apply). The Restaurant will decide whether or not to actually charge you a cancellation fee. KKC will have no involvement in the application of the cancellation policy or the Restaurant's decision whether or not to collect a cancellation fee from you.
Article 10. Collection of Cancellation Fee
1. In the event of any of the reasons of cancellation set out in the cancellation policy to which you agree when entering into a Reservation Contract, if the Restaurant decides to charge you a cancellation fee, KKC will collect the cancellation fee from you on behalf of the Restaurant as authorized by the Restaurant to do so. Unless otherwise provided for, the payment of the cancellation fee will be made by the credit card registered upon the conclusion of your Reservation Contract. However, if the payment cannot be made by the credit card registered upon conclusion of your Reservation Contract (including, but not limited to, when only a portion of the payment is made), you shall pay directly to the Restaurant the cancellation fee that cannot be paid by the credit card.
2. Aside from the collection of the cancellation fee set out in the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, KKC will have no involvement in any problem that may arise between you and the Restaurant regarding cancellation of your Reservation Contract and payment of the cancellation fee, including the terms of cancellation fees, the amount of the cancellation fee, problems in the service provided by the Restaurant, problems occurred in the Restaurant, and compensation for loss and damage.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraphs, in the case of cancellation of the reservation contract due to the event any of the reasons caused by the restaurant, the cancellation fee shall be refunded to the user regardless of the reason. Please note that refunds are the responsibility and expense of the restaurant, and KKC is not involved in any refunds.
Article 11. Modification of Reservation Contract
1. If you wish to make changes to your Reservation Contract after it has been concluded, you shall follow the procedures prescribed by KKC and make the changes to your Reservation Contract through the Service. You may only change the date, time, and number of people of your group, and you may not change the course meal. Any arrangements between you and the Restaurant regarding those changes shall be subject to your Reservation Contract, including the cancellation policy. KKC will have no involvement in any such arrangements.
2. If the change you make to your Reservation Contract pursuant to the preceding Paragraph constitutes any of the reasons of cancellation set out in the cancellation policy provided to you on-screen when you enter into your Reservation Contract, the Restaurant may cancel your Reservation Contract and charge you a cancellation fee. In that case, the cancellation fee shall be subject to the provisions of Article 9 (Cancellation of Reservation Contract), Paragraph 2 and Article 10 (Collection of Cancellation Fee).
Article 12. Non-Involvement of KKC
Any problems arising from the conclusion, cancellation, or modification of your Reservation Contract, or from the quality or content of the food and beverage service provided by the Restaurant, shall be resolved directly between you and the Restaurant. KKC will have no involvement in such problems.
Article 13. Handling of Chargebacks
1. The term "chargeback" as used in these Terms means, collectively, the procedure for cancellation of an order placed under your Reservation Contract, which includes the following steps:
[1] You file a complaint to the issuer of your credit card used to conclude your Reservation Contract about the payment of the reservation fee and/or cancellation fee; and
[2] The issuer of your credit card has determined that the order placed under your Reservation Contract for which you have filed a complaint is eligible to be cancelled under the issuer's policy and the issuer cancels that order.
2. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms to the contrary, if the chargeback under the preceding Paragraph is applied to your Reservation Contract, KKC will refund to you the reservation fee, which is set out in Article 4, and/or the cancellation fee, which is set out in Article 10, if you have already paid the fee. If you have not completed the payment of the fee, KKC will cancel the billing of the fee.
Article 14. Precautions
1. You agree in advance that the availability and prices that the Restaurant shows you on the Service may differ from the reservation and price information provided elsewhere by the Restaurant.
2. If the Restaurant changes the menu prices and other terms and conditions that the Restaurant employs on the Service, the changed prices shall apply only to those who apply for a reservation after the change, and those who have already applied for a reservation shall be subject to the prices shown at the time of applying for the reservation.
3. KKC is not obligated to keep information about your reservation application and other information on the Service for you. It is your responsibility to record and keep your information.
Article 15. Suspension, Change, Termination of the Service
1. KKC reserves the right to suspend, change, or terminate the Service, in whole or in part, by posting a notice on the Service's website.
2. In the event that KKC determines that the provision of the Service will be disrupted due to any of the following circumstances, KKC may, without prior notice to you, take any necessary measures to restore the Service, such as temporary suspension of the Service.
