Papers by Mohammad Kanedi

American Journal of Educational Research, 2017
The early childhood education (ECE) curriculum in Indonesia, either explicitly or implicitly, inc... more The early childhood education (ECE) curriculum in Indonesia, either explicitly or implicitly, includes science skills as one of the basic competencies that children must achieve. However, under the pretext of lack availability of facilities, majority of educators have not carry out science learning appropriately. This study aimed to demonstrate and convince early childhood education practitioners that an interesting and effective learning to develop science process skills of children can be implemented even in a kindergarten with limited facilities. By using one-shot case study design, 17children of Group B (aged 5-6 years) at Srijaya Kindergarten of Palembang were exposed to hands-on activities including exploring materials that float or sink, dissolved or unsoluble, color mixing; making letters using play dough; and observing insects with magnifying glass. The child science skills were observed and assessed using observational forms and child worksheets. The results showed 9 (52.9...

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
The positive impact of the discovery of antibiotics coupled with advances in the development of a... more The positive impact of the discovery of antibiotics coupled with advances in the development of antimicrobial drugs has improved human health. Unfortunately, prolonged use of antibiotics has increased microbial resistance. That is why research to find natural ingredients that have the potential to be developed into plant-derived antimicrobial drugs continues to be carried out throughout the world. Among the plants that have been intensively studied for their antimicrobial properties are bananas of the Genus Musa (family Musaceae). In Indonesia, in the last decade there have been quite a lot of studies on the antimicrobial properties of banana plant extracts. Bananas are known to contain a variety of bioactive compounds that are antimicrobial, such as: lycopene, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, phenols, terpenoids, anthocyanins. Microbes that have been proven to be affected with crude extracts of banana plants are fungi such as Trichophyton rubrum, Candida albicans and Pityr...
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research
Wound healing is a complex process of tissue repair consists of four stages: hemostasis, inflamma... more Wound healing is a complex process of tissue repair consists of four stages: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. These stages are influenced by different chemicals so that the use of natural products containing many lead compounds is important to be considered. In the plant-derived natural products there is a variety of useful chemicals for wound healing process such as: antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory agents, and enhancers for re-epithelialization and collagen formation. That’s the reason why research on the discovery of new wound drugs from natural products, including in Indonesia, keeps increasing. This review paper presents the results of research on the potential of plants in Indonesia that can be developed into wound healing drugs that have been published in the last 10 years.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences
In Indonesia sungkai plant (Peronema canescens Jack.) categorized as a luxurious timber because t... more In Indonesia sungkai plant (Peronema canescens Jack.) categorized as a luxurious timber because the wood is used for various purposes such as: for houses construction, interior finishes, furniture and decorative veneer. Besides being used for its wood, the sungkai plant is also used as a medicinal plant to treat several diseases such as: fever, ringworm, and toothache.In this article, several pharmacological research results that verify the claims of traditional communities about the medicinal properties of this plant are presented. The results of the existing research indicate that the sungkai plant has therapeutic potential.

GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021
Codiaeum variegatum (L.) is known to contain bioactive compounds that have many pharmacological p... more Codiaeum variegatum (L.) is known to contain bioactive compounds that have many pharmacological properties such as abortifacient, antiamoebic, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, and antioxidant. This study aims to reveal whether the ethanol fraction of leaf extract of this plant has antipyretic activity. The male mice (n=25) with a weigh range of 20 – 30 g were divided into five groups (5 mice each). To make pyrexia condition, the animals were induced with DPT-HB-HIB vaccine. The ingredients given to the animals were as follows: distilled water as the negative control; standard drug (paracetamol) as positive control; and three different dosage of croton leaves extract namely: 71.5, 143 and 286 mg/kg BW. The body temperature of the mice was measured using a digital thermometer through the rectal opening every 30 minutes for 180 minutes. The results showed that ethanol fraction of croton plant leaf extract at the dosage of 143 and 286 mg/kg BW statistically have the same effect as...

GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021
Spider (Arachnida) is one of the classes of arthropods known to give strong responses to differen... more Spider (Arachnida) is one of the classes of arthropods known to give strong responses to differences in land cover vegetation. This study intended to investigate whether the difference of vegetation types that are located adjacently occupied by the same genera of spiders. Two adjacent areas in Liwa Botanical Garden that covered by two different types vegetation were assigned as the sampling sites. The spiders sampling was carried out over a 100 meter long transect line (5 lines each) by applying active searching and pitfall trapping techniques. There were 21 genera from 9 spider families that were collected from two sampling sites. In the land vegetated with wood, there were 12 genera with 129 specimens. In the herbaceous land, there were 13 spider genera with 120 specimens. The Simpson's index of diversity were 0.7739 and 0.8868, meanwhile the Shannon's index were 1.8575and 2.2831, respectively obtained at herbaceous and woody land. The difference of diversity between two c...

