SZTE JGYPK Művelődéstudományi TanszékUniversity of Szeged Gyula Juhász Faculty of EducationDepartment of Cultural StudiesA Közösségi Kapcsolódások - tanulmányok a kultúráról és oktatásról főszerkesztője Chief Editor of Community Connections - Studies on Culture and Education (
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Papers by Éva Szirmai
As a topos, it gained a great importance during the periods of enlightenment and romanticism, and it even crops up in
some of the 20th century dystopian fictions. Besides the literary and cinematic Mowgli-interpretations, there are about
150 written records of ‘real Mowglis’. Through these, the present study explores the forms of language acquisition and
the interspecies communication from the perspectives of science and mass culture.
Keywords: wild or feral child, real Mowgli, language acquisition, Critical Age/Period Hypothesis, interspecies
communication, popular literature, mass culture
In December 2018, a new legislation, which since then has been known as the “Slave Law”, was pushed through in the Hungarian Parliament, despite the obstruction of the opposition. There have been several protests against the law organized by opposition parties, labor unions and civil organizations. Due to the lack of objective and unbi-ased information on these actions in the public media’s representation, the subjects of demands have changed over time: the need for free and independent information flow has been declared as one of the main demands. The filming of the actions that took place in front of the Parliament and the state broadcast-er were almost exclusively accessible to Facebook users who followed the live video streaming of the partakers. Thus, the “live” function (i.e. live video streaming through mobile devices) be-came the most vital resource of infor-mation and the most effective tool for mobilization. This function enabled the opinion leaders to reach their followers, and the participants to document the police interventions and violent actions. The interactivity exacerbated the con-frontation of opinions on the Facebook platform, and more generally, facilitated political activism. In the present study, the author investi-gates how these events are represented in personal profiles of the oppositional parties’ leaders, how the use of “live” function influences the outcome of the actions, and how the political debates seen on social media can lead to an un-precedented level of activism in civil so-ciety. The author analyzes the comments of the most trending posts (using the MAXQDA qualitative analysis software) to examine whether the propaganda mes-sages, both from the governing party and the opposition, are able to radicalize the readers, to create an image of the enemy, or to deepen the confrontation.
As a topos, it gained a great importance during the periods of enlightenment and romanticism, and it even crops up in
some of the 20th century dystopian fictions. Besides the literary and cinematic Mowgli-interpretations, there are about
150 written records of ‘real Mowglis’. Through these, the present study explores the forms of language acquisition and
the interspecies communication from the perspectives of science and mass culture.
Keywords: wild or feral child, real Mowgli, language acquisition, Critical Age/Period Hypothesis, interspecies
communication, popular literature, mass culture
In December 2018, a new legislation, which since then has been known as the “Slave Law”, was pushed through in the Hungarian Parliament, despite the obstruction of the opposition. There have been several protests against the law organized by opposition parties, labor unions and civil organizations. Due to the lack of objective and unbi-ased information on these actions in the public media’s representation, the subjects of demands have changed over time: the need for free and independent information flow has been declared as one of the main demands. The filming of the actions that took place in front of the Parliament and the state broadcast-er were almost exclusively accessible to Facebook users who followed the live video streaming of the partakers. Thus, the “live” function (i.e. live video streaming through mobile devices) be-came the most vital resource of infor-mation and the most effective tool for mobilization. This function enabled the opinion leaders to reach their followers, and the participants to document the police interventions and violent actions. The interactivity exacerbated the con-frontation of opinions on the Facebook platform, and more generally, facilitated political activism. In the present study, the author investi-gates how these events are represented in personal profiles of the oppositional parties’ leaders, how the use of “live” function influences the outcome of the actions, and how the political debates seen on social media can lead to an un-precedented level of activism in civil so-ciety. The author analyzes the comments of the most trending posts (using the MAXQDA qualitative analysis software) to examine whether the propaganda mes-sages, both from the governing party and the opposition, are able to radicalize the readers, to create an image of the enemy, or to deepen the confrontation.