Tigress35 (tigress35) wrote in sv_digest,

For All Your Fic Notification Needs!

A weekly digest of all the WIPs and completed stories on LiveJournal-- slash, het, gen-- anything Smallville!

Once a week, a summary post will be made by one of the mods, containing links to new, updated or completed stories. People are free to comment in this post to announce their fic for the next update, as well as providing readers an opportunity to check that post and see what others are offering before the next official update.

Since this is the first post, and we obviously have no updates yet, please pimp yourself or others in the comments! For our first update, we'll list fics that have been written in the past month or two, just to get everyone caught up with the holiday rush. Don't feel embarrassed to pimp yourself! We want to know who's writing what and where!

  • SV Fic Digest Vol. 1 Issue 4

    Completed Fics: Groundwork by blackpsychi Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Chloe/Lana Summary: Sequel to A Beautiful Friendship where Chloe…

  • SV Fic Digest Vol. 1 Issue 3

    Completed Fics: The Apple by pepperjackcandy Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Clark/Lex Summary: Lex is injured and long-held family secrets…

  • Admin Post

    We've received a few good questions lately about reccing other stories for inclusion in weekly updates. We've decided not to allow others to rec…

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  • SV Fic Digest Vol. 1 Issue 4

    Completed Fics: Groundwork by blackpsychi Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Chloe/Lana Summary: Sequel to A Beautiful Friendship where Chloe…

  • SV Fic Digest Vol. 1 Issue 3

    Completed Fics: The Apple by pepperjackcandy Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Clark/Lex Summary: Lex is injured and long-held family secrets…

  • Admin Post

    We've received a few good questions lately about reccing other stories for inclusion in weekly updates. We've decided not to allow others to rec…