Papers by Wiesław Juszkiewicz

Applied Sciences
Very high safety standards set for modern sea shipping are a big challenge both for the navigator... more Very high safety standards set for modern sea shipping are a big challenge both for the navigators themselves and training centers. Practical training, which gives the possibility to practice any typical and unusual sea situations, unexpected events and failures, rescue operations, or maneuvering in restricted areas, is very important. Full mission bridge simulators are widely used in this field. The aim of this conducted research was to verify the usefulness of a multitask navigation bridge simulator in the process of automatic evaluation of anticollision actions executed by a navigator. To achieve that, the available literature was analyzed, several simulations were carried out, and expert studies were performed. The simulations were carried out in the K-Sim Polaris simulator with the participation of students, deck officers, and captains. Expert research was carried out with a group of navigators with different professional experiences. This allowed for verification of the used e...
Is it cricket? An ethical evaluation of race quotas in sport Carl Thomen THMCAR019 A minor disser... more Is it cricket? An ethical evaluation of race quotas in sport Carl Thomen THMCAR019 A minor dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy COMPULSORY DECLARATION Faculty of the Humanities University of Cape Town 2008 This work has not been previously submitted in whole, or in part, for the award of any degree. It is my own work. Each significant contribution to, and quotation in, this dissertation from the work, or works, of other people has been attributed, and has been cited and referenced.
Advantages of decision support system use in port entrance operations on the Świnoujście–Police–S... more Advantages of decision support system use in port entrance operations on the Świnoujście–Police–Szczecin ports complex example
Increasing of the navigation safety level, especially in difficult and heavy traffic areas, is th... more Increasing of the navigation safety level, especially in difficult and heavy traffic areas, is the main reason of VTS creation. The Navi-Harbour 5000 is the one of the newest systems created for VTS system management and it fulfils requirements included in IMO Resolution A.857(20). Main system functions of the vessels traf-fic movement monitoring are characterized in this article. The effectiveness of the VTS operator work should be increased by proper configuration and use these functions in everyday service.
2006 International Radar Symposium, 2006
Annual of Navigation, Jun 1, 2014
The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different rada... more The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different radar picture stabilization methods (sea or ground stabilization) is described in the article. The analysis of performance standards elaborated for the radar equipment and the results of the simulation are presented. The obtained research results could be the base of discussion on the need to correct the radar equipment performance standards for easier and more appropriate interpretation of information. Basic radar utility use (for example trial manoeuvre) should be more clearly described in manuals for better and proper radar use.
Annual of Navigation
The ability to use computer simulation to predict the behavior of oil spills at sea enables bette... more The ability to use computer simulation to predict the behavior of oil spills at sea enables better use of available personnel and resources to combat such spills. The use of oil collecting equipment properly selected to suit the conditions is essential for the operation to be effective. Therefore, an attempt is made to verify the influence of weather conditions on the efficiency of oil recovery. Three types of spilled crude oil were simulated. A relevant experiment was conducted on a PISCES II oil spill simulator.
Annual of Navigation
Guarantee of the ship safety is the primary task posed for modern navigation systems. This concer... more Guarantee of the ship safety is the primary task posed for modern navigation systems. This concerns monitoring the proper ship position as well as providing accurate information about the collision threat. The proper interpretation of this information belongs to the navigator. He must take into account many variables affecting the assessment of the situation and then make the right decision regarding anti-collision manoeuvres. This assessment could be made easier for him with use some form of graphic target data presentation methods other than currently required and described in IMO performance standards. Other possible graphic presentation methods of collision information are described in the article along with the concept of their usage.
Annual of Navigation, 2014
The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different rada... more The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different radar picture stabilization methods (sea or ground stabilization) is described in the article. The analysis of performance standards elaborated for the radar equipment and the results of the simulation are presented. The obtained research results could be the base of discussion on the need to correct the radar equipment performance standards for easier and more appropriate interpretation of information. Basic radar utility use (for example trial manoeuvre) should be more clearly described in manuals for better and proper radar use.
Annual of Navigation, 2012
According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given m... more According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given moment. The main environmental effects of shipping and other activities at sea include air pollution, illegal deliberate and accidental discharges of oil, hazardous substances and other wastes, and the unintentional introduction of invasive alien organisms via ships’ ballast water or hulls. Original oil pollution model and optimal allocation of response resources was proposed in the paper.
Annual of Navigation, 2012
According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given m... more According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given moment. The main environmental effects of shipping and other activities at sea include air pollution, illegal deliberate and accidental discharges of oil, hazardous substances and other wastes, and the unintentional introduction of invasive alien organisms via ships' ballast water or hulls. Original oil pollution model and optimal allocation of response resources was proposed in the paper.
Papers by Wiesław Juszkiewicz