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Journal created:
on 19 July 2006 (#10704081)
on 13 August 2007
Tales of Symphonia
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

This is a Tales of Symphonia community created for fans of the game. Any Tales of Symphonia related post can be posted here; also, if you want, posts related to any other 'Tales of' games can be posted here also.

There are a few rules you must follow:

~ Put spoilers behind a cut. Some people may have not finished the game - it's not fair if you spoil it.
~ No insulting other members - I don't want any flame wars. I want this to be a happy, friendly community. Swear like hell in your posts - I don't care; just don't insult other members. It could result in a ban.
~ Posts with a large amount of writing or a large picture go behind a cut. If someone asks you to put something behind a cut (even if it's just a small picture) - do it. Don't argue.
~ Icons are welcome as always, just remember to put them behind a cut or a link to your journal.
~ Fanfiction, is of course welcome - either link to it or put it behind a cut. Remember the rating - some members might be sensitive to Lloyd/Kratos or whatever your sick mind can come up with.
