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      State FormationForeign AidSomalilandStatebuilding
Diverging dramatically from the path taken by the Federal Republic of Somalia over the past two decades, the case of the unrecognized ‘Republic of Somaliland’ provides a powerful natural experiment for exploring political violence and... more
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      State FormationForeign AidSomalilandSecurity and Peace Studies
The two regions with the greatest incidence of maritime piracy in Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea, are also known for the low quality of the institutions underlying their political economies. This article investigates... more
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      NarrativeNigeriaSomaliaInstitutions (Political Science)
Oman's developmental trajectory is a 'positive outlier' to most post-colonial states, particularly those with significant natural resource reserves. Its trajectory confounds many of the usual expectations surrounding the impact of rentier... more
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      Middle East StudiesNarrativeState FormationOman
This paper (published in early 2011) looks behind the scenes at the Yemeni regime’s opaque internal politics and at the nature of the neo-patrimonial system that it has entrenched over the past 32 years. Yemen is at a critical juncture,... more
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      YemenContentious Politics
There aren't many foreigners traveling to Sanaa these days, but one group of outsiders is getting a lot of attention: an FBI forensics team, which reportedly arrived last week to investigate the attempted assassination of Yemeni President... more
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      YemenContentious Politics
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      Political ScienceAl Qaeda
Oman's developmental trajectory is a 'positive outlier' to most post-colonial states, particularly those with significant natural resource reserves. Its trajectory confounds many of the usual expectations surrounding the impact of rentier... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyMiddle East StudiesNarrative
Why did America’s counter-terrorism strategy in Yemen fail to contain al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula in the years prior to the Yemeni government’s collapse in 2015? Moreover, why did the US administration think that its strategy was... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceReproductionCounter terrorism
This article is concerned with the relationship between the quality of a country's governance institutions and the degree of civil order it experiences. Using evidence from Somaliland, it argues that order and peaceful cohabitation... more
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      Social WorkCorporate GovernancePolitical SciencePublic Administration and Policy
How integrated are agricultural markets in conflict-affected states? We answer this question by examining the dynamics of monthly price series of rice, maize and sorghum across eleven cities (markets) of Somalia. Using conflict as a... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsSorghumMarket integration
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      Political SciencePolitics
This article explores how counterterrorism knowledge practices affect the groups they study. We argue that these practices typically construct terrorist groups as ontologically stable and organizationally rational, which makes them appear... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeCounter terrorismCritical Terrorism StudiesTerorism
The aim of this article is to understand why, in the aftermath of the 1998 Sydney water contamination crisis, policy and institutional reform was comparatively minor—despite intense scrutiny and criticism of the framework of water policy... more
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      Political ScienceGovernancePublic Administration and Policy
Abstract: This study explores whether and how policy changes in the aftermath of a crisis. The authors ask why pre-existing regulatory regimes that are identified as contributory factors to “failure” are not necessarily reformed in the... more
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    • Public Administration and Policy
As demand for energy is growing and resources become scarcer, energy increasingly becomes the site of heated controversies. In Latour’s terms, energy turns from a “matter of fact” into a “matter of concern”. In these energy controversies,... more
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      Actor Network TheoryThailandChileBruno Latour
This paper examines how Southern Andean Patagonia has been increasingly incorporated within networks of global capital since the 1990s. Once defined by military violence against indigenous societies, white settler colonialism, and... more
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      Latin American StudiesForestryEcotourismPolitical Ecology
In this review, we report the main discussions and concepts debated in the workshop " Animals and Politics: Explorations for a More-Than-Human Democracy, " the first academic event on animal studies in Chile. After a brief overview of the... more
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      Political TheoryAnimal StudiesChileMultispecies Ethnography
In this review, we report the main discussions and concepts debated in the workshop " Animals and Politics: Explorations for a More-Than-Human Democracy, " the first academic event on animal studies in Chile. After a brief overview of the... more
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      Political TheoryEnvironmental StudiesChileAnimals & Society studies
Adult education in political ecology entails critically and constructively observing the interactions among the actors involved in socioecological conflicts at global and local scales. This definition invites transcending environmental... more
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