Welcome to the haven of all things sweetly spooky. What the hell is 'sweetly spooky', you may be asking? We got our best squishologists onto they case, and they supplied the following thesus:
sweet (swt) adj.sweet·er,sweet·est
Having the taste of sugar or a substance containing or resembling sugar, as honey or saccharin.
Pleasing to the senses; agreeable: the sweet song of the lark; a sweet face.
Having a pleasing disposition; lovable: a sweet child.
Not spoiled, sour, or decaying; fresh: sweet milk.
spook·y (spk) adj.Informalspook·i·er,spook·i·est
Suggestive of ghosts or a ghost; eerie.
Easily startled; skittish.
Sweetly spooky is a phrase coined by sparksoflight and I, during the sudden popularity of gothic cartoon imagery. The phrase soon evolved to be a label for a style of clothing that EGL (and its varients) didn't quite cover. EGL inspired? Not really... not quite. More like Wednesday Addams meets Alice in Wonderland, with a twist of Victoriana.
This community has been set up to cater for those who cuddle the things that go bump in the night. It's hazy definition makes the community fairly straight forward. We pose, we flounce, we shop. We lull you into a false sense of security with our ribbons and long lashes. Sometimes, we surprise you by wearing UV hair-falls, swearing and drinking beer, but don't be fooled. We are the sweetly spooky.
Here you may post: - Community promotions, direct sales and eBay auctions that are relevent. Ratings communities are The Suck. Please don't waste our Friends-Page-Space with adverts for them. - Promotions for clubs and gigs that we might find interesting. - Photos of your sweetly spooky bits (oooh-er!) - Cam-whoring moments of yourself sweetly spookified. - Reviews/intros to sweetly spooky films, websites, comics, bands, songs, books, poems and any other form of media that we might not have heard of.
... you get the picture. Anything off-topic will be deleted. :o) (still not sure what 'on-topic' is? Check our interests!)
We have a zero-tolerance to oogieness. Play nice, or play dead.
Whilst you're here, why not visit: safeinourframes - run by p_gotherina , this is a lacey corner of LJ dedicated to parasols and those who love them. creepy_mailbox - a community for the trading of scary things in the post! Another of vashe's babies. shop_goff - yet another of vashe 's communities, this little gem caters for those of us prone to internet shopping. We share because we care :) malice_crafts - the haven for all things stitched by malice_doll . A must-see for all that adore sweetly spooky hats and hair accessories crafted from PVC. rbkisses - the definitive sound of 'sweetly spooky' - listen to these guys in your bestest frock, doll in hand.