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As Maya Angelou writes ̳the caged bird sings, with a fearful trill, of things unknown, but longed for still, and his tune is heard, on the distant hill, for the caged bird sings of freedom‘,the Indian Dalit and African American women from... more
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      HistoryCulture Studies
The twenty-first century has changed the concept of fixed identity into multiple identities like for instance the concept of ‘nativity’ has been replaced by the term ‘hybridity’. The forced migration that started with the slave trade in... more
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    • Geography
The ancient epics have played a significant role in introducing a set of values and ethics to youngsters. Lord Ram or Lord Krishna are known to today's generation through comics, animation and audiovisual. Their rational minds raise... more
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In a metropolitan city like Mumbai, a city that moves on wheels, a city that gives pan local and pan global experience, often gives feeling of isolation and alienation to her citizens. The absurdity of fast moving life in a metro often... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesCulture StudiesAlienation
Nadine Gordimer’s Jump and Other Stories (1991) is a collection of sixteen stories that can be best described as microcosm of the life in Africa. Being a humanist her prominent concern lies in psycho-social study of the people from all... more
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