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According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given moment. The main environmental effects of shipping and other activities at sea include air pollution, illegal deliberate and accidental... more
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According to the HELCOM AIS, there are about 2,000 ships in the Baltic marine area at any given moment. The main environmental effects of shipping and other activities at sea include air pollution, illegal deliberate and accidental... more
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The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different radar picture stabilization methods (sea or ground stabilization) is described in the article. The analysis of performance standards elaborated... more
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Guarantee of the ship safety is the primary task posed for modern navigation systems. This concerns monitoring the proper ship position as well as providing accurate information about the collision threat. The proper interpretation of... more
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The ability to use computer simulation to predict the behavior of oil spills at sea enables better use of available personnel and resources to combat such spills. The use of oil collecting equipment properly selected to suit the... more
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The problem of the accuracy of anti-collision manoeuvres planning and executing at different radar picture stabilization methods (sea or ground stabilization) is described in the article. The analysis of performance standards elaborated... more
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Increasing of the navigation safety level, especially in difficult and heavy traffic areas, is the main reason of VTS creation. The Navi-Harbour 5000 is the one of the newest systems created for VTS system management and it fulfils... more
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    • Traffic Monitoring
Advantages of decision support system use in port entrance operations on the Świnoujście–Police–Szczecin ports complex example
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Is it cricket? An ethical evaluation of race quotas in sport Carl Thomen THMCAR019 A minor dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy COMPULSORY... more
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      Computer ScienceNavigation System
Very high safety standards set for modern sea shipping are a big challenge both for the navigators themselves and training centers. Practical training, which gives the possibility to practice any typical and unusual sea situations,... more
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GNSSs’ position determination depends on the stability and accuracy of the measured time. However, since SVs travel at velocities significantly larger than the receivers and, more importantly, the electromagnetic impulses propagate... more
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    • Global Navigation Satellite Systems
The report presents the simulation results of collision between m/v ‘Baltic Ace’ and m/v ‘Corvus J’. The analysis was performed by means of navigation decision support system (NDSS) in collision situations. This system (NAVDEC) works out... more
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Position determination of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) depends on the stability and accuracy of the measured time. However, since satellite vehicles (SVs) travel at velocities significantly larger than the receivers and,... more
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This paper deals with fuel consumption estimations relating to container ships on the basis of ship service and wave parameters. Data, on which to base estimations, was measured and recorded from a container ship during 96 months at sea.... more
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      Energy and EnvironmentShip Design
This article presents regression equations to estimate daily ship CO2 emissions based on main ship parameters, such as deadweight capacity, length between perpendicular, velocity and main engine total power. These formulas could have... more
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    • Ship Design
This article presents regression equations to estimate container ship design characteristics based on the most up-to-date data and deadweight capacity, the number of containers and their combination at the preliminary design stage. These... more
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Modelling of green water ingress into holds of an open-top containership in its preliminary design phase In this paper a method is presented of modelling the green water ingress into holds of open-top containership, which can be useful in... more
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The naval architect has to tackle many of the problems, while designing ships for the loading, storage and transport of polymetallic or other nodules, this article focuses on how to assure appropriate hull strength. This author proposes... more
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In the paper, were presented approximations of numerical calculations of ship’s roll on the basis of main service parameters of the ship. This way were obtained several relationships which make it possible to approximate ship roll in... more
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This paper presents a method which makes it possible to determine optimum hull form of passenger car ferry with regard to selected sea-keeping qualities and additional resistance in waves. In the first phase of investigations a hull form... more
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