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ꠉꠥꠡꠐꠤꠞ ꠖꠦꠃꠠꠤ
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ꠁ ꠚꠣꠔꠣ ꠁꠉꠥ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ ꠟꠁꠀ ꠡꠣꠁꠎ꠆ꠎ ꠨ ꠈꠣꠝꠈꠣꠎ ꠀꠞ ꠈꠛꠞꠞ ꠄꠉꠥ ꠐꠥꠇꠣ ⁕ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠔ ꠘꠄꠀ ꠘꠤ? ꠀꠞꠝ꠆ꠜ ꠈꠞꠣꠞ ꠖꠣꠄ ꠇꠤꠔꠣ ꠎꠣꠘꠣ ꠖꠞꠈꠣꠞ ꠁꠔꠣ ꠖꠦꠈꠔꠦ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠔ ꠅꠛꠖꠣꠘ ꠘꠣꠄ ꠀꠝꠞꠣꠞ ꠐꠤꠃꠐꠞꠤꠀꠟ ꠖꠦꠈꠇꠣ ⁕
ꠀꠞ ꠎꠦꠔꠣ
[ꠃꠔꠡ ꠟꠦꠈꠁꠘ]- ꠇꠥꠘꠥ ꠌꠣꠄ ꠌꠣꠟ꠆ꠟꠣ ꠖꠤꠛꠣꠞ ꠟꠣꠉꠤ ꠎꠣꠁꠘ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ:ꠛꠐꠞ ꠔꠟ
ꠇꠥꠘꠥ ꠡꠣꠁꠎ꠆ꠎꠞ ꠖꠞꠇꠣꠞꠘꠤ ꠙꠣꠇꠣꠁꠀ ꠀꠁꠘ ꠡꠣꠁꠎ꠆ꠎꠞ ꠌꠦꠘꠐꠣꠞꠅ ⁕
[ꠃꠔꠡ ꠟꠦꠈꠁꠘ]Congratulations on the new wiki! If I can be of any help, do please let me know. I have experience with templates and bots and automated editing, among other things. Rich Farmbrough (ꠝꠣꠔꠧ)
- @Rich Farmbrough Hi Rich, thanks and welcome to Sylheti Wikipedia! We’d appreciate help with bots for these tasks:
- Greeting new users with
--~~~~. - Archiving discussions marked with
{{Section resolved}}
. - Coordinating interwiki linking progress (most pages already have Wikidata QIDs in {{INTERWIKI}} or {{Databox}}). Once completed, we’ll need to remove {{INTERWIKI|QID0123}}.
- Greeting new users with
- Feel free to coordinate, or we can leave this open for community input if needed. Thanks again!--
(talk) 02:40, 5 ꠝꠣꠞ꠆ꠌ 2025 (+06)