Szent István University
Department of Urban Planning and Design
Global trends in the revaluation of wine culture and the importance of viticultural landscapes have led to a new era of wine architecture which celebrates its relationship with the landscape; a new era where the philosophy of... more
The follmving work aims to examine the years }vhen Hungmian arclzitecture after the short but impressive period of socal/ed social-realism retumed to modemism. The point in time is the tum of the fifties and sixties. This was the vel}'... more
The aim of the article is to interpret the body-mind relationship in Herzog & de Meuron's architecture. We surveyed their architecture over the last twenty years, uncovering the parallel changes in buildings and writings, with the... more
Reinvention and reinterpretation of the Modern Movement emerged in the middle of the 1990s. It was represented in buildings recalling the classical details of modernism and was distributed in the architectural media as well as by... more
The contemporary wine architecture built in the sacral landscape, their interaction and philosophy are the particular focus of this paper. The paper presents two recently completed winery complexes in Hungary, the Bazaltbor Winery (2010)... more
Contemporary Hungarian historians agree that the key to the understanding of the processes of the 1960s can be found in the political system.1 e conscious, politically driven consolidation of the socialist system resulted in an optimistic... more
Cities are dynamic entities in perpetual evolution. Through this process, vacant spaces tend to appear under different circumstances. Certainly, empty and abandoned lots in a dense urban fabric are easily locatable. That their state... more
After the 1990 change of the political system in Hungary the Budapest Municipal Council displayed about 40 statues from the former communist and socialist regime in a park. This paper aims at presenting the story of the park from the... more
Sigfried Giedion’s seminal paper of 1954 on new regionalism was first mentioned in Hungary by János Bonta in his opposition at the Congress of the Association of Hungarian Architects in 1961. He referred to it as an acceptable way of... more
E tanulmány bemutatja, hogy az egyik utolsó bizánci történetíró, Michaél Kritobulos hogyan alkalmazta az irodalmi utánzás eszközét II. Mehmed szultán drinápolyi beszédében. Megpróbálja feltárni a beszédben olvasható hosszabb történeti... more
The aim of the article is to interpret the body-mind relation-ship in Herzog & de Meuron’s architecture. We surveyed their architecture over the last twenty years, uncovering the parallel changes in buildings and writings, with the... more
Due to their authentic urban and architectural character, the Medinas of Tunis and Marrakesh became listed among the United Nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (UNESCO) heritage sites in 1979 and 1985, respectively.... more
Arts are the main human expression encouraging man to expose his practices, ideas, and fears. This in turn affects and shapes his environment, an environment which keeps evolving into cities. Nowadays, human expression through art is... more
The aim of the article is to interpret the body-mind relationship in Herzog & de Meuron's architecture. We surveyed their architecture over the last twenty years, uncovering the parallel changes in buildings and writings, with the... more
Community gardens have a long history worldwide. They offer an opportunity to reconnect the urban fabric ruptured by vacant plots, foster social connections, build community spirit, and promote sustainability. However, they have to face... more
e Sixties Contemporary Hungarian historians agree that the key to the understanding of the processes of the 1960s can be found in the political system. 1 e conscious, politically driven consolidation of the socialist system resulted in an... more