WP Notes Widget PRO är nu tillgängligt
WP Notes Widget PRO erbjuder följande ytterligare funktioner:
- Anteckningskategorier
- Kortkoder
- Infoga anteckningar i inlägg, sidor och andra inläggstyper (inte bara widgetområden)
- Sortera anteckningar i stigande eller fallande ordning
- Ability to remove all Web Rockstar branding and callouts in WordPress admin
Posts and pages have their own characteristics and uses, but sometimes there is a need to display important, very short, time sensitive information which don’t really fit into a post or page. WP Notes Widget fills this gap. The visual design is similar to real sticky notes which adds to the effective communication of the message.
Med WP Notes Widget kan du:
- bifoga en bild, ljud eller ett videoklipp till en anteckning
- bifoga en länk till antingen en uppladdad fil, en länk från din webbplats eller en länk till en annan webbplats
- integrate with your twitter account to automatically tweet your notes
- select the font style, font size, font color, and background color of notes
- välj vilka anteckningar som visas på en specifik widget
- post date notes to appear at a certain date/time
- set notes to expire at a certain date/time (with additional, free plugin)
För att ytterligare förbättra funktionaliteten i WP Notes Widget kan du installera dessa fantastiska tillägg:
- Post Expirator by Aaron Axelsen
- Post Types Order by Nsp Code
Du kan också dra nytta av några inbyggda WordPress-funktionaliteter som du kanske inte har utforskat än:
- ’post dating’ notes so that they only appear once a certain date and time has been reached
WP Notes Widget har också designats för att fungera med WPML.
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Take a look at these tutorial videos to learn more about how WP Notes Widget works:
Det här är de fält och alternativ som är tillgängliga när du redigerar en enskild anteckning. Liknande dom ett inlägg. This is a variation of screenshot 1 with different settings chosen. In this example the ability to post directly to Twitter has been enabled. This shows the listing of all of the notes in the system. Similar to posts. This shows the widget controls on the widget admin page. The show what the front end of the website looks like using the configuration specified. The layout will naturally differ depending on what theme is being used. This is a variation of screenshot 5. Different settings are being used to alter the front end display. The admin page to enter your Twitter App credentials for automatic Tweets. (Tillgänglig i PRO) Lägg till anteckningar på inlägg och sidor med knappen ”Lägg till anteckningar” ovan redigeraren (Available in PRO) Shortcode editor modal window – display settings (Available in PRO) Shortcode editor modal window – font selection (Tillgänglig i PRO) Skapa anteckningskategorier för att organisera dina anteckningar. Visa anteckningar från en kategori automatiskt. (Available in PRO) Front end example with notes in post content 1 (Available in PRO) Front end example with notes in post content 2
- Download plugin from WordPress plugin repository
- Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress (upon activiation some sample notes will be created)
- On the main WordPress admin menu, go to ’Notes’
- You can either leave the sample notes published or move them to the trash.
- Create/replace/adjust the available notes to your needs (similar to creating pages or posts).
- Go to ’Appearance > Widgets’ in the WordPress Admin (after logging in)
- Select ’WP Notes Widget’ from the selection of available widgets. Drag it to your desired widget area.
- Konfigurera utseendet på WP Notes Widget efter dina behov.
The following points explains the settings available on the widget administration page:
Visa datum när anteckning publicerades
Visar datum då anteckningen publicerades. Om så önskas kan detta datum ändras även efter att anteckningen publicerats.
Jag kommer att använda mina egna CSS-stilar för WP Notes Widget
Om du tänker använda dina egna CSS-stilar, välj detta alternativ (för avancerade användare).
Use my theme’s widget wrapper for WP Notes Widget
Select this option if you would like to use the generic wrapper your theme uses for all widgets, in a given widget area. Depending on what the widget wrapper does (adds padding, margins, borders, etc) WP Notes Widget may or may not look better with this option checked. Experiment and see what looks best with your theme. Be sure to test at different screen widths.
Dölj WP Notes Widget om det inte finns några publicerade anteckningar tillgängliga
This option prevents WP Notes Widget from displaying entirely if there are no notes to display. Alternatively, a generic note with the text ”There are no notes to display right now.” will be displayed when this option is not activated.
