Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Publishing Section eBooks, 2012
Clusters in general are a particularly important way through which location-based complementariti... more Clusters in general are a particularly important way through which location-based complementarities are realized. This paper shows one example of regional cluster composition in the economic performance of industries, clusters and regions in the field of the Telecommunication sector in Germany. It examines the role of regional clusters in regional entrepreneurship. We focus on the distinct influences of convergence and agglomeration on growth in the number of start-up firms as well as in employment in these new firms in a given region of a special industrial sector. The first step in the lifecycle of a virtual enterprise is the identification of potential companies or company departments which have a common business goal. In order to approach the seed identification problem of virtual companies, three basic sub-problems have to be solved. Firstly, relevant company data and information have to be acquired. Secondly, the information has to be analysed in order to find common aspects and business goals. Thirdly, selection criteria have to be defined in order to decide whether a company might be part of the virtual enterprise or not. The paper at hand presents an approach to semi-automate the seed identification of the Mobile Communication Cluster. Its use inside a company gives rise to the discovery of new business opportunities through automated business segment analysis.
The bankruptcy of a fast-growing logistics provider claiming to have aremarkable market share can... more The bankruptcy of a fast-growing logistics provider claiming to have aremarkable market share can seriously shock the customers and thebusiness community. On choosing the next provider, they will pay moreattention to company size, growth and corporate performance indicators.Do they affect one another and, if yes, to what extent? Is there a direct oran inverse effect? What is the ‘measure of competition’ in the logisticsservice providing sector?It is widely discussed whether time-based competition and through it theenhancement of market concentration has favourable or adverse effects onthe profitability, productivity and efficiency of companies. Severalresearchers have found a positive relationship between marketconcentration and profitability as well as efficiency. However, boththeoretical and empirical research confirms that, on markets with moderatetechnological development and innovation (e.g. logistics), where lots ofplayers are involved in the activities and competition works e...
This study shows the result of a recent survey which focuses on corporate networks and long-term ... more This study shows the result of a recent survey which focuses on corporate networks and long-term business contracts that constitute the main elements of networks. Within this context we examine the incentives for long-term customer and supplier relations in Hungarian corporate practice in the system of contacts for domestic and multinational chain stores and their suppliers as well as the areas of co-operation and characteristic features of businesses with differing motivations in respect of their longterm market relationships. This study is justified by the subjective opinion of the authors, pursuant to which the network of corporate relations may be examined through market relations. The most important such relationships are long-term partnerships related to business activity in the supply chain, constituting long-term fundamental connections in the corporate relations network.
International journal of economics business and management studies, Dec 22, 2022
The phenomena of technology and digitalization have developed rapidly most recently, leaving trac... more The phenomena of technology and digitalization have developed rapidly most recently, leaving traces in all branches of industry. With the prevalence of Industry 4.0 and with digitalization being on the rise, companies have expanded more and more successfully. Thus, in addition to global supply chains, their own supply chains have also started to develop considerably. The aim of our research is to discover the factors characterizing the digital transformation of companies in the Central and Eastern European region. This article assesses the conditions, key drivers, and barriers of digital transformation and the benefits expected by companies operating in the agricultural and food supply chains. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of over hundred companies. From the answers, models were created to each group of questions by using factor analysis. The results show that the most important motivating factors are quality improvement, market pull, and technological push impacts. The barriers identified are largely consistent with those reported in the contemporary literature. Companies expect benefits mostly from "sales and customer relations", followed by "logistics and marketing", and "production and sourcing".
The purpose of our research is to study the factors characterizing strategic awareness and digita... more The purpose of our research is to study the factors characterizing strategic awareness and digitalization in the supply chains of the agricultural and food industry in the Central and Eastern European region. In the article, the authors assess the conditions and preparedness of corporate strategy, structural changes, and strategic awareness when aiming for digital transformation as a key objective that provides a competitive edge. The article is founded on a questionnaire that was developed specifically for this research as the basis of Gergely Ulechla’s PhD dissertation. The results reveal the most important motivating factors and differences in the diverse approaches to the process of strategy formulation.
Folyóiratunk 1997. évi 6. száma a Vizuál Kft. esetét ismertette. Új szerzőnk a Hungaromilknél tör... more Folyóiratunk 1997. évi 6. száma a Vizuál Kft. esetét ismertette. Új szerzőnk a Hungaromilknél történteket mutatja be abból a célból, hogy szaporítsa az oktatók rendelkezésére álló esettanulmányok számá
A Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok kereskedelmi forgalomban nem kapható, zárt terjeszté... more A Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok kereskedelmi forgalomban nem kapható, zárt terjesztésű szaklap. Megjelenik évente 2 alkalommal.
