Papers by Tinni Goswami
Anuranan: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
KEY WORDS: MALARIA, BRITISH GOVERNMENT, BENGAL, NATIVES, VERNACULAR LITERATURE The essential them... more KEY WORDS: MALARIA, BRITISH GOVERNMENT, BENGAL, NATIVES, VERNACULAR LITERATURE The essential theme of this paper is to highlight the severity of the ailment of malaria, which once took the form of an epidemic in colonial Bengal during the British period. It took the lives of many and was able to create a permanent mark on the indigenous society. The natives were helpless, often became the victims of malaria. On the other, the Government had shown a notion of cultivated indifference and had a tendency to blame the natives.

Journal of Social and Development Sciences
The essential theme of this paper is to highlight the condition of health and hygiene in the Brit... more The essential theme of this paper is to highlight the condition of health and hygiene in the British Bengal from the perspective of official documents and vernacular writings, with special emphasis on the journals and periodicals. The fatal effects of the epidemics like malaria and cholera, the insanitary condition of the rural Bengal and the cultivated indifference of the British Raj made the lives of the poor natives miserable and ailing.The authorities had a tendency to blame the colonized for their illiteracy and callousness which became instrumental for the outbreak of the epidemics. On the other, in the late 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th , the vernacular literature played the role of a catalyst in awakening health awareness, highlighting the issues related with ill-health, insanitation and malnourishment. More importantly, it became an active link between the society and culture on the one hand, and health and people on the other. The present researcher wants to highlight these opposite trajectories of mentalities with a different connotation. The ideologies of the Raj and the native political aspirations often reflected in the colonial writings, where the year 1880 was considered as a landmark in the field of public health policies. On the other, the dichotomy between the masters and the colonized took a prominent shape during 1930s.Within these fifty years; the health of the natives witnessed many upheavals grounded on the social, economic and cultural tensions.
Conference Presentations by Tinni Goswami

The main objective of this paper is to highlight the problem of domestic violence in West Bengal,... more The main objective of this paper is to highlight the problem of domestic violence in West Bengal, a state of India, and how it is affecting the working women in general. As we all know the problem of domestic violence is a very common issue and it exits everywhere regardless of the socioeconomic status of a country. The core of this matter has an intimate connection with the structure of the society which is male-dominated or in other words, patriarchal. The above-mentioned statement is definitely controversial, but do we have any other choice to refute or negate the fact that women are always considered as less empowered than men? I may sound feminist, but I believe, feminism is a scholarly male-oriented construct, which separates women from the mass and marginalises their identity. Now the question is what is my hypothesis and how do I prove this? Here my argument stands on some basic viewpoints. Firstly, this paper is not an empirical study which only deals with information and the narration of that information. Rather it will be focusing more on the analysis of the present situation in West Bengal and the way outs if there are any. Secondly, the issue of domestic violence is neither academic nor entertaining; it represents hard core social reality. So the discussion on this topic portrays a subtle approach to look into the matter, where emotion plays the role of a catalyst. Thirdly, the stance of the state and the involvement of the private organisations surely help to know the truth, but truth can be also half or hidden, so an impartial method of enquiry has been adopted by the author to situate where do the victims stand and how they are coping up with the actual situation. It would be really apt if I begin my discussion with a proper definition of domestic violence. Though I believe it is certainly unrealistic and futile to describe what domestic violence is, as it has polygonal perpetual characteristics, which are increasing day by day, still to feed our so called hunger for knowledge gathering, we define violence in the context of domesticity. According to 'The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Act No.43 Of 2005', domestic violence is an action which " harms or endangers the health, safety, life, limb or well-being, whether mental or physical, of the aggrieved person or tends to do so and includes causing physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse and economic abuse…(Chapter 2) " In this Chapter , in the section, Explanation 1, there are the legal descriptions of different kinds of abuses, but most of these explanations need to be more specific and straight. There are only two lines in this chapter to describe " sexual abuse " which points out " any conduct of a sexual nature that abuses, humiliates, degrades or otherwise violates the dignity of women; "

"Geographically speaking, India is a land of tremendous diversityfrom bare and snowy mountains in... more "Geographically speaking, India is a land of tremendous diversityfrom bare and snowy mountains in the north to tropical rain forests in the south, from arid desert in the west to alluvial flood plain in the east. Although the United States has, arguably, a comparable range of ecological regimes, what is striking about India is its diversity of human cultures, corresponding of different agro-climatic and vegetative zones. These cultures exhibit diverse technologies of resource use and also of social modes of resource control, spanning the entire range of productive activities known to humans." The essential theme of this paper is to make a critical analysis of colonial policies on forest, water and public health with special emphasis on sanitation in India and Bengal in particular which perhaps had contributed to a great extent to create a transformatory shift in the sphere of Asian and the Indian ecology in particular.
The essential theme of this paper is to emphasize the colonial mentality regarding the Bengali Wa... more The essential theme of this paper is to emphasize the colonial mentality regarding the Bengali Wan'' or women. The purpose of this paper is to make a critique of health and sanitation of the Indian women belonging to this particular period. The administrative tribulations of the British rulers in the early period were acute, and the justification of their rule was a matter of question. For many of them, India was a land of'dirt, dearth, peril and perish' which helped them to construct the notion of 'otherness''. Their racial arrogance made them the strong detractors of the Indian civilization. The 'otherness' and the sense of superiority became more pronounced in the post-1857 period.
If a nuclear technologist is shown foreign equipment and asked if he or she can manufacture it in... more If a nuclear technologist is shown foreign equipment and asked if he or she can manufacture it in India, the answer will be 'yes'…It is a pity, but it is only very rarely that the same technologist would be faced with a project stating that our vision is to reach the whole of India. 'Can you sit with doctors, production specialists, businessmen and others to come up with minimum essential features to create technology available at a lesser cost, on a large scale and more speedily?' That is a question which is never asked. Over a period, our system has lost the capability to enthuse people; to pose challenging problems for our youth; to harness a large vision."
Papers by Tinni Goswami
Conference Presentations by Tinni Goswami