As there exist individual differences in the ability to solve insight problems, the aim of our study was to examine whether these differences correlate with measures of general fluid intelligence (Gf) and of executive functioning (EF). It... more
As there exist individual differences in the ability to solve insight problems, the aim of our study was to examine whether these differences correlate with measures of general fluid intelligence (Gf) and of executive functioning (EF). It was shown that insight problem solving ability strongly correlates with both Gf and EF. Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that it is Gf latent variable that underlies insight problem solving and executive control. This result, obtained with enhanced methodology in comparison with previous studies on cognitive basis of insight problem solving, suggests that insight is not a 'special' ability, but a phenomenon strongly linked to abstract reasoning.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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This concise review of cognitive vulnerability to depression contains the discussion of several fundamental theoretical, methodological and empirical issues related to this important subject. The main aim was to describe in some detail... more
This concise review of cognitive vulnerability to depression contains the discussion of several fundamental theoretical, methodological and empirical issues related to this important subject. The main aim was to describe in some detail the construct itself and to critically evaluate the hypotheses concerning the causal relation between specific processes, structures and cognitive contents and the probability of suffering from affective disorders. Some of the most important empirical findings obtained from research on cognitive vulnerability to depression was carefully analysed. The types of designs included in the analysis ranged from research done with remitted patients, longitudinal studies and behavioural risk design type studies. The most important methodological problems were enumerated and briefly described. On the basis of those analyses it was concluded that at least several cognitive vulnerability factors can indeed significantly increase the probability of depression. At the same time the empirical findings do not seem to support the assumed causal relation unequivocally, mainly because of the methodological shortcomings of the typical designs addressing the vulnerability issue. Appreciation of cognitive vulnerability factors can lead to improvements in affective disorders therapy and in the prophylactic interventions aimed at persons showing symptoms of cognitive schemata, structures or content known to increase the risk of depression.
Recently, Windey, Gevers, and Cleeremans (2013) proposed a level of processing (LoP) hypothesis claiming that the transition from unconscious to conscious perception is influenced by the level of processing imposed by task requirements.... more
Recently, Windey, Gevers, and Cleeremans (2013) proposed a level of processing (LoP) hypothesis claiming that the transition from unconscious to conscious perception is influenced by the level of processing imposed by task requirements. Here, we carried out two experiments to test the LoP hypothesis. In both, participants were asked to classify briefly presented pairs of letters as same or different, based either on the letters' physical features (a low-level task), or on a semantic rule (a high-level task). Stimulus awareness was measured by means of the four-point Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS). The results showed that low or moderate stimulus visibility was reported more frequently in the low-level task than in the high-level task, suggesting that the transition from unconscious to conscious perception is more gradual in the former than in the latter. Therefore, although alternative interpretations remain possible, the results of the present study fully support the LoP hypothesis.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This... more
Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This article is an analysis of a research paradigm, used to modify attentional bias (CBM-A Cognitive Bias Modification – Attention). A growing number of studies indicate that with the help of computer methods such as a modified version of the dot-probe task we can train individuals to direct attention away from threatening stimuli, which in turn reduces symptoms of anxiety. This effect was observed in adults, adolescents and children suffering from social phobia, generalised anxiety disorder and subclinical symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Effectiveness of this method constitutes the evidence for attentional bias being among the causes of anxiety disorders. The article also analyses the still not completely clear mechanisms of CBM-A and limitations of this method. Słowa klucze: terapia poznawcza, trening tendencyjności poznawczej, lęk, zaburzenia lękowe Tendencyjność uwagi w lęku i zaburzeniach lękowych Strach i lęk są naturalnymi, adaptacyjnymi reakcjami na potencjalne zagrożenie. Spostrzeżenie i rozpoznanie sygnałów niebezpieczeństwa uruchamia poznawcze,
This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of... more
This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of training in case of some anxiety disorders (generalised anxiety disorder and social phobia), particularly in young individuals. Its efficacy in other previously tested disorders such as depression and addictions seems questionable. We analysed moderators of training efficacy considered in previous studies: subjects' age, type of training task, type and location of emotional stimuli, duration of training, awareness of test objective and place of testing (research laboratory or subjects' homes). It seems that greater efficacy of attention bias can be achieved by conducting longer trainings, located in a laboratory, rather than in-house, and using verbal rather than visual stimuli. It is not clear whether participants should be informed of the training objective or whether arranging stimuli vertically is more efficient than horizontally. Słowa klucze: uwaga, tendencyjność, terapia z wykorzystaniem komputera Wstęp W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat nastąpił dynamiczny rozwój badań nad modyfikacją tendencyjności uwagi za pomocą specjalnie skonstruowanych do tego celu procedur komputerowych. Badania te, określane często skrótem CBM-A (Cognitive Bias Modyfication-Attention) opierają się na poznawczym modelu psychopatologii, według
This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of... more