Az erősen globalizálódó telekommunikációs piac tulajdonosi szerkezete - stratégiai szerepe miatt ... more Az erősen globalizálódó telekommunikációs piac tulajdonosi szerkezete - stratégiai szerepe miatt - napjainkban átalakuláson megy keresztül. Az esettanulmány egy külföldi befektető szemszögéből vizsgálja a magyarországi piaci lehetőségeket. Az esettanulmányhoz oktatási segédlet is készült
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 2015
A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényekn... more A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényeknek való megfelelésben, valamint az integrált ellátási láncok nyújtotta potenciális előnyök mind olyan tényezők, amelyeket a vállalatok ma már nem hagyhatnak figyelmen kívül. Ugyanakkor ezek az előnyök csak akkor realizálhatók, ha az ellátási lánc egyes szereplői között kellő szorosságú együttműködési formák alakulnak ki. A partnerkapcsolatok ellátási lánc mentén történő kialakítását azonban döntően befolyásolják a lánctagok közötti erőviszonyok. A tanulmány az FMCG/food szektor ellátási láncaira jellemző hatalmi viszonyokkal foglalkozik, különös tekintettel arra, hogy az erőviszonyok miként befolyásolják a szektor kis- és középvállalkozásainak működését, partnerkapcsolatait. A szerzők – nemzetközi kutatási eredményeket alapul véve – élelmiszer-ipari KKV-k körében végeztek kérdőíves lekérdezést. Ennek eredményeit felhasználva, a partnerkapcsolatokban megnyilvánuló hatalmi viszonyok és a v...
This study aims to examine how our environment affects the creation and modification of the strat... more This study aims to examine how our environment affects the creation and modification of the strategy of Hungarian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). After a detailed literature review, three hypotheses will be set up. For data collection a question-based survey was conducted. The questions were directed towards the conformity of the companies’ “Strategy” and their readiness on “Digitalisation”. Responses were collected from Hungarian SMEs with focus on the highly industrialised North-Western region of the country. The survey was answered by executives of companies in production-, commerceand service sectors. The methodology applied for analysis of the data acquired was empirical analysis (SPSS). The current paper will highlight how far the cooperation with other SC members will influence the creation/modification of these companies’ strategy.
Supply Chain Integration (SCI) integrates the activities between a firm and its channel members; ... more Supply Chain Integration (SCI) integrates the activities between a firm and its channel members; therefore, it is a significant interdisciplinary subject for Supply Chain Management. The main aim of this paper is to review previous research on SCI in main academic sources to give some insights and practical information in the field of SCI, while indicating an overview of the main definitions, descriptive analysis and key themes of the selected studies. This paper refers to 115 research articles in 28 journals from main academic sources between 2000 and 2019. The main result of this study shows that in the last years, research interest in SCI has increased . Although there is a huge geographic dispersion on published studies, the USA holds a leading position on SCI publications. It has been identified that scholars mainly are looking for relationship between SCI and performance issues; in addition, new themes emerge such as the implementation of Information Technology (IT)...
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 2014
A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényekn... more A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényeknek való megfelelésben, valamint az integrált ellátási láncok nyújtotta potenciális előnyök mind olyan tényezők, amelyeket a vállalatok ma már nem hagyhatnak figyelmen kívül. Ugyanakkor ezek az előnyök csak akkor realizálhatók, ha az ellátási lánc egyes szereplői között kellő szorosságú együttműködési formák alakulnak ki. A partnerkapcsolatok ellátási lánc mentén történő kialakítását azonban döntően befolyásolják a lánctagok közötti erőviszonyok. A tanulmány az FMCG/Food szektor ellátási láncaira jellemző hatalmi viszonyokkal foglalkozik, különös tekintettel arra, hogy az erőviszonyok miként befolyásolják a szektor kis- és középvállalkozásainak működését, partnerkapcsolatait. A nemzetközi kutatási eredményeket alapul véve az élelmiszer-ipari KKV-k körében végeztek kérdőíves lekérdezést a szerzők. Ennek eredményeit felhasználva, a partnerkapcsolatokban megnyilvánuló hatalmi viszonyok és a ...
