Papers by Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun

Aquaculture production contributes 56.24 percent of the total fish production in Bangladesh. Thes... more Aquaculture production contributes 56.24 percent of the total fish production in Bangladesh. Thestudy was conducted to explore the role and feasibility of social media in advancement of aquaculture inBangladesh and its potentiality and challenges. Nowadays internet is used by 57.2% of total population ofBangladesh. Social media has become ubiquitous and social capital allows a person to draw on resources fromother members of the networks to which he or she belongs. To collect empirical data a number of qualitativeand quantitative tools such as questionnaire interviews, focus group discussion and oral history from differentstakeholders were employed. The study identified 40 communities about aquaculture techniques, systems andinformation sharing on Facebook, the most popular social media in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a countryconsisting of different remote areas such as Haor regions, hilly regions are not easily accessible for physicalextension work of fisheries and aquaculture. Estab...

The present study was conducted to assess & providing baseline information about the socio econom... more The present study was conducted to assess & providing baseline information about the socio economic & livelihood status of fishermen in the Habiganj Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh during the period from August to November, 2018. The livelihood status of fishermen community of Habiganj Sadar Upazila was presented in terms of educational status, marital status, religious status, family size & type, housing facilities, electricity facilities, sanitary facilities, drinking water facilities, banking facilities, technical training, annual income. The survey revealed that majority of the fishermen belonged to the age groups of 31-40 years (28.75%), represented by 97% Muslim. 85% of them were married & 15% were unmarried. The family size of fishermen community usually consisted of more than 7 members. It was found that 61% of them lived in nuclear families and 39% live in joint families. About 72.5 % of fishermen were illiterate. Among them 7.25% can’t sign but 65% were able to sign. 76% of fish...

Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fishery contributes around 1% to the national GDP of Bangladesh. Basedon... more Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fishery contributes around 1% to the national GDP of Bangladesh. Basedon a fieldwork the study explored the underlying causes and pathways of Hilsa migration towards HakalukiHaor and status of Hilsa fishing. To collect empirical data a number of qualitative tools such as interviews,focus group discussion and oral history from different stakeholders were employed. The study identified,though unusual fisher have been netting Hilsa abundantly on early monsoon in Hakaluki haor since 2016. Dueto flash flood in the Hakaluki Haor and storm water flows down to the Meghna River through KushiyaraRiver, hilsa swims against the tide and enters into Hakaluki Haor from the upper Meghna river system. Earlyflash flood, storm water flows and government’s initiative of imposing ban on Hilsa fishing during spawningseason in upper Meghna sanctuary were found to be the major causes of migration towards Hakaluki Haor.As impose of ban on fishing of Hilsa increased the total produc...

Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries
The socio-economic condition of fish farmers was assessed in the HabiganjSadarupazila, Habiganj, ... more The socio-economic condition of fish farmers was assessed in the HabiganjSadarupazila, Habiganj, Bangladesh to determine the constraints and vulnerability of thecommunity in term of aquaculture. Data from 30 fish farmers were collected duringJanuary to May 2019. Among surveyed farmers, most of the pond size (37.61%)ranged between 0.02 ha to 0.06 ha and 63.33% of ponds under single ownership. Mostof the farmers were interested to stock rohu, catla, mrigal along with other species andaverage stocking density was found to be 16236 fry/ha. All farmers provided feeds forthe cultured species and 73.33% farmers have taken measures against diseaseoutbreak. The highest production was estimated as 6.19 MT/ha/year and lowestproduction was 0.54 MT/ha/year. Highest income of farmer was reported as 5,00,000Tk/ha/year and the lowest as 74534 Tk/ha/year. Highest 34.38% farmers in the studyarea reported high cost of feed is the most important constraint. The study indicatedthat majority of fish farm...

