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Smallville: The Pause Button

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rewind & rewatch [04 Jun 2010|12:04am]


Pick of the Week: Smallville Rewatch on TV-Video.Net


The Man Who Fell to EarthCollapse )


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clexlessness [16 Jul 2009|04:27pm]

[ mood | 40 & Fabulous ]

For those who write Clex: I write about fan fiction on my LJ and wanted to hear from writers about how Mike Rosenbaum leaving "Smallville"; has the change in canon effected what you write? I'd love to hear from fans, too, about Lex's death. Has his absence made the show less appealing to you?

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Informal menopause web-site [04 Jul 2009|12:44pm]

"The best site to find menopause information, symptoms, support and humor! "

...and, yes, I realize my user pic is quite a crass selection...  it's from all that mPreg we read...

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Oh, my Aching Bones...! [21 Sep 2008|11:02am]

Rilly good Hot Soak technique:
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Some things make a person feel downright OLD!!! [17 Jan 2008|11:08am]

Like seeing Caroline Kennedy featured on the cover of the latest issue of AARP!!!
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[28 Oct 2007|03:51pm]

(Cross-post from acampbell)

We live in a youth-obsessed culture, and SV nowadays is a prime example of the trend.

I know I'm not the only one who was disappointed that TPTB defaulted on the Mionel. I was thinking just yesterday, too, about how Lionel is the only "adult/parent" left on SV. (I know several of the younger actors are in their 30s, but I'm talking ages on the program).

It's a shame we lost that multi-generational element, and for no good reason. Why, just last night I was capping "Arrow," and if anyone can tell me that JG and AOT don't sizzle in these pics as much or even more than the "kids"--I'll stand corrected.

More pix behind cutCollapse )
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Menopause Sucks [24 Oct 2007|08:40pm]

[ mood | hot ]

I can't fool my kids.

"Mom! Why is the FAN on! It's FREEZING in here!....are you having a hot flash?"

You no doubt had to be here, but it made me laugh.

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[01 Aug 2006|09:35pm]

[ mood | cranky ]

You know, one of the many things I really hate about midlife is that, when it's this hot (around 98 fahrenheit) I still don't know if it's the general temperature or hot flashes that are making me so damn uncomfortable.

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Nostalgia and stuff... [25 Jan 2006|09:54pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

(Cross-posted from acampbell

Wow, some days I feel downright old. Read more...Collapse )

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[10 Jan 2006|12:35pm]

[ mood | baffled ]

Remember how it was when you were young and always admiring yourself in the mirror?

I used to spend lots of time doing that.

Not any more. The last 2-3 years, so many things seem to have changed. My body is no longer slim and lithe but kind of "saggy". My eyes (always small and deepset) seem to be getting even smaller and losing the nice "slant" they always had, and got from my Native American ancestry. The corners of my mouth are sagging. People still tell me I look young for my age, but I'm believing them less all the time.

I will be 53 this spring. What the heck happened? Where have I gone? Who is this strange person I see now when I look in the mirror?

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[30 Nov 2005|03:00pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

I (knock on wood) don't get that many migraines any more, as the cycles had tapered off, but this afternoon I have the most horrible , blinding headache, all over and around my head.

I wonder if it's the prometrium?

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Getting old [27 Nov 2005|07:36am]

[ mood | angry ]

In the midst of some other medical stuff this year, it has been discovered that my blood pressure is a lot higher than it's supposed to be. (I hadn't gone to doctors for YEARS before this.) I'm 46, and I don't think the BP is related to the other problems. All I know about hypertension is watching my mom take daily drugs for years, and her never having any medicine in the house *I* can take for headaches, colds, etc. Does anybody on the list medicate for hypertension, and have they changed the drugs so one can actually pop an ibuprofen once a month or so? (I cannot take aspirin, and Tylenol is about the same as TicTacs to my cramps.) My deciding to approach my dr. about doing anything about it hangs on your reply!

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Something To Make You Smile [05 Sep 2005|08:47pm]

Oh Man Can I Relate
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[17 Aug 2005|12:28pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

After being off everything HRT since the end of February, and consequently having (what felt like) nonstop hot flashes since then, I saw a new doctor yesterday (who, after two strikeouts, I actually liked!). He gave me some samples of the Climara patch and said to take, after three weeks, that bottle of Prometrium that I had filled but never took.

I pressed the patch on last night and within a half hour came down with a migraine. Hope there was no connection.

Also, anyone who's been on this patch: how long before you get results?

I still have the hot flashes today...*g*

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[09 Jul 2005|11:07am]

[ mood | guilty ]

I’m always looking for something to post on this community about, although usually most everything goes on my regular LJ. But I doubt some of the younger crowd would understand about this.

RL kid (sex) stuffCollapse )

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[01 May 2005|08:44pm]

[ mood | nostalgic ]

I've had the local channel-lineup station on TV while I clean the place up this evening. They're planning all hits from the year 1965, the year I turned twelve and finished 6th grade.

Hearing all these great songs is making me feel simultaneously young and old, all at once! I'm enjoying them, in a bittersweet, nostalgic kind of way.

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Woo!! [01 Apr 2005|02:47pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

See, life is still good, even at midlife!

Read more...Collapse )

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[21 Mar 2005|07:11pm]

Until the last decade, I was always slim. 130 lbs. tops (5'5") size 10-14. Now I'm around 150 and have been trying for several years to shed the excess weight, which won't budge.

1. I think I could get rid of the poundage if I didn't live with people who aren't on diets and need to be fed. I just would keep a very minimum of food around. With a family, I have to keep food around, have to cook...ergo, I eat.

2. Until the last decade, when I noticed I was getting...porky...I'd just cut back and the excess weight would drop off. It doesn't do that any longer.

3. I read somewhere that at midlife, your appetite increases because your body is trying to ensure that you have "a healthy old age." If this is the case, is it possible or practical to resist this biologically-implanted lure?

I just know that I'm starving all the time. I'm starving right now, as I type. I try not to eat too much, but I know I eat more than I used to. And the few times I've tried structured diets, I just gain more weight! I exercise some, but it, too, seems to have little to no effect.

Anyone have any tips to share? I know it's unrealistic to expect to be willowy again, as I used to be. But getting rid of twenty pounds would be stellar!
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[09 Mar 2005|06:48pm]

[ mood | cranky ]

I was just cruising K-site, and saw that Jensen Ackles had a birthday last week.

He was born in 1978, which is the year I graduated high school.

*siigh* I guess I should just accept the fact that I've become a Mrs. Robinson, and move on...

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[11 Feb 2005|05:58pm]

[ mood | worried ]

HRT question Read more...Collapse )

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