In today’s competitive environment companies must aspire for improving their service level and si... more In today’s competitive environment companies must aspire for improving their service level and simultaneously cutting their costs in order to maintain their competitiveness. This kind of paradigm has appeared in our economy because of the economic-financial crisis of the recent years. It plays a critical role in today’s network economy, where the importance of interorganizational partnerships becomes more and more remarkable. Companies can only be competitive by managing interorganizational processes efficiently and forming strategic alliances. The study provides a general picture of the typical types of supply chain partnerships, and the advantages and disadvantages of these co-operations. It also deals with the power relationships along the supply chain, placing special emphasis on the FMCG/Food sector.
The increasing integration of the Internet of Everything into the industrial value chain has buil... more The increasing integration of the Internet of Everything into the industrial value chain has built the foundation for the next industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is currently a top priority for many companies, research centres, and universities and is a part of fast changing business environment. Therefore it must be clearly focused on the future trends since fast changing environment forces companies to be flexible and to adapt quickly. New trends in logistics as well as in the field of legislation and demand for greener products and sustainable solutions will undoubtfully shape the future of industry 4.0. This paper is therefore focused on development of industry 4.0 in relation with megatrends in logistics as well as with development of legislation related especially with environmental protection.
Purpose Industry 4.0 not only impacts the manufacturing industry but also supply chain practices.... more Purpose Industry 4.0 not only impacts the manufacturing industry but also supply chain practices. Drawing on the resource-based view (RBV), the purpose of this paper is to examine how Industry 4.0 affects supply chain integration (SCI) and supply chain performance (SCP). Design/methodology/approach The data were collected from 212 respondents in manufacturing companies. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses of this study. Findings The findings reveal that Industry 4.0 has a positive impact on SCI and SCP, and SCI has a positive impact on SCP. In addition, a partial mediating role of SCI has been found between Industry 4.0 and SCP. Practical implications This study reveals the role of Industry 4.0 on supply chain practices and draws attention to SCI in the linkage between Industry 4.0 and SCP. The findings emphasise the need for Industry 4.0 and SCI to enhance SCP. Originality/value There is limited research on the impacts of...
Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Publishing Section eBooks, 2012
Clusters in general are a particularly important way through which location-based complementariti... more Clusters in general are a particularly important way through which location-based complementarities are realized. This paper shows one example of regional cluster composition in the economic performance of industries, clusters and regions in the field of the Telecommunication sector in Germany. It examines the role of regional clusters in regional entrepreneurship. We focus on the distinct influences of convergence and agglomeration on growth in the number of start-up firms as well as in employment in these new firms in a given region of a special industrial sector. The first step in the lifecycle of a virtual enterprise is the identification of potential companies or company departments which have a common business goal. In order to approach the seed identification problem of virtual companies, three basic sub-problems have to be solved. Firstly, relevant company data and information have to be acquired. Secondly, the information has to be analysed in order to find common aspects and business goals. Thirdly, selection criteria have to be defined in order to decide whether a company might be part of the virtual enterprise or not. The paper at hand presents an approach to semi-automate the seed identification of the Mobile Communication Cluster. Its use inside a company gives rise to the discovery of new business opportunities through automated business segment analysis.
The bankruptcy of a fast-growing logistics provider claiming to have aremarkable market share can... more The bankruptcy of a fast-growing logistics provider claiming to have aremarkable market share can seriously shock the customers and thebusiness community. On choosing the next provider, they will pay moreattention to company size, growth and corporate performance indicators.Do they affect one another and, if yes, to what extent? Is there a direct oran inverse effect? What is the ‘measure of competition’ in the logisticsservice providing sector?It is widely discussed whether time-based competition and through it theenhancement of market concentration has favourable or adverse effects onthe profitability, productivity and efficiency of companies. Severalresearchers have found a positive relationship between marketconcentration and profitability as well as efficiency. However, boththeoretical and empirical research confirms that, on markets with moderatetechnological development and innovation (e.g. logistics), where lots ofplayers are involved in the activities and competition works e...
This study shows the result of a recent survey which focuses on corporate networks and long-term ... more This study shows the result of a recent survey which focuses on corporate networks and long-term business contracts that constitute the main elements of networks. Within this context we examine the incentives for long-term customer and supplier relations in Hungarian corporate practice in the system of contacts for domestic and multinational chain stores and their suppliers as well as the areas of co-operation and characteristic features of businesses with differing motivations in respect of their longterm market relationships. This study is justified by the subjective opinion of the authors, pursuant to which the network of corporate relations may be examined through market relations. The most important such relationships are long-term partnerships related to business activity in the supply chain, constituting long-term fundamental connections in the corporate relations network.
