Or, what I would assume the FAQs would be, were there any:
So, what is sv_digest all about, anyway?
tigress35 and I were chatting about WiPs, and Tigress mentioned that she had been thinking about starting a community to track WiPs, (and finished fic) since so much being written now is spread over lj, and digging through friendsfriends can be somewhat time consuming.
Well, we decided that this was an excellent excuse to play with graphics, of which we are big fans, so we went ahead and started it. And by "we" I mean "Tigress did all the work while I supervised." It's a good system.
Okay, I'll bite. How does this whole thing work?
Basically, it goes a little something like this: On Saturdays, Tigress or I will do a digest post of the fic written over the week, including WiP updates and finished fic. We'll leave the comments open on that post for people to leave links to anything they update/finish over the week, and we'll take those comments to compile the digest post for the next week.
This way, people's friends lists won't be spammed every time someone updates, but you can still check back in the comments to see what's been updated if you don't want to wait for the digest post to go up.
Then it's okay to self-pimp?
Yep! That's pretty much exactly what we're asking for! When you update a WiP or post a new story, just leave a comment in the most current digest post with the following:
Title: Author: Part (if it's a WiP): Rating: Pairing (if there is one): Any other warnings, summaries, diclaimers, etc.
So for example, my comment for updating SiWWtSoU (I'm a mod! I get to shamelessly abuse my powers by using myself as an example! Behold my mighty ego trip!) would look like this:
Title: Something is Wrong With the Sum Of Us Link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/joyfulgirl41/212998.html Author: joyfulgirl41 Section: Part 18 Rating: Part 18 -- PG13, Overall -- NC17 Pairing: Clark/Lana, Clark/Lex Summary: Lex and Lana pull a Freaky Friday, OMG!
Wow! That sounds like an awesome story!! *coughcoughegotrip*
Oh, stop! We're talking about the community right now.
Riiiight. Okay, well, can I rec stories?
Our updated policy regarding reccing is here.
So, if I'm on your friends list and I know you're following my WiP, do I still have to comment?
Yes please! Tigress and I are just going to be compiling the links you guys provide us with. RL being somewhat unpredictable, we can't always keep up with our friends lists, and we want to make sure that your update gets included with all the correct information. Also, this helps us avoid any showings of favoritism, because that's really not what we're here for. (What we're really here for being, y'know...porn fic.)
Do I have to leave a summary of my story?
It's absolutely up to you. Like I said, the point of the community is to have an easy reference point to find new fic and updated WiPs. You can include how much or how little information you think you need to get the readers you want.
Is this strictly slash?
Nope! Not at all. The community's open to all genres, so please feel free to leave links to gen and het fics too.
What about meta?
That, we don't want. Not that we don't like it or anything. We do! We love of the meta! But there are other communities for that. Ours is strictly fic-related.
Should I pimp this community on my lj?
Um, do you even have to ask? Of course!! If this is going to work, we need some links to compile!!! Pimp us loud and proud!!
Do I need to be a member to pimp my stuff?
Nope, not at all. Friend us, don't friend us, just leave us the links to your work. (Well, you should really friend us because it will make us feel all popular and stuff, and I'm kind of an attention whore. What? I mean, we'll only be posting once a week, so it's not like we'll be all spammy, but it's up to you.) ;D
Wow! I feel so enlightened now! Thank you!
You're so very welcome. Now go write us something. Preferably porn.
What? I'm just sayin'.