Papers by Antonios Valsamidis
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2014
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2012
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 SD Offshore distance from the baseline (m) SD of bathymetric measurements S... more 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 SD Offshore distance from the baseline (m) SD of bathymetric measurements SD of the reconstucted profiles with the 10 first modes 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 SD Offshore distance from the baseline (m) SD of bathymetric measurements SD of the recostructed profiles with mode 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 SD Offshore distance from the baseline (m) SD of bathymetric measurements SD of the recostructed profiles with mode 2 Fig. 8 Power outputs from the downstream turbine in a three-turbine array for different array arrangements

In this study, an analytical solution, based on a Heaviside technique, is developed to model the ... more In this study, an analytical solution, based on a Heaviside technique, is developed to model the shoreline evolution in the vicinity of a groyne due to a random sequence of waves. The beach at Borth, Wales, UK was used as a case-study. A wave time-series covering a time period of about 12 years, was used to test the performance of a recently constructed coastal defence scheme. Transformations of the wave time-series from offshore to nearshore were performed using a semi-empirical procedure. Three different wave breaking formulae were independently applied to the wave model, and their effects to the consequent shoreline evolution were investigated. In addition, three different longshore transport formulae were compared. These were the CERC, the Kamphuis and the Bayram formulae. Results showed that the CERC formula predicted a significantly greater amount of sediment transport and hence erosion on the downdrift side of the groyne while the models based on Kamphuis and the Bayram formulae gave comparable results. All the results exhibited a strong sensitivity to the temporal resolution of the forcing. Finally, some sensitivity to the treatment of wave breaking was found.

Marine Geology, 2013
The main scope of this paper is the analysis of wave-seabed interactions which play a significant... more The main scope of this paper is the analysis of wave-seabed interactions which play a significant role during the morphological evolution of a non-tidal sandy beach with multiple bars. The primary technique employed in our analysis was the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). A large amount of field data is necessary in order to use a statistical method such as the CCA to produce reliable results. However, our study area, a non-tidal beach with multiple bars located at IBW PAN Coastal Research Station at Lubiatowo, Poland has been the subject of numerous surveys during the last couple of decades, providing valuable information regarding both the bathymetry and the wave climate in the nearshore area. To that end, key wave transformation patterns were identified. The division of the original data set of consecutive seabed surveys, complemented by wave measurements, into summer and winter subsets, and the separate application of the CCA to each one of them, produced relatively high skill predictions and provides insight into noticeably different patterns of wave transformation in both seasons. Finally, the results and the experience gained by the application of the CCA are discussed and summarized to highlight research potential of the CCA method.
Coastal Engineering, 2014
a b s t r a c t Keywords: Beach Model Stability 1-Line model 2-Line model 3-Line model
Papers by Antonios Valsamidis