International journal of economics business and management studies, Dec 22, 2022
The phenomena of technology and digitalization have developed rapidly most recently, leaving trac... more The phenomena of technology and digitalization have developed rapidly most recently, leaving traces in all branches of industry. With the prevalence of Industry 4.0 and with digitalization being on the rise, companies have expanded more and more successfully. Thus, in addition to global supply chains, their own supply chains have also started to develop considerably. The aim of our research is to discover the factors characterizing the digital transformation of companies in the Central and Eastern European region. This article assesses the conditions, key drivers, and barriers of digital transformation and the benefits expected by companies operating in the agricultural and food supply chains. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of over hundred companies. From the answers, models were created to each group of questions by using factor analysis. The results show that the most important motivating factors are quality improvement, market pull, and technological push impacts. The barriers identified are largely consistent with those reported in the contemporary literature. Companies expect benefits mostly from "sales and customer relations", followed by "logistics and marketing", and "production and sourcing".
The purpose of our research is to study the factors characterizing strategic awareness and digita... more The purpose of our research is to study the factors characterizing strategic awareness and digitalization in the supply chains of the agricultural and food industry in the Central and Eastern European region. In the article, the authors assess the conditions and preparedness of corporate strategy, structural changes, and strategic awareness when aiming for digital transformation as a key objective that provides a competitive edge. The article is founded on a questionnaire that was developed specifically for this research as the basis of Gergely Ulechla’s PhD dissertation. The results reveal the most important motivating factors and differences in the diverse approaches to the process of strategy formulation.
Folyóiratunk 1997. évi 6. száma a Vizuál Kft. esetét ismertette. Új szerzőnk a Hungaromilknél tör... more Folyóiratunk 1997. évi 6. száma a Vizuál Kft. esetét ismertette. Új szerzőnk a Hungaromilknél történteket mutatja be abból a célból, hogy szaporítsa az oktatók rendelkezésére álló esettanulmányok számá
A Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok kereskedelmi forgalomban nem kapható, zárt terjeszté... more A Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok kereskedelmi forgalomban nem kapható, zárt terjesztésű szaklap. Megjelenik évente 2 alkalommal.
Az erősen globalizálódó telekommunikációs piac tulajdonosi szerkezete - stratégiai szerepe miatt ... more Az erősen globalizálódó telekommunikációs piac tulajdonosi szerkezete - stratégiai szerepe miatt - napjainkban átalakuláson megy keresztül. Az esettanulmány egy külföldi befektető szemszögéből vizsgálja a magyarországi piaci lehetőségeket. Az esettanulmányhoz oktatási segédlet is készült
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 2015
A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényekn... more A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényeknek való megfelelésben, valamint az integrált ellátási láncok nyújtotta potenciális előnyök mind olyan tényezők, amelyeket a vállalatok ma már nem hagyhatnak figyelmen kívül. Ugyanakkor ezek az előnyök csak akkor realizálhatók, ha az ellátási lánc egyes szereplői között kellő szorosságú együttműködési formák alakulnak ki. A partnerkapcsolatok ellátási lánc mentén történő kialakítását azonban döntően befolyásolják a lánctagok közötti erőviszonyok. A tanulmány az FMCG/food szektor ellátási láncaira jellemző hatalmi viszonyokkal foglalkozik, különös tekintettel arra, hogy az erőviszonyok miként befolyásolják a szektor kis- és középvállalkozásainak működését, partnerkapcsolatait. A szerzők – nemzetközi kutatási eredményeket alapul véve – élelmiszer-ipari KKV-k körében végeztek kérdőíves lekérdezést. Ennek eredményeit felhasználva, a partnerkapcsolatokban megnyilvánuló hatalmi viszonyok és a v...
This study aims to examine how our environment affects the creation and modification of the strat... more This study aims to examine how our environment affects the creation and modification of the strategy of Hungarian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). After a detailed literature review, three hypotheses will be set up. For data collection a question-based survey was conducted. The questions were directed towards the conformity of the companies’ “Strategy” and their readiness on “Digitalisation”. Responses were collected from Hungarian SMEs with focus on the highly industrialised North-Western region of the country. The survey was answered by executives of companies in production-, commerceand service sectors. The methodology applied for analysis of the data acquired was empirical analysis (SPSS). The current paper will highlight how far the cooperation with other SC members will influence the creation/modification of these companies’ strategy.
