

Groups is designed as an efficient, powerful and flexible solution for group-oriented memberships and content access control.

It provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and access control for content, built on solid principles.

Groups is light-weight and offers an easy user interface, while it acts as a framework and integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API.

Groups integrates with WooCommerce to protect access to products, so that certain products can be purchased by members only.

Enhanced functionality is available via the WooCommerce Marketplace and Extensions for Groups.


The official documentation is located at the Groups Documentation pages.


User groups

  • Supports an unlimited number of groups
  • Provides a Registered group which is automatically maintained
  • Users can be assigned to any group
  • Users are added automatically to the Registered group

Groups hierarchy

  • Supports group hierarchies with capability inheritance

Group capabilities

  • Integrates standard WordPress capabilities which can be assigned to groups and users
  • Supports custom capabilities: allows to define new capabilities for usage in plugins and web applications
  • Users inherit capabilities of the groups they belong to
  • Groups inherit capabilities of their parent groups

Access control

Access to posts, pages and custom post types can be restricted by group.

If access to a post is restricted to one or more groups, only users who belong to one of those groups may view the post.

Fully supports custom post types, so that access to post types such as products or events can easily be restricted.

  • Built-in access control that allows to restrict access to posts, pages and custom content types to specific groups and users only
  • Control access to content by groups: shortcodes allow to control who can access content on posts, show parts to members of certain groups or to those who are not members –
    Shortcodes: [groups_member], [groups_non_member]
  • Control access to content by capabilities: show (or do not show) content to users who have certain capabilities –
    Shortcodes: [groups_can], [groups_can_not]
  • Blocks: The Groups Member block allows to restrict the visibility of its content to members of selected groups.
    The Groups Non-Member block hides its content from members of chosen groups.
    The blocks can be nested to provide multiple layers of access control to content.

Easy user interface

  • Integrates nicely with the standard WordPress Users menu
  • Provides an intuitive Groups menu
  • Conceptually clean views showing the essentials
  • Quick filters
  • Bulk-actions where needed, for example apply capabilities to groups, bulk-add users to groups, bulk-remove users from groups

Sensible options

  • Enable access restrictions by custom post type
  • An optional tree view for groups can be shown when desired
  • Provides its own set of permissions
  • Administrator overrides for tests
  • Cleans up after testing with a “delete all plugin data” option


  • Groups is designed based on a solid and sound data-model with a complete API that allows developers to create group-oriented web applications and plugins


  • All features are supported independently for each blog in multisite installations


Enhanced functionality is available via official Extensions for Groups.

Groups is a large project that is providing essential functionality to tens of thousands of sites since 2012. By getting an official extension, you help fund the work that is necessary to maintain and improve Groups.

  • Groups WooCommerce : Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • WooCommerce Group Coupons : Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers.
  • Groups Drip Content : Release content on a schedule. Content dripping can be based on user account creation, group memberships and specific dates and times.
  • Groups File Access : Allows to provide file download links for authorized users. Access to files is restricted to users by their group membership.
  • Groups Restrict Categories : Features access restrictions for categories, tags and other WordPress taxonomies, including support for custom post types and taxonomies.
  • Groups Forums : A powerful and yet light-weight forum system for WordPress sites.
  • Groups Import Export : Provides import and export facilities around users and groups.
  • Groups Newsletters : Newsletter Campaigns for Subscribers and Groups.
  • WooCommerce Product Search : The perfect Search Engine helps customers to find and buy products quickly – essential for every WooCommerce store. The search engine honors access restrictions imposed by Groups and supports caching based on WordPress roles and memberships with Groups.
  • Widgets Control Pro : An advanced Widget toolbox that adds visibility management and helps to control where widgets are shown efficiently.


Feedback is welcome!

If you need help, have problems, want to leave feedback or want to provide constructive criticism, please do so here at the Groups Plugin page.

Please try to solve problems there before you rate this plugin or say it doesn’t work. There goes a lot of work into providing you with free quality plugins! Please appreciate that and help with your feedback. Many thanks!

Stay informed or contribute

Follow @‌itthinx on GitHub, X – Twitter, Reddit, Mastodon, Rumble, YouTube for news related to Groups and other plugins.

Get development notifications, contribute code or open issues at the Groups repository on GitHub.


Translations have been contributed by many from the WordPress community, via the GitHub repository Groups, the section for Groups on Translating WordPress or as direct contributions.

This includes translations from the following contributors and many others to …

Brazilian Portuguese by Walter Jaworski, Eric Sornoso,
Dutch translation by Carsten Alsemgeest,
French translation by Stéphane Passedouet,
German translation by itthinx,
Lithuanian translation by Vincent G,
Spanish translation by itthinx, Juan Amor,
Swedish translation by Andréas Lundgren.

Many thanks for your help!


  • Groups – this is where you add and remove groups and assign capabilities to groups.
  • Capabilities – here you get an overview of the capabilities that are defined and you can add and remove capabilities as well.
  • Users – group membership is managed from the standard Users admin view.
  • Filter the list of users by one or more groups.
  • Add users to groups or remove them in bulk.
  • Groups a users belongs to shown in the user profile.
  • Filter posts by groups.
  • Add or remove access restrictions based on groups in bulk.
  • Restrict access on pages and posts (and other custom post types) … you can restrict access to users who are members of one or more groups.
  • A post restricted to members of a Premium group only.
  • Usage of the [groups_member] and [groups_non_member] shortcodes to limit visibility of content to users who are members of a group or users who are not members of a group. Multiple comma-separated groups can be specified.
  • Usage of the [groups_can] and [groups_can_not] shortcodes. Limits visibility of enclosed content to those users who have the capability or those who do not. Multiple capabilities can be given.
  • Options – you can adjust the plugin’s settings here.
  • More options.


