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Spring Valley High School [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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(no subject) [Jan. 10th, 2005|06:22 pm]

alrighty kids
or kids that live in the area of SC, NC, or GA
save your money up and come to columbia on January 22nd

it will be worth your money
it's only 10$ for all those amazing bands
you can check most of them out on pure volume
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(no subject) [Oct. 16th, 2004|10:10 pm]

[mood |bored]

I'm pretty bored right now, so I feel like sharing.

Whenever I get brochures in the mail from USC I always expect to see someone I know. Yet, I never have. That changed today. On the back of the one that came in the mail today is Jason Brown (c/o 2002 and Stacey Brown's older brother). I think its cool.
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GSSM is NOT... well you'll see [Sep. 5th, 2004|11:50 pm]

[mood |discontentdiscontent]
[music |Sudden Death In Carolina - Brand New]

Ok....I know this is going to sound super nerdy, but o well... I think that it would be funny if done correctly.  GSSM has a LJ, as I have just discovered, gssmissex, so yeah all the Discovery kids should do something, cause they are always butts at SCJAS, and yeah I wish I had found this symposium time last year...  o well just thought that I would post about it...
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"you change your underwear every day, so why keep the same icon so long?" (from the "new icon" site) [Jul. 16th, 2004|05:56 pm]

had no idea how to post in a community until today. interesting...

August 15th is now officially "new icon" day, on which everyone has to give themselves a new user icon, cause I'm even getting bored of my own icon. After that date, you can revert back to your current icon if you think it's that good.

visit the site:
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(no subject) [Jul. 14th, 2004|01:33 pm]

[mood |angryangry]

Copied from my journal:

In the Viking Update it says under the tardy section that you are to report to E-2 if you are late for a class... Is this a typo?? O and the tuck-in shirt thing is final. And last but definitely NOT least. LUNCH IS 30 MIN LONG F U C K ! That gives us no time to do anything. Damn the minute or two longer classes... I want my fucking lunch back!

yeah its unhappy times!
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(no subject) [Jun. 4th, 2004|03:35 pm]

as much as a waste of time i thought having a livejournal was... its a REALLY good way to stay in touch and i didnt know that.
because a lot of you guys (as much as i love you) i would probably not talk to most of the summer.
yay for communication
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(no subject) [Jun. 3rd, 2004|04:47 pm]

anybody who wants to go
there's a show june 15th
the early show opens at 5
and is:
burns out bright
hawthorne heights

and the late is:
pedro the lion
and somebody else

i'm going out to eat before the show with some out of town friends
and a few people from around here
if anybody wants to go
then drop me a comment or something

each show is $7 or $10
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Hmm [Jun. 3rd, 2004|04:22 pm]

[mood |annoyedannoyed]
[music |"She Hates Me" [Puddle of Mud]]

Yea.. Let's party like it's 1960 and have a walk-out... and write a song against Rsd2.

Heck ya.

"Richland School district 2....
All i have to say it @#!$ you....

and so on.... lol. As you can see I'm a little angry with them right now...
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random thoughts [May. 29th, 2004|08:55 pm]

[music |"Cold"- Crossfade [acoustic version]]

Ok.. This dress code thing seriously pisses me off.... grr.. you know I had another thought about it too.. what about guys/girls who are bigger and insecure about their bodies?? Tucking shirts in makes it more "form-fitting" .. and that's not right to do that to those people...

on a more upbeat note... anyone going out of town soon?

I just found out I'm going for 10 days on an Alaskan cruise :] yay!

[can you tell I'm kinda bored?!?! lol]
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(no subject) [May. 27th, 2004|06:45 pm]
Yay! I'm a member! This makes me happy.

Um...Nothing really that pressing...I'm coming home on May 29th. And I don't leave for New York until June 25th. That leaves you guys 27 days to call me up so we can hang out. :) I love you guys and miss ya'll lots! Holla!


...You know...The Asian one that left...

Oh don't act like you don't know me! Whoa. Way too many gummy bears. I'm a lameface.

[End Scene]
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