Plant extracts of cocor bebek, Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., containing various types of bioact... more Plant extracts of cocor bebek, Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., containing various types of bioactive compound expected to have cosmetic benefits, however studies on its uses in haircare is lacking. Current study is a part of our effort in extending seeks of plant species growing in Indonesia that are potent to be use as hairgrowth promoting agents. Four healthy, adult, male New Zealand rabbits, aged 4-5 months, weighing 1.5 kg – 2 kg were used as test animals. The dorsal aspect of each rabbit were shaved and divided into six areas, with a size of 2 cm x 2 cm each. Each area of shaved skin were then administered with CMC gel containing substances set for treatment namely: CMC gel without cocor bebek extract (as negative control), 2% minoxidil (as positive control), and leaf extracts of cocor bebek of four levels of concentration i.e. 25% (v/v), 50% (v/v), 75% (v/v) and 100% (v/v) respectively. Topical administration of extract was done twice a day (morning and afternoon), for 21 days...

Current technologies and therapies of hair disorders are not yet satisfying people suffer from ha... more Current technologies and therapies of hair disorders are not yet satisfying people suffer from hair loss, so that efforts in seeking effective medicine for promoting hair growth are still continues. This study intended to investigate and confirms the effects of crude corms extract of pisang kepok (Musa balbisiana) given topically on rabbit hairs growth. Four healty, male rabbits, aged 4-5 months, weighing 1.5 kg – 2 kg were used for the study. Six areas (2 cm x 2 cm each) on the dorsal aspects of animals were shaved. The first shaved area treated topically with nothing (normal control). The second and third areas treated consecutively with gel without banana corms extract (as negative control) and reference formulations (as positive control). The last three areas treated with gel containing corms extract of pisang kepok with the concentration of 2%, 4% and 8% respectively. All treatments were given once daily for 21 days. The length of hairs were assessed on day 7, 14 and 21, while ...

Muli banana peels contain flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that foster the process of wound heal... more Muli banana peels contain flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that foster the process of wound healing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ethanol extract in muli banana peels ( Musa acuminata ) on cut wounds healing process in mice ( Mus musculus ). The study design was the completely randomized design by using 24 male mice which were divided into 6 groups, namely (K+, K-, P1, P2, P3, and P4). Each treatment consisted of 4 mice. All groups of mice were treated with a 1 cm cut wound on the back. The K+ group as the positive control group were applied with povidone-iodine, the K- group as the negative control group were applied with distilled water, the P1 group was applied with a concentration of 10% extract, the P2 group with 20% extract, the P3 group with 30% extract, and the P4 group with 40% extract for 14 days. On the 15th day, histological slides were made by taking 1 sample from each group. The results showed that the ethanol extract of muli banana peels p...

Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 2015
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), known as the king of spices, proven to contain various types of a... more Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), known as the king of spices, proven to contain various types of active substances that are allegedly beneficial to the human body functions including sexual function. This study was conducted to determine whether black pepper extract can be used to improve sexual function in male subjects. Thirty six healthy male mice, four months old, weighing between 25-30 g, were used as experimental animals and grouped into four. The first one mice was given pellets that do not contain black pepper extract as a control. The second and third groups, respectively were treated with pellets containing aqueous and ethanol extracts. The last group was given pellets containing aqueous extract and ethanolic extracts with a ratio of 1:1. Pellets were given once every day for 90 days. Mating behavior test was conducted in an open round plastic tray with a diameter of 40 cm and height 25 cm. Throughout the test, videotaping was performed for the following parameters: courtship latency and mounting frequency. The results revealed that compared with control group, male mice fed on aqueous as well as ethanol extract of black pepper significantly showed a shorter courtship latency (p<0.05). On the other hand, there was no difference in the mounting frequency between treated groups. Interestingly, the mounting frequency showed a strong negative correlation with the courtship latency (r =-0.968). In conclusion, the fruit extract of black pepper potentially affect sexual drive in male mice.