Använd enskild ”klistrad anteckning” för varje anteckning
This option separates out each note into it’s own individual ”sticky note”. Take a look at the screen shots for a visual example.
Aktivera social delning av anteckningar
This option creates a ”tweet” link below the note. It allows users to easily share the content of your note on their Twitter account.
Tvinga inte stora bokstäver
Depending on the selected font, it may be desired to not force uppercase letters for your note text since it looks better visually.
Ställ in automatisk publicering till Twitter
In order to set up automatic posting your Twitter account, you will need to set up a couple things:
- Ett Twitter-konto som har autentiserats med ditt mobilnummer
- A new Twitter application with read and write permissions
För mer information om hur du ställer in en Twitter-app, kolla in
Once you have the appropriate credentials, you can follow the instructions on any Note page in your WordPress admin.
Vanliga frågor
What is the best way to customize the look (CSS) of WP Notes Widget?
Select the ”I will use my own CSS styles for WP Notes Widget” option on the widget configuration page. This will disable all built in WP Notes Widget styles. You can take a look at public/less/wp-notes-public.less to view the LESS file used to generate the CSS file used on the front end of the website. This may be helpful when creating your own styles. You can add your own styles to the style.css file in your active theme folder, or another file if your theme does not use style.css for theme styles.
How can I get my images to have a transparent background like in the screenshots?
The images used in the screenshots are a PNG file and have been created with a transparent background. Only this file type and GIFs allow transparent backgrounds. JPGs are not capable of having transparent backgrounds.
What type of download attachments can I use?
You can attach any download that WordPress supports. In many cases it would make sense to have .PDF file as an attachment but any file type in your media library will work. This includes .mp3s, images, even video files.
Jag kan inte få mina tweets att publiceras till mitt Twitter-konto
There are a few possible reasons why you are experiencing difficulties:
- Du markerade inte kryssrutan ”Skicka tweet till publicera eller uppdatera”
- Din tweet är över gränsen på 140 tecken
- Du angav inte de korrekt autentiseringsuppgifterna
- Du försöker tweeta en exakt dubblett av en tweet du nyligen publicerat
Bidragsgivare och utvecklare
”WP Notes Widget” är programvara med öppen källkod. Följande personer har bidragit till detta tillägg.
Bidragande personer”WP Notes Widget” har översatts till 1 språk. Tack till översättarna för deras bidrag.
Översätt ”WP Notes Widget” till ditt språk.
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- fix: enforce loading of media buttons to admin, for compatibility with some site builder plugins
- fix: reset post data after every WP_Query call
- change: Admin Code Editor promo link
- change: updated WordPress version compatibility
- fix: proper html escaping of gettext
- fix: utm parameter in links
- fix: the use of WP_Query (and manipulation of $post) in admin causes unexpected behaviour in other components
- fix: embedded video error on websites using https
- fix: widget settings interface size on smaller viewports
- fix: PHP 7.1 empty array bugs
- add: default note settings
- social media share links open in smaller, separate window
- fix: explicit reference to https url of fontawesome file
- added ability to embed video and audio into notes
- filtering options in widget controls to show/hide certain notes
- code clean up and optimization
- added ability to select font style
- optional styling of enforcing all uppercase letters
- removed namespacing to be compatible with PHP 5.2.x
- trimmed potential whitespace from Twitter credentials
- cleaned up inconsistent tabs/spaces in code indentation
- added automatic posting of notes to Twitter
- cleaned up code and code commenting
- optimized and simplified LESS code
- added font size controls
- added optional, automatic, Twitter tweet link
- cleaned up code to be more consistent and reuseable
- added image option for note
- added download option for note
- added option to open link in new tab
- cleaned up semantics of code
- cleaned up code commenting
- added option to include date or not
- fixed note updated/published messages (changed wording and removed unnecessary link)
- added option to separate each note into individual ”sticky notes”
- Minor adjustments to default CSS
- Added option to include theme’s widget wrapper (before_widget and after_widget)
- Cleaned up efficiency of code in widget class
- Initial version