? ?
Journal created:
on 4 February 2007 (#12208640)
on 20 November 2010
SYTYCD - Aussie Version & Viewers of USA versions
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
So You Think You Can Dance Australia
Welcome to So You Think You Can Dance Australia (sytycd_aus), Your number one source for sytycd Australia news where fans can interact and chat about the show and contestants. Members can vote in post-episode polls, discuss the show as it's happening and get breaking sytycd australia news. So You Think You Can Dance is a high energy dance competition that eliminates contestants along the way until just one dancer remains. Who will be Australia's favourite dancer?

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1. PLAY NICE. There's a fine line between stating your opinion and full out bashing - dont push it.

2. If your post is fairly long, please put it under a cut, to save people's flists from being raped.

3. When posting graphics; no more than 3 teaser icons outside a cut, and previews only for larger graphics. Standard flist etiquette ;)

4. Got something spoiler-y? yes please... but under a cut for those who do not wish to be spoiled. You may allude to what the spoiler refers to help people decide if they want to continue reading (e.g. "spoilers for next week's performances under the cut!") but nothing that actually gives said spoilers away.

5. While we allow and encourage discussion of other versions of SYTYCD, remember we are on an AUSTRALIAN timeline here. No news, graphics, videos, etc that an Aussie viewer would not have already seen on tv. Not sure? then take it to _sytycd_.

6. Questions, complaints, concerns or ideas? Send a quick pm to your mods trompes + edenerade and they'll help you out (:

7. post, comment + enjoy.

amy campbell, anthony ikin, anya garnis, ash-leigh hunter, ashlee langas, australia, ballet, ballroom, ben veitch, bj rorke, bonnie lythgoe, breakdancing, brian friedman, broadway, camilla jakimowicz, cat deeley, cedric gardner, chacha, chanelle johnson, charlie bartley, chelsea traille, chelsie hightower, choreography, chris jarosz, comfort fedoke, contemporary, contemporary jazz, courtney galiano, courtney walter, damien samuel, dan karaty, dance, dancing, danny golding, danny tidwell, dave scott, demi sorono, dominic sandoval, emmanuel rodriguez, erin ellis, faina savich, foxtrot, gev manoukian, gianne abbot, graeme isaako, heidi groskreutz, henry byalikov, hilton denis, hip hop, hok konishi, jack chambers, jaimie goodwin, jamie bayard, jason coleman, jason gilkinson, jazz, jemma armstrong, jesse rasmussen, jessi peralta, jessica king, jesus solorio, jimmy arguello, jive, joel "jd" de cartere, joshua allen, kameron bink, kassandra "kassie" lee, kat risteska, kate wormald, katee shean, kelley abbey, khaly ngeth, kherington payne, kourtni lind, lacey schwimmer, lamb lovine, latin ballroom, laura brougham, lauren gottlieb, loredo malcolm, lyrical, lyrical jazz, mandy moore, mark kanemura, marko panzie, marquis cunningham, martha nichols, mary murphy, matt dorame, matt lee, max francisco, mia michaels, nacho pop, neil haskell, nigel lythgoe, pania taku, pasha kovalev, paso doble, penny higgs, quickstep, rayven armijo, rhiannon villareal, rhys bobridge, ricky palomino, ron montez, rumba, sabra johnson, samba, sara vongillern, sermsah bin saad, shane sparks, shauna noland, stephanie golman, stephen tannos, stephen twitch boss, susie garcia, sytycd, talia fowler, tango, thayne jasperson, timomatic omaji, tyce diorio, vanessa sew hoy, waltz, will wingfield