Kijalizi hivi vinawezesha bloku 2.

  • Member
  • Non Member


  1. Upload or extract the groups folder to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory. You can also use the Add new option found in the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  2. Enable the plugin from the Plugins menu in WordPress.


Where is the documentation?

The official documentation is located at the Groups Documentation pages.

Where can I get official extensions for Groups?

Official extensions are distributed exclusively via the WooCommerce Marketplace and Extensions for Groups.

I want to sell group memberships, which extension do I need? Does it support subscriptions?

You can sell memberships with Groups for WooCommerce, the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
It also supports WooCommerce Subscriptions.

I have a question, where do I ask?

For questions directly related to Groups, you can leave a comment at the Groups Plugin page.

How do I restrict access to a post?

Let’s assume you want members of the Premium group to be able to view some restricted posts.

  • If you want to create a new protected post, simply go to Posts > Add New as usual and in the Groups box input Premium in the Read field. Save or publish your post.
  • If you want to protect an existing post you can simply edit it, input Premium in the Read field of the Groups box and update the post.

In both cases, it doesn’t matter if the Premium group already exists or not, if it doesn’t, it will be created automatically.

If the Premium group already exists and you want to protect one or more existing posts in bulk, go to Posts, select all posts you want to protect and choose Edit in the Bulk Actions dropdown.
Now click Apply, select the Premium group and click Update.

After you publish or update your posts, only members of the Premium group will be able to see them.

I want Advanced and Premium members, where the Premium members can access everything that Advanced members can access. How can I do that?

Example: Advanced and Premium members

  1. Go to Groups > Groups > New Group and add two new groups, let’s call them Advanced and Premium – select Advanced as the Parent for the Premium group.
  2. Now create an example post that only members of the Advanced group should be able to access and choose the Advanced group in the Read field of the Groups box.
  3. Create another post for members of the Premium group and choose the Premium group for that post.
  4. Assign test users to both groups, log in as each user in turn and see which posts will be accessible.

How do I limit access to posts so that users in group A can not read the same as those in group B and vice-versa?

Example: Green and Red members

  1. Go to Groups > Groups > New Group and add two new groups, let’s call them Green Members and Red Members
  2. Now create an example post that only members of the Green Members group should be able to see and choose the Green Members group in the Groups box.
  3. Create another post for Red Members and choose the Red Members group for that post.
  4. Assign a test user to each of the groups, log in as one of them and you will see that the member of the Green Members group will only have access to the post protected by that group but not to the post protected with the Red Members group and vice-versa.

Are access restrictions for Custom Post Types (CPT) supported?

Yes. Access restrictions can be turned on or off for specific CPTs on the Groups > Options page.

How can I show groups that users belong to on their profile page in the admin section?

Go to Groups > Options and enable the option under User profiles.

Developers … aka … What about Groups’ API?

The Groups plugin provides an extensive framework to handle memberships, group-based capabilities and access control.

The API documentation page is available at API.

Also refer to the official Groups Plugin page to post your questions and the Documentation pages for Groups.


Machi 10, 2025
The Groups plugin is a versatile solution for managing user permissions and content access in WordPress. Whether you want to restrict specific content to certain groups of users or need a more elaborate membership system, Groups makes the setup surprisingly straightforward. Groups is a solid choice if you’re looking for a flexible and reliable access control system in WordPress. It makes segmenting content for different user groups easy, and it pairs nicely with other e-commerce or membership plugins. If you need a simple (or even fairly advanced) way to handle multi-tiered content restrictions, Groups is definitely worth considering. However, if you’re after an all-in-one membership plugin with built-in payment features and a more polished admin panel, you may need a more comprehensive solution. But for straightforward (and even quite extensive) group- and role-based content management, Groups provides an excellent foundation.
Disemba 9, 2024 3 replies
What this plugin does for free is crazy! I’ve been using it for a few years now—No issues to speak of. It’s a great way to get mild membership type access control for free and without bloat.
Novemba 4, 2024 1 reply
I wish I had found this plugin before. We segment our users into many different types of activities and capabilities. These segments need to be flexible as users can move between groups as they progress through various levels, or as they move into whole different sets of activities. The Groups plugin achieves all this with ease, either through the users admin page, but primarily through hooks to automate the transitions. Previously, trying to achieve this with standard WP functions was restrictive and complex to maintain. Many thanks to Groups.
Oktoba 27, 2024 1 reply
A very good complement to default features of Wordpress. I use it to manage a web site for a choir with several profiles and access needed, it fits perfectly my needs.
Agosti 8, 2024 1 reply
Excellent plugin, spend a lot of time looking (and money) for something like this, many of the other options out there although very good are very commerce / paid subscriber / drop content / ‘members’ platform focused when all I mostly wanted was a secure members site for user/pass protected content. Out of the box it just works. Then you can upgrade to the various paid plugin options for option extras, such as Groups File Access (which I did purchase) or even the affiliate stuff, which I don’t need right now but nice to know it’s there, as needed rather than all in one packageEnough hooks from a development perspective with great documentation that enabled me to expose certain pages for non-logged in users. And one of the things I like most having personally tried to interact with WP auth before is it works with WordPress not against it. WP User/Pass/User flow. Overall excellent.
Soma maoni yote 368

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“Groups” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Groups” zimetafsiriwa kwa lugha 7. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Groups” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


For the full changelog see changelog.txt.