Szczecin University
Department of History and International Relations
This paper analyzes, how Polish identity politics after World War II in the former German East (the so-called Polish “Regained Territories”) are reflected in the reconstruction and town planning of two major cites at the Baltic: Gdańsk /... more
Public commemoration of World War II resembles the giant Tur Tur from Michael Ende's novel " Jim Button " : The farther it is, the bigger it appears. In the first years after 1989, the re-emergence of national identity discourses in East... more
Voluntary associations are a major topic of historical research on nation building and civil society in Europe. This paper focuses on the associational sphere in the Baltic provinces of Tsarist Russia and tries to outline the impact of... more
Politics of History (Geschichtspolitik) has become a major catchword in the Polish public discourse since 2000, when the debate on the wartime murder of the Jews from the town of Jedwabne began. Since then a politicized culture of... more
This article examines the social protest movement against the socialist regime in the Baltic port cities of Szczecin and Gdańsk, in particular between 1970 and 1981. It intends to discuss the impact of these strikes on the formation of a... more
The public appearance of national movements in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is closely connected to Gorbachev's attempt to reform the Soviet Union through the politics of perestroika and glasnost. The evident similarities of these mass... more
Die symbolische Aneignung historischer räume im östlichen Preussen. nAtionAle unD regionAle strAtegien Jörg hackmann Abstract the paper discusses different appropriation strategies applied to the same historical region of east Prussia. by... more
The Baltic Sea Region as a Historical Region: Klaus Zernack's Concept of North Eastern Europe The article presents and discusses the historiographical concept of North Eastern Europe which has been coined by the German historian Klaus... more
Discussions about Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit and Vergangenheitsbewältigung 1 ormore generally-about the "return of history" to public debates, have produced such an amount of scholarly and essayistic works since the 1980s that is... more
Discussions about Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit and Vergangenheitsbewältigung 1 ormore generally-about the "return of history" to public debates, have produced such an amount of scholarly and essayistic works since the 1980s that is... more
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Based on the discussion about the role of ethnic history(Volksgeschichte) as a methodically innovative approach in German historical research after 1918, this article examines the relationship of ethnically and regionally oriented... more