Cultivation of red oyster mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus flabellatus) and diversification of pro... more Cultivation of red oyster mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus flabellatus) and diversification of processed oyster mushroom products in Pal Putih I Village JatiAgung District, South Lampung Yulianty1, Endang Nurcahyani1, M. Kanedi1, Salman Farizi1, M. Hambali1 Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung Jl. Prof. Sumantri Brojonegoro No.1 Bandar Lampung 35145 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung email:[email protected] Abstrak-Jamur Tiram merah (Pleurotus flabellatus) merupakan salah satu jamur yang belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan akan keanekaragaman jenis jamur tiram, maka diperlukan suatu usaha untuk mengembangkan budidaya jamur tiram merah dengan cara melakukan pelatihan budidaya jamur tiram merah di Desa Pal Putih I. Hal ini bertujuan agar pengetahuan tentang jamur tiram merah dikenalkan pada masyarakat selain jamur tiram putih. Saat ini yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat adalah jamur tiram putih, ditunjukkan de...

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Organic farming has been recommended by many experts in the world because of its positive ecologi... more Organic farming has been recommended by many experts in the world because of its positive ecological impacts such as increasing biodiversity. In Indonesia, the practice of organic farming is very widespread, including in smallholder coffee plantations. This study was intended to determine the impact of the organic farming system applied by smallholder coffee farmers for 2 years on soil arthropod diversity. On the two coffee farmlands, the conventional and organics (1 ha each), 10 plots of 5 x 20 meters were set and in each of these plots 5 sampling points were defined for collecting soil arthropods using pit-fall technique. The analysis of arthropod diversity in the two fields was quantified using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index model. The results showed that the two compared coffee farming systems had the same index of diversity (H ') and evenness (E). However, statistical tests using the Hutcheson t-test revealed that the variance in diversity of arthropods in organic coffe...

GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Vibrio is a group of bacteria that causes Vibriosis in many aquatic biota cultivated in ponds. Th... more Vibrio is a group of bacteria that causes Vibriosis in many aquatic biota cultivated in ponds. This research aims to determine the type of the Vibrio sp. which causes vibriosis disease in white snapper reared in the marine cultivation ponds at the Center for Marine Cultivation Fisheries (CMCF) Lampung, Indonesia. The research was conducted using investigative method by isolating Vibrio bacteria from the organ in white snapper, mud, and water. The bacterial isolates were indentified using biochemical test. The reseach parameters are TPC (Total Plate Count) Vibrio sp., water temperature, pH, salinity, DO, BOD and ammonia. The results showed there were three types of isolates that are suspected as the Vibriosis bacteria in white snapper fish namely Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The three isolates obtained were known to be α-hemolysis. The enviromental quality parameters are as follows: water temperature of 29.8 °C, pH 7.8, salinity 33 psu, DO 4.4 ...

GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Analgesic is any drug used to achieve analgesia—relieve from pain, without blocking the conductio... more Analgesic is any drug used to achieve analgesia—relieve from pain, without blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. Sukun (Artocarpusaltilis) and melinjo (Gnetumgnemon L.) are plants that can be expected to have analgesic properties because they contain bioactive that can inhibit biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a hormone-like pain reducing agent. To determine analgesic effect of two plants in question, the combination extract of melinjo and sukun leaves were treated to mice by applying writhing test. Male mice (n=28) were grouped into seven consisted of two control groups (negative dan positive) and five test groups. The negative control group (KN) received CMC 0.5%, the positive control mice received 1.3 mg/kg BW mefenamic acid. Test groups were given leaf extracts of sukun and melinjo with the dose ratios (sukun : melinjo) as follows (200: 0), (150 : 50), (100 : 100 ), (50 : 150), and (0 : 200) mg/kg BW respectively. After 15 minutes all mice were pain-induced with 1% acetic aci...
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
It has been reported that Styrofoam can be biodegraded by Tenebrio molitor beetle larvae within a... more It has been reported that Styrofoam can be biodegraded by Tenebrio molitor beetle larvae within a retention time of less than 24 h and the larvae fed solely with Styrofoam able to survive for more than a month. The question is whether Styrofoam can be used as an economical feed in the cultivation of mealworms? To determine productivity effect of Styrofoam feeds on mealworms, the larvae (n = 120) were grouped into three. Group 1, 2 and 3 were cosecutively fed with yeasts (as the standard diet), Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) were used. The observations take place in two stages. At stage 1, measurements were made on percent survival of the caterpillar, larval weight, prepupal periods, pupation periods, pupal weight and imago weight. At stage 2, the imago emerged from the pupae were separated between males and females and then mated. The number of eggs laid by the imago females in ten days are noted. The results showed, in comparison to the standard diet, EPS and XPS foam feeds did not give a significant effect on the mortality of the larvae. Both types of Styrofoam promote a significant longer periods of prepupal and pupation and significantly reduce number of eggs. Compared with yeasts and EPS foam, only XPS showed a lower weight of larvae, pupae and imago. It is inferred that the Styrofoam is not worthy as economical feeds in mealworms cultivation. However, given that Styrofoam feeds can maintain the insects life and produce eggs, the use of mealworms in polystyrene foam waste degradation is still worth considering.