This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of training in case of some anxiety disorders (generalised anxiety disorder and social phobia), particularly in young individuals. Its efficacy in other previously tested disorders such as depression and addictions seems questionable. We analysed moderators of training efficacy considered in previous studies: subjects' age, type of training task, type and location of emotional stimuli, duration of training, awareness of test objective and place of testing (research laboratory or subjects' homes). It seems that greater efficacy of attention bias can be achieved by conducting longer trainings, located in a laboratory, rather than in-house, and using verbal rather than visual stimuli. It is not clear whether participants should be informed of the training objective or whether arranging stimuli vertically is more efficient than horizontally.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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Prospective and retrospective metacognitive judgments have been studied extensively in the field of memory; however, their accuracy has not been systematically compared. Such a comparison is important for studying how metacognitive... more
Prospective and retrospective metacognitive judgments have been studied extensively in the field of memory; however, their accuracy has not been systematically compared. Such a comparison is important for studying how metacognitive judgments are formed. Here, we present the results of an experiment aiming to investigate the relation between performance in an anagram task and the accuracy of prospective and retrospective confidence judgments. Participants worked on anagrams and were then asked to respond whether a presented word was the solution. They also rated their confidence, either before or after the response and either before or after seeing the suggested solution. The results showed that although response accuracy always correlated with confidence, this relationship was weaker when metacognitive judgements were given before the response. We discuss the theoretical and methodological implications of this finding for studies on metacognition and consciousness.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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The present research investigated metacognitive awareness of emotional stimuli and its psychophysiological correlates. We used a backward masking task presenting participants with fearful or neutral faces. We asked participants for face... more
The present research investigated metacognitive awareness of emotional stimuli and its psychophysiological correlates. We used a backward masking task presenting participants with fearful or neutral faces. We asked participants for face discrimination and then probed their metacognitive awareness with confidence rating (CR) and post-decision wagering (PDW) scales. We also analysed psychophysiological correlates of awareness with event-related potential (ERP) components: P1, N170, early posterior negativity (EPN), and P3. We have not observed any differences between PDW and CR conditions in the emotion identification task. However, the "aware" ratings were associated with increased accuracy performance. This effect was more pronounced in PDW, especially for fearful faces, suggesting that emotional stimuli awareness may be enhanced by monetary incentives. EEG analysis showed larger N170, EPN and P3 amplitudes in aware compared to unaware trials. It also appeared that both EPN and P3 ERP components were more pronounced in the PDW condition, especially when emotional faces were presented. Taken together, our ERP findings suggest that metacognitive awareness of emotional stimuli depends on the effectiveness of both early and late visual information processing. Our study also indicates that awareness of emotional stimuli can be enhanced by the motivation induced by wagering.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +2
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Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This... more
Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This article is an analysis of a research paradigm, used to modify attentional bias (CBM-A Cognitive Bias Modification – Attention). A growing number of studies indicate that with the help of computer methods such as a modified version of the dot-probe task we can train individuals to direct attention away from threatening stimuli, which in turn reduces symptoms of anxiety. This effect was observed in adults, adolescents and children suffering from social phobia, generalised anxiety disorder and subclinical symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Effectiveness of this method constitutes the evidence for attentional bias being among the causes of anxiety disorders. The article also analyses the still not completely clear mechanisms of CBM-A and limitations of this method. Attentional bias in anxiety and anxiety disorders Fear and anxiety are natural adaptive reactions to a potential threat. Noticing and recognising signs of danger triggers cognitive, affective, physiological and behav-ioural processes which are essential to an organism's survival [1]. In case of inappropriate – e.g. excessive – activation, these processes can be conducive to development of disorders. The cognitive approach assumes that anxiety and emotional disorders are caused and persist partially due to preferential processing of threatening stimuli,
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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- Clinical Psychology
Attentional bias is assumed to be partly responsible for the onset and maintenance of anxiety by major cognitive theories of emotional disorders. Although much is already known about the therapeutic effects of attentional bias training,... more
Attentional bias is assumed to be partly responsible for the onset and maintenance of anxiety by major cognitive theories of emotional disorders. Although much is already known about the therapeutic effects of attentional bias training, only a few studies have examined the mechanism responsible for these effects. In order to test if low-level, cognitive effects of attentional bias training depend on attentional control, 73 participants, who completed the STAI-x2 and the ACS questionnaires, were randomly assigned to a control (n = 37) or attentional training group (n = 36). The attentional manipulation was followed by a search task, during which novel neutral or negative faces could be presented within an array of all-neutral, all-negative or all-positive faces. It was found that individuals with higher ACS score displayed stronger attentional training effects, i.e., they were less accurate in detecting distinctive negative faces, and this effect was not found to be associated with STAI-x2 score. These results show that there is individual variability even in immediate, cognitive effects of attentional bias modifi cation and that special abilities, such as attentional control, might be required for attentional training to be effi cient.
