Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

Pixelpost Importer


Set up your PixelPost database info, and let it work for a while. It’ll import categories, posts and comments. It leaves a new table in the database, used by the provided index.php (see FAQ) to keep the old link alive, by redirecting them to the new uri.

Imported posts are imported as posts with an ”image” format in wordpress, the image attached to the imported post. A ”more” separator is inserted between the image and the post content.


  • Admin – Set up the PixelPost database information


  1. Upload pixelpost-importer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ’Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. in WP admin interface, go to Tools>Importer
  2. Click on Pixelpost, then set up the PixelPost database settings (in pixelpost.php).
  3. Click on ”import categories”, then click on ”import posts”. Depending on the number of posts in your PixelPost set up, this may take long (around 30 to 40 min in my case, I had around 850 posts)

Vanliga frågor

What exactly are imported ?

Categories, Posts, and Comments. Tags are not supported in this version.

How can I keep my old PixelPost links?

Here is a small hack-ish redirection script, to set where PixelPost’s index.php was. Note that this works only if PixelPost and WordPress are installed on the same host. Simply create index.php and copy/paste the following script:


define('WORDPRESS_LOAD', /* insert here the path to wordpress's wp-load.php */);

if( ! isset($wp_did_header) ) {
    $wp_did_header = true;
    require_once( WORDPRESS_LOAD );

$link = home_url('/');

if( isset( $_GET['showimage']) && class_exists('PP_Importer') ) {
    $pp_post_id = intval( $_GET['showimage'] );
    $pp_importer = new PP_Importer();
    $wp_post_id = $pp_importer->get_pp2wp_wp_post_id($pp_post_id);
    $link = get_permalink( $wp_post_id );
} else if( isset( $_GET['x'] ) ) {
    switch($_GET['x']) {
        case 'rss':
            $link = get_bloginfo('rss2_url');
        case 'browse': // todo one dayœ

header( "Status: 301 Moved Permanently", false, 301 );
header( "Location: " . $link );


18 november 2020 4 svar
just did work with newest WP Version 5.5.3 (!) – reading Pixelpost categories and posts best, comments too. so this first work’s done perfectly. But i’m missing badly the feature to import all the millions of terms/ tags -and yes – the ratings! Are there any plans for that? thx!
23 februari 2024 2 svar
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>Edit 02.2024</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> <!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>Had to transfer 2000+ images from an ancient pp again after so many years. This plugin still works like a charm with wordpress 6.4.3</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> <!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=””>Thank you very much Pierre!</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
3 september 2016 10 svar
Hello 🙂 I guess I am one of the last ones to try to export my pixelpost to wordpress haha ! It doesnt seem to work : after I click on import categories, nothing happens at all. Would you mind telling me if there is something to do ?
Läs alla 4 betyg

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  • fix ratings importer