International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences
Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthin... more Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthing ball exercise is the latest among the antenatal exercises which pregnant women commonly perform in Indonesia. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate whether pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball is effective in correcting the fetal lie, presentation, and attitude in the late third trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: To this end, pregnant women (n=114) enjoying the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into intervention (who were assigned to perform pelvic rocking using the birth ball) and control (without exercise) groups. Fetal lie, attitude, and presentation before and after the trials were determined in both groups by performing the abdominal palpation of Leopold’s maneuver. Results: Based on the results, the intervention group showed a higher proportion of fetus with flexed attitude (P<0.001) as compared to the control group. In addition, 49.1% of...

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018
It has been reported that Styrofoam can be biodegraded by Tenebrio molitor beetle larvae within a... more It has been reported that Styrofoam can be biodegraded by Tenebrio molitor beetle larvae within a retention time of less than 24 h and the larvae fed solely with Styrofoam able to survive for more than a month. The question is whether Styrofoam can be used as an economical feed in the cultivation of mealworms? To determine productivity effect of Styrofoam feeds on mealworms, the larvae (n = 120) were grouped into three. Group 1, 2 and 3 were cosecutively fed with yeasts (as the standard diet), Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) were used. The observations take place in two stages. At stage 1, measurements were made on percent survival of the caterpillar, larval weight, prepupal periods, pupation periods, pupal weight and imago weight. At stage 2, the imago emerged from the pupae were separated between males and females and then mated. The number of eggs laid by the imago females in ten days are noted. The results showed, in comparison to the standard diet, EPS and XPS foam feeds did not give a significant effect on the mortality of the larvae. Both types of Styrofoam promote a significant longer periods of prepupal and pupation and significantly reduce number of eggs. Compared with yeasts and EPS foam, only XPS showed a lower weight of larvae, pupae and imago. It is inferred that the Styrofoam is not worthy as economical feeds in mealworms cultivation. However, given that Styrofoam feeds can maintain the insects life and produce eggs, the use of mealworms in polystyrene foam waste degradation is still worth considering.

International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences, Jan 7, 2019
Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthin... more Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthing ball exercise is the latest among the antenatal exercises which pregnant women commonly perform in Indonesia. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate whether pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball is effective in correcting the fetal lie, presentation, and attitude in the late third trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: To this end, pregnant women (n=114) enjoying the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into intervention (who were assigned to perform pelvic rocking using the birth ball) and control (without exercise) groups. Fetal lie, attitude, and presentation before and after the trials were determined in both groups by performing the abdominal palpation of Leopold's maneuver. Results: Based on the results, the intervention group showed a higher proportion of fetus with flexed attitude (P < 0.001) as compared to the control group. In addition, 49.1% of women in the intervention group indicated longitudinal lie compared to 29.8% of those in the control groups (P < 0.001). Finally, 56 out of 57 women in the intervention group demonstrated head presentation whereas only 45 out of 57 women in the control group showed the same presentation (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Overall, it is suggested that pelvic rocking exercises using the birth balls are useful for maintaining lies, fetal attitudes, and presentations and thus it is worth recommending for pregnant women.

Jurnal Medika Malahayati
Penggunaan obat skabies (skabisida) umumnya terbuat dari senyawa kimia sintetik. Efek pemberian d... more Penggunaan obat skabies (skabisida) umumnya terbuat dari senyawa kimia sintetik. Efek pemberian dari senyawa sintetik kimia adalah resistensinya tungau terhadap obat. Daun kemangi dapat menjadi alternatif skabisida karena memiliki kandungan minyak atsiri berbahan aktif eugenol, sineol dan flavanoid. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-November 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak daun kemangi sebagai skabisida dan untuk mengetahui sediaan ekstrak daun kemangi yang lebih efektif antara salep dan spray. Penelitian ini berjenis eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari empat kelompok perlakuan (kontrol+, kontrol-, salep ekstrak daun kemangi, spray ekstrak daun kemangi) dan enam ulangan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan One Way (ANOVA) dan didapatkan hasil terdapat perbedaan lebar keropeng sangat bermakna pada antar perlakuan (p=0.000). Hasil penelitian dilanjutkan menggunakan Fisher LSD (Least Significant Different)...
Papers by Mohammad Kanedi