aBstract The consciousness studies are unavoidably linked to the mind-body problem , as most of the researchers are trying to investigate how a physical system (namely the brain) generates mental property (consciousness). To get around... more
aBstract The consciousness studies are unavoidably linked to the mind-body problem , as most of the researchers are trying to investigate how a physical system (namely the brain) generates mental property (consciousness). To get around this problem the researchers often seem to endorse physicalism and identity theory but it is not clear to what extent, if any, does the research practice or the evidence based theories of consciousness depend on such assumptions. Here, we provide a few examples of studies investigating the so-called Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC). Based on these examples and the contents of the methodological papers addressing the problem of identifying the NCCs, we provide a novel, operational definition of the NCC. This allows us to shed some light on the meaning of various claims about the causal role of consciousness within the field of empirical studies. We also provide an inference rule for identifying the NCCs and the exhaustive list of the NCC confounders in the typical research paradigms.
- by Borysław Paulewicz and +1
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- Causality, Consciousness Studies
We describe a novel method of Bayesian inference for hierarchical or non-hierarchical equal variance normal Signal Detection Theory models with one or more criteria. The method is implemented as an open-source R package that uses the... more
We describe a novel method of Bayesian inference for hierarchical or non-hierarchical equal variance normal Signal Detection Theory models with one or more criteria. The method is implemented as an open-source R package that uses the state-of-the-art Stan platform for sampling from posterior distributions. Our method can accommodate binary responses as well as additional ratings and an arbitrary number of nested or crossed random grouping factors. The SDT parameters can be regressed on additional predictors within the same model via intermediate unconstrained parameters, and the model can be extended by using automatically generated human-readable Stan code as a template. In the paper we explain how our method improves on other similar available methods, we give an overview of the package, demonstrate its use by providing a real-study data analysis walk-through, and show that the model successfully recovers known parameter values when fitted to simulated data. We also demonstrate that ignoring a hierarchical data structure may lead to severely biased estimates when fitting Signal Detection Theory models.
The cingulate cortex, which comprises of two major subdivisions -anterior cingulate cortex (CG) and retrosplenial cortex (RSP), is implicated in many cognitive functions. The RSP is an important node in the systemic integration network.... more
The cingulate cortex, which comprises of two major subdivisions -anterior cingulate cortex (CG) and retrosplenial cortex (RSP), is implicated in many cognitive functions. The RSP is an important node in the systemic integration network. Studies point to its role in learning that involves spatial stimuli and navigation. Relatively little is known about its involvement in simple learning such as classical conditioning. We examined the involvement of the two cytoarchitectonic divisions, agranular and granular, of the rostral and caudal RSP in a delay conditioning, where stimulation of the facial vibrissae was paired with a tail shock. During the conditioning session the [ 14 C]-2-deoxyglucose (2DG) brain mapping was performed. Effectiveness of conditioning was assessed with frequency of head movements, which decreased in the course of the conditioning. 2DG uptake in RSP and additionally in CG was examined in conditioned, pseudoconditioned and stimulated control groups. The metabolic labeling was elevated in caudal and rostral both RSP and CG in the conditioned group, but not in animals which received CS or UCS alone. Comparison between conditioned and pseudoconditioned groups showed the specific activation by associative learning in both divisions of the rostral RSP and rostral CG. Counts of c-Fos expressing nuclei confirmed activation of the rostral RSP in the CS + UCS group. These data support the concept of RSP as structure that, besides its recognized role in visuospatial learning, monitors and reacts to activity of brain systems responsible for other types of learning and, together with CG, subserve cognitive processes, with simple associative learning among them.