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2019
The present study was conducted to assess & providing baseline information about the socio econom... more The present study was conducted to assess & providing baseline information about the socio economic & livelihood status of fishermen in the Habiganj Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh during the period from August to November, 2018. The livelihood status of fishermen community of Habiganj Sadar Upazila was presented in terms of educational status, marital status, religious status, family size & type, housing facilities, electricity facilities, sanitary facilities, drinking water facilities, banking facilities, technical training, annual income. The survey revealed that majority of the fishermen belonged to the age groups of 31-40 years (28.75%), represented by 97% Muslim. 85% of them were married & 15% were unmarried. The family size of fishermen community usually consisted of more than 7 members. It was found that 61% of them lived in nuclear families and 39% live in joint families. About 72.5 % of fishermen were illiterate. Among them 7.25% can't sign but 65% were able to sign. 76% of fishermen had tin shed house, 19% and 5% of the fishermen had katcha & pucca house respectively. The highest number (54%) of the fisher's annual income ranged between 65,000 BDT-80,000 BDT. 61% of the fishermen received health service from District Sadar Hospital, 35% from village doctors and remaining 4% got health service from MBBS doctors. About 65% of fishermen used semi pucca toilet while 29% of fishermen had katcha toilet but only 6% fishermen used pucca toilet for hygiene facilities. Present study had been found that, 57% fishermen used own tube well while 40% used neigh bor's tube well as a source of water. Only 3% used pond water. Most of them (72%) had electricity facilities in their house. Fishermen struggled for their livelihood. For the development of the socio economic status of fishermen expansion of education, technical training, off farm employment opportunity, loan facilities from government agencies and improved management of the local resources should be ensured.
Conference Presentations by Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun

The Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019), 2019
The impacts of climate change are surging and the bitter result are expressed whole over the worl... more The impacts of climate change are surging and the bitter result are expressed whole over the world. Bangladesh has blessed with diversifying agriculture and fisheries is one of the most economical potential sector. Based on fieldwork, this study identifies how the climate change impacts on the livelihood and socio-economic condition of Hilsa fisher and how they struggle with the incidents linked with climate change in Kuakata coastal belt, Patuakhali, Bangladesh. To collect empirical data, interview and group discussion were conducted among 50 Hilsa fisher. The data indicates the major natural disasters tropical storms, cyclones, fluctuation in temperature and rainfall which is result of climatic alteration and these causes the fishers significant losses are house and boat damage, net loss, uproot of trees. They survive on income of overfishing even illegal fishing in banning season, relief from government and NGO’s, loan for repairing boat, house and net. Adaptation is common on this area as Hilsa fisher reconstruct the physical capital (building safe house, repair of boat), natural capital (tree plantation, vegetable culture) and in long term, they are trying to educate their children’s. Based on scientific research and data, the research analysis has crucial points should to solve for the surviving of Hilsa fisher against climatic change with sustainable way as Hilsa contain an economical traditional and cultural sign. From the documentation, climate resilient culture technique, insurance of fishing capital, loan facilities on easy term, educating the community, create awareness on savings are crucial for the Hilsa fisher.

The Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019), 2019
Hakaluki haor is an important mother fisheries of Bangladesh and around 200,000 people directly d... more Hakaluki haor is an important mother fisheries of Bangladesh and around 200,000 people directly depends on it for livelihood because the haor provide 14000 MT of fish per year. Based on fieldwork, this study identified the underlying causes of fish habitat destruction in hakaluki haor and its impact on haor ecosystem. To collect empirical data, a survey was conducted among different stake holders of Hakaluki haor region such as fisherman, boat man, fish trader, social leader, local people and a number of qualitative tools were adopted such as interview and group discussion. The respondents identified the major causes of fish habitat destruction such as yearly flashflood (water quality reduction due to rotten paddy), establishment of brick kilns, irrigation infrastructure including floods control dams, conversion and drainage of haor wetlands for agriculture and aquaculture, overfishing even in fish sanctuary, commercial development and siltation. Fish habitat destruction is creating negative impacts on the annual production of fish and socio economic condition of the dependent community. This also leading the endangered species to extinction. Based on literature review, observations, interview with relevant stakeholders, the study gives some recommendations to mitigate destruction of habitat such as protect the haor from yearly flash flood, making eco-friendly dam and fish pass to ensure safe migration, better human settlement, limit the quantity of fertilizer and pesticides for agricultural land to maintain water quality, establish effluent treatment plant in industries and educating the community.
Papers by Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun
Conference Presentations by Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun