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As there exist individual differences in the ability to solve insight problems, the aim of our study was to examine whether these differences correlate with measures of general fluid intelligence (Gf) and of executive functioning (EF). It... more
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This concise review of cognitive vulnerability to depression contains the discussion of several fundamental theoretical, methodological and empirical issues related to this important subject. The main aim was to describe in some detail... more
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Recently, Windey, Gevers, and Cleeremans (2013) proposed a level of processing (LoP) hypothesis claiming that the transition from unconscious to conscious perception is influenced by the level of processing imposed by task requirements.... more
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Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPublic AdministrationEnglish LiteratureBiomedical Engineering
This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of... more
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This paper focuses on a method of attention bias training, considering in particular its efficacy and usability in several mental disorders. The results of current meta-analyses and selected experiments indicate possible efficacy of... more
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Prospective and retrospective metacognitive judgments have been studied extensively in the field of memory; however, their accuracy has not been systematically compared. Such a comparison is important for studying how metacognitive... more
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The present research investigated metacognitive awareness of emotional stimuli and its psychophysiological correlates. We used a backward masking task presenting participants with fearful or neutral faces. We asked participants for face... more
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Anxiety is related to attentional bias, i.e. a tendency to pay attention to threatening stimuli. This occurs both in individuals suffering from anxiety disorders, and in healthy individuals with elevated levels of trait anxiety. This... more
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    • Clinical Psychology
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyConsciousness
Attentional bias is assumed to be partly responsible for the onset and maintenance of anxiety by major cognitive theories of emotional disorders. Although much is already known about the therapeutic effects of attentional bias training,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionAttentional Control
aBstract The consciousness studies are unavoidably linked to the mind-body problem , as most of the researchers are trying to investigate how a physical system (namely the brain) generates mental property (consciousness). To get around... more
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      CausalityConsciousness Studies
We describe a novel method of Bayesian inference for hierarchical or non-hierarchical equal variance normal Signal Detection Theory models with one or more criteria. The method is implemented as an open-source R package that uses the... more
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      Bayesian InferenceSignal Detection TheoryHierarchical models
The cingulate cortex, which comprises of two major subdivisions -anterior cingulate cortex (CG) and retrosplenial cortex (RSP), is implicated in many cognitive functions. The RSP is an important node in the systemic integration network.... more
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      System IntegrationLearningBrain MappingClassical Conditioning
The number of items that can be held in human short-term memory (STM) is limited to 7 (±2) elements. Lisman and Idiart's theoretical model of STM proposes that this value depends on the number of gamma cycles that can fit in one theta... more
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      ElectroencephalographyNeurobiology of Learning and MemoryBrainBrain Waves
For about two decades now, the localization of the brain regions involved in reasoning processes is being investigated through fMRI studies, and it is known that for a transitive form of reasoning the frontal and parietal regions are most... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionWorking MemoryExecutive Function
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderCognitive ControlTheory of MindWorking Memory
Older adults (N 60 years) show attentional deficits in comparison to younger people (18-30 years). As beta-band EEG activity has been previously postulated to indicate attentional modulation in the visual system, we searched for possible... more
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      PsychophysiologyElectrophysiologyVisual attentionAttention
The defocused attention hypothesis assumes that negative mood broadens attention, whereas the analytical rumination hypothesis (Andrews and Thompson, 2009) suggests a narrowing of the attentional focus with depression. We tested these... more
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      DepressionEye Movements (Psychology)
We previously showed that neuronal activity in beta frequency might serve as a carrier for attentional arousal within the visual system of cat. In the present study, we adopted the animal paradigm for anticipatory attention to study... more
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      PsychophysiologyElectrophysiologyVisual attentionAging