(1) An inspection, repair, or maintenance of servers, software, etc. is required for the Service;
(2) An accident or failure of computers, communication lines, etc. related to the Service has occurred; or
(3) KKC deems that there is a compelling reason.
3. Even if you or any third party suffers any loss, damage or disadvantage as a result of the measures taken by KKC pursuant to the preceding two Paragraphs, KKC shall accept no responsibility or liability for any such loss, damage or disadvantage, except the case where KKC accepts liability pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the following Article.
Article 16. Disclaimers and Related Provisions
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms, if you suffer any loss or damage in connection with the Service and it is deemed that that loss or damage is caused by KKC's negligence, other than gross negligence, and that KKC has liability to compensate that loss or damage due to its non-performance of contractual obligations or in tort, KKC shall be liable for compensation for that loss or damage only to the extent that such loss or damage would normally arise, and any lost profits and any other loss and damage arising out of special circumstances shall be excluded. This shall not apply if such loss or damage is caused by KKC's willful misconduct or gross negligence.
2. Any problem that may arise between you and the Restaurant or any other third party in connection with the Service, including, but not limited to, conflicts with the Restaurant regarding your Reservation Contract, regardless of the reason, the parties concerned shall resolve that problem, and except the case where KKC accepts liability pursuant to the preceding Paragraph, KKC shall assume no responsibility or liability therefor.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs, if the contract between you and KKC regarding the Service is not a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act of Japan, KKC shall accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage incurred by you or a third party in connection with the Service, unless that loss or damage is caused by KKC's willful misconduct or gross negligence. If, in that case, it is deemed that that loss or damage is caused by KKC's gross negligence and that KKC has liability to compensate that loss or damage due to its non-performance of contractual obligations or in tort, KKC shall be liable for compensation for that loss or damage only to the extent that such loss or damage would normally arise, and any lost profits and any other loss and damage arising out of special circumstances shall be excluded.
Article 17. Prohibitions
1. When using the Service, you are prohibited to do any of the following acts:
(1) Acts of copying or otherwise reproducing, duplicating, sending, transferring, distributing publicly or to selected recipients, reselling the information provided by KKC, or storing such information for those purposes without KKC's prior consent;
(2) Acts that infringe or may infringe the copyrights, property rights, privacy or other rights of other users of the Service, third parties or KKC;
(3) In addition to the preceding item, acts that cause or may cause disadvantage or damage to other users of the Service, third parties or KKC;
(4) Acts that are offensive or may be offensive to public order and morals;
(5) Criminal acts, or acts that lead or may lead to criminal acts;
(6) Acts conducted through or in connection with the Service without KKC's consent for the purpose of profit, such as the sale of reservations or reservation contracts, or acts done for the purpose of preparing for such acts;
(7) Acts of making reservation applications with false information;
(8) Acts of repeatedly canceling a reservation without notice or making a reservation without the intention of using the reserved restaurant;
(9) Acts of making multiple reservation applications under the same name for the same time period;
(10) Acts of using or providing computer viruses or other harmful programs through or in connection with the Service;
(11) Acts that violate or may violate applicable laws and ordinances; and
(12) Other acts that KKC deems inappropriate.
2. If you are found to have committed any of the acts listed in the preceding Paragraph, KKC may take necessary measures such as restricting your use of the Service without any notice. KKC shall assume no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage you may incur as a result of that action, except the case where KKC accepts liability for loss and damage pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article. You shall be liable for compensation for any loss or damage that KKC or a third party may suffer as a result of that action.
Article 18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any lawsuit or dispute arising in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
Article 19. Revision and Renewal of these Terms
1. KKC may revise these Terms. Any such revised Terms shall become effective as of the effective date determined at KKC's discretion.
2. In the case of the preceding Paragraph, KKC will notify you of the details of the revisions to the Terms and the effective date of the revised Terms at least one month prior to the effective date of the revised Terms; provided, however, that if KKC determines that the disadvantage you may suffer as a result of such revisions is minimal, KKC may shorten the notice period.
3. The provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall not apply if the revision of these Terms is consistent with your general interest.
Effective date: February 26, 2024
Revision date: May 30, 2024
Revision date: June 26, 2024