The number of items that can be held in human short-term memory (STM) is limited to 7 (±2) elements. Lisman and Idiart's theoretical model of STM proposes that this value depends on the number of gamma cycles that can fit in one theta... more
The number of items that can be held in human short-term memory (STM) is limited to 7 (±2) elements. Lisman and Idiart's theoretical model of STM proposes that this value depends on the number of gamma cycles that can fit in one theta cycle. Previous studies on animals and humans provided support for this hypothesis but direct evidence from human EEG scalp recordings has not previously been reported. We recorded spontaneous EEG activity from 17 participants and measured their verbal STM capacity with a modified digit span task from the Wechsler battery. The strong and positive correlation we found between verbal STM capacity and theta/gamma cycle length ratio thus provides a direct argument in favor of this STM theoretical model. In this study we also demonstrated a new method for assessing individual theta and gamma frequencies by detecting functional coupling between these oscillations.
For about two decades now, the localization of the brain regions involved in reasoning processes is being investigated through fMRI studies, and it is known that for a transitive form of reasoning the frontal and parietal regions are most... more
For about two decades now, the localization of the brain regions involved in reasoning processes is being investigated through fMRI studies, and it is known that for a transitive form of reasoning the frontal and parietal regions are most active. In contrast, less is known about the information exchange during the performance of such complex tasks. In this study, the propagation of brain activity during a transitive reasoning task was investigated and compared to the propagation during a simple memory task. We studied EEG transmission patterns obtained for physiological indicators of brain activity and determined whether there are frequency bands specifically related to this type of cognitive operations. The analysis was performed by means of the directed transfer function. The transmission patterns were determined in the theta, alpha and gamma bands. The results show stronger transmissions in theta and alpha bands from frontal to parietal as well as within frontal regions in reasoning trials comparing to memory trials. The increase in theta and alpha transmissions was accompanied by flows in gamma band from right posterior to left posterior and anterior sites. These results are consistent with previous neuroimaging (fMRI) data concerning fronto-parietal regions involvement in reasoning and working memory processes and also provide new evidence for the executive role of frontal theta waves in organizing the cognition.
Older adults (N 60 years) show attentional deficits in comparison to younger people (18-30 years). As beta-band EEG activity has been previously postulated to indicate attentional modulation in the visual system, we searched for possible... more
Older adults (N 60 years) show attentional deficits in comparison to younger people (18-30 years). As beta-band EEG activity has been previously postulated to indicate attentional modulation in the visual system, we searched for possible deficits in beta power in elderly subjects performing an attentional task with spatial differentiation between visual stimuli. We found that in older adults a lower level of beta activity correlated with decreased behavioral performance. As compared to young subjects, older adults expressed decreased activation in beta band during an attentional task, which displayed two different dynamics during the anticipatory period. Those dynamics were accompanied by one of two different behavioral pattern deficits. We hypothesize that one group of elderly participants suffered from difficulty in the activation of attentional processes (alertness deficits), while the otherfrom difficulty in sustaining those processes (vigilance deficits).
The defocused attention hypothesis assumes that negative mood broadens attention, whereas the analytical rumination hypothesis (Andrews and Thompson, 2009) suggests a narrowing of the attentional focus with depression. We tested these... more
The defocused attention hypothesis assumes that negative mood broadens attention, whereas the analytical rumination hypothesis (Andrews and Thompson, 2009) suggests a narrowing of the attentional focus with depression. We tested these conflicting hypotheses by directly measuring the perceptual span in groups of dysphoric and control subjects, using eye tracking. In the moving window paradigm, information outside of a variable-width gaze-contingent window was masked during reading of sentences. In measures of sentence reading time and mean fixation duration, dysphoric subjects were more pronouncedly affected than controls by a reduced window size. This difference supports the defocused attention hypothesis and seems hard to reconcile with a narrowing of attentional focus.
- by Aneta Brzezicka and +1
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- Depression, Eye Movements (Psychology)
We previously showed that neuronal activity in beta frequency might serve as a carrier for attentional arousal within the visual system of cat. In the present study, we adopted the animal paradigm for anticipatory attention to study... more
We previously showed that neuronal activity in beta frequency might serve as a carrier for attentional arousal within the visual system of cat. In the present study, we adopted the animal paradigm for anticipatory attention to study alertness-related changes of beta activity in human subjects. The results indicated that increased alertness, manifested by faster responses to target visual stimuli, is accompanied by higher EEG activation in beta band.