Tilläggstagg: blocking
Block Comment Spam Bots
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)A simple to use plugin that stops automated spam. Install and forget, and any automated spam targeting your native WordPress comments is immediately t …
Advanced Country Blocker
(Totalt antal betyg: 3)An advanced security plugin that blocks website visitors by country, with additional features like blacklisting, logging blocked attempts, admin bypas …
Simple Site Lockdown
(Totalt antal betyg: 7)Provides a really simple mechanism for locking down a site so that it's private to all but logged in admin users.
Block Spammers
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Block spammers from submitting comments, by IPs or by bad words.
Tiny Simple AdBlock Detector
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Detects AdBlocking software and allows to display some html based on detection result. Word for AdBlock for sure. Should work for others.
Simple AI Blocker
(Totalt antal betyg: 0)Block AI Crawlers directly via their IP addresses or user-agents.