The University of Sydney
This seminar presents case studies of international student experiences of Australian higher education. The paper provides insights into ways of understanding various implications of international students' transition into their new... more
This paper reports on an evaluation of online learning in a large Australian undergraduate first year university subject. A central focus is the effectiveness web based learning and its implications for facilitating transition pathways... more
In our rapidly globalizing world students are able to access learning through mobility, through computer mediated experiences, and through the diverse perspectives of their peers and teachers. All of these components impact on the ways in... more
The chapters presented in this collection jointly recognise internationalisation as part and parcel of the current contemporary higher education environment. It is no longer feasible to refute an acknowledgement of its impact on the lives... more
We live in interesting times. The past 20-year period has witnessed an amazing expansion of opportunities for mobility that has enabled students and lecturers to participate in an international higher education experience. Today, the... more
The internationalisation of higher education has brought new dimensions of inquiry into cross-cultural aspects of pedagogy and practice. From the student learning perspective, a smooth transition into new and foreign learning environments... more
Universities have traditionally maintained a central role in promoting international relations, increased solidarity and intercultural understanding. The essential part of this movement has been implemented through the... more
Modern advancements in the world have caused swift measures of adaptation to which the higher education system has not been immune. To some extent the global changes have been slow appearing in the tertiary education sector due to its set... more
Globalization has meant that universities are under increased pressure to internationalize through mobility, research partnerships, and internationalised programing. Global citizenship is an increasingly mainstream term being used by the... more
This comparative case study addresses a timely issue engaging researchers involved in the internationalisation of Nordic Higher Education, in the context of Sweden and Finland. The study examines a hypothetical imaginary in the transition... more
The present study compares student teachers’ career choice motives and their relationship with stress-inducing thoughts across five European countries. A previously established factorial structure for career choice motives embedded within... more
The advent of globalization is one of the most transformational projects in modern society. As such, its impact has been urgently sensed in the field and the institutions of education, which are publicly recognized as the most effective... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag thematisiert Studien- und Berufswahlmotive von Studierenden der Kindheitspädagogik im Kontext des Berufsfeldes und unterschiedlicher Professionalisierungswege. Dies geschieht basierend auf einem Vergleich der... more
ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Studie untersucht die Studien- und Berufswahlmotive von Studierenden des Grundschullehramts aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, Schweden, Rumänien und China auf Grundlage der STeaM/I-Datensätze, vergleicht sie mit... more