Supply Chain Integration (SCI) integrates the activities between a firm and its channel members; ... more Supply Chain Integration (SCI) integrates the activities between a firm and its channel members; therefore, it is a significant interdisciplinary subject for Supply Chain Management. The main aim of this paper is to review previous research on SCI in main academic sources to give some insights and practical information in the field of SCI, while indicating an overview of the main definitions, descriptive analysis and key themes of the selected studies. This paper refers to 115 research articles in 28 journals from main academic sources between 2000 and 2019. The main result of this study shows that in the last years, research interest in SCI has increased . Although there is a huge geographic dispersion on published studies, the USA holds a leading position on SCI publications. It has been identified that scholars mainly are looking for relationship between SCI and performance issues; in addition, new themes emerge such as the implementation of Information Technology (IT)...
Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, 2014
A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényekn... more A gyorsan változó piaci igények, illetve az ellátásilánc-menedzsment kritikus szerepe az igényeknek való megfelelésben, valamint az integrált ellátási láncok nyújtotta potenciális előnyök mind olyan tényezők, amelyeket a vállalatok ma már nem hagyhatnak figyelmen kívül. Ugyanakkor ezek az előnyök csak akkor realizálhatók, ha az ellátási lánc egyes szereplői között kellő szorosságú együttműködési formák alakulnak ki. A partnerkapcsolatok ellátási lánc mentén történő kialakítását azonban döntően befolyásolják a lánctagok közötti erőviszonyok. A tanulmány az FMCG/Food szektor ellátási láncaira jellemző hatalmi viszonyokkal foglalkozik, különös tekintettel arra, hogy az erőviszonyok miként befolyásolják a szektor kis- és középvállalkozásainak működését, partnerkapcsolatait. A nemzetközi kutatási eredményeket alapul véve az élelmiszer-ipari KKV-k körében végeztek kérdőíves lekérdezést a szerzők. Ennek eredményeit felhasználva, a partnerkapcsolatokban megnyilvánuló hatalmi viszonyok és a ...
In today’s competitive environment companies must aspire for improving their service level and si... more In today’s competitive environment companies must aspire for improving their service level and simultaneously cutting their costs in order to maintain their competitiveness. This kind of paradigm has appeared in our economy because of the economic-financial crisis of the recent years. It plays a critical role in today’s network economy, where the importance of interorganizational partnerships becomes more and more remarkable. Companies can only be competitive by managing interorganizational processes efficiently and forming strategic alliances. The study provides a general picture of the typical types of supply chain partnerships, and the advantages and disadvantages of these co-operations. It also deals with the power relationships along the supply chain, placing special emphasis on the FMCG/Food sector.
The increasing integration of the Internet of Everything into the industrial value chain has buil... more The increasing integration of the Internet of Everything into the industrial value chain has built the foundation for the next industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is currently a top priority for many companies, research centres, and universities and is a part of fast changing business environment. Therefore it must be clearly focused on the future trends since fast changing environment forces companies to be flexible and to adapt quickly. New trends in logistics as well as in the field of legislation and demand for greener products and sustainable solutions will undoubtfully shape the future of industry 4.0. This paper is therefore focused on development of industry 4.0 in relation with megatrends in logistics as well as with development of legislation related especially with environmental protection.
Purpose Industry 4.0 not only impacts the manufacturing industry but also supply chain practices.... more Purpose Industry 4.0 not only impacts the manufacturing industry but also supply chain practices. Drawing on the resource-based view (RBV), the purpose of this paper is to examine how Industry 4.0 affects supply chain integration (SCI) and supply chain performance (SCP). Design/methodology/approach The data were collected from 212 respondents in manufacturing companies. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses of this study. Findings The findings reveal that Industry 4.0 has a positive impact on SCI and SCP, and SCI has a positive impact on SCP. In addition, a partial mediating role of SCI has been found between Industry 4.0 and SCP. Practical implications This study reveals the role of Industry 4.0 on supply chain practices and draws attention to SCI in the linkage between Industry 4.0 and SCP. The findings emphasise the need for Industry 4.0 and SCI to enhance SCP. Originality/value There is limited research on the impacts of...
Papers by Zoltan Szegedi