Welcome to JLA LEGACY, a Smallville Spinoff RPG focussed around the formation and adventures of the Justice League!
We are a new, partially cast RPG that is currently looking for friendly, creative players and fans to join our main cast! There are so many characters up for grabs, so please visit us by clicking the image or links provided, and we hope to see you soon!
For more information please visit the links provided!
Currently Wanted Characters;
Clark Kent - Superman Kara Kent/Zor-El - Supergirl Chloe Sullivan - Watchtower
Arthur Curry - Aquaman Bart Allen - Impulse Dinah Lance - Black Canary Victor Stone - Cyborg Jimmy Olsen
Collection of Chloe/Oliver stories! Subject: sarcastic_fina's Chlollie Round-Up Genre: Romance, Humor Angst, Action, Drama, Family Warning(s): some stories contain sex, harsh language, character death, violence, etc. Will be forewarned in each. Rating: Range from PG - NC17 Summary: Collection of all of my Chlollie works for easier access
Charity Auction featuring Smallville cast Hi everyone! I found this awesome charity auction on eBay and thought it might be of interest. Lots of actors from Smallville have autographed the cutest little bears I've seen, and the auctions continue throughout March.
With the support of the Vancouver film industry, we are proud to bring you Bears that Care for BC Women's - the cutest fundraiser in town!
Famous personalities from film and television have thrown their support behind BC Women's by autographing these cuddly little bears. And they are just crying out for a new home - with you!
100% of the proceeds from the auctions of the Bears that Care for Women's will benefit the BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre (Charitable Registration No: 890267537RR0001)
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre is Canada’s busiest maternity hospital. Your assistance helps us care for the pregnant women who come here from across the province when they’re in danger, when something suddenly goes terribly wrong during their pregnancy. By helping us raise money in this project, you are also helping us provide the best possible care for more than 1,200 babies every year who fight for their lives in our Special Care Nursery. You are helping BC Women’s, a recognized world leader in women’s health, care for women at every stage in their lives.
Each week until the end of March, a new group of celebrity bears will be up for grabs.
Smallville - Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Kristin Kreuk, Annette O'Toole, John Glover Supernatural - Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles (5) Battlestar Galactica - Edward James Olmos, Jamie Bamber, Tahmoh Penikett, Kate Vernon Firefly - Jewel Staite (3), Summer Glau, Alan Tudyk Happy Days - Erin Moran
Movies filmed in Vancouver:
Case 39 - Renee Zellweger (2), Callum Keith Rennie (2), Ian McShane (2) Shooter - Mark Wahlberg Postal - Verne Troyer (4), Larry Thomas (3), Zack Ward (2)
Please support the women and babies of British Columbia, and bid on our snuggly autographed bears!
Clark saves Lana, and they get together. Then he dies, and when he returns from the dead to be with Lana, things aren't the same. His actions slowly but surely drive Lana into the arms of Lex.
* This is not a Lexana video. It simply shows why Lex was the end result and why things didn't work out overall.
Edited on Sony Vegas Song - Stranger Inside by Shinedown
I was just wondering if there was any way that someone could possible download and burn to dvd-r a couple of episodes for me, I would greatly appreciate it. The episodes that I'm looking for are, Lexmas and Onyx. I would download them myself if I could, but I can't due to crappy dial-up that would take me forever.
I do have a dvd/cd-writer where I could quite possibly return the favor to you if I had something that you wanted, but didn't have. Maybe we could work something out, but seriously I would really REALLY really be grateful to someone for helping me out in this situation.
I'm trying to put something together for a friend of mine and I just need those two episodes. I wouldn't ask if I already had them, but since I don't -- I thought maybe I would take a chance and see if someone could help me out.
If you do decide to help me out you can email me at: sadg@texoma.net or you can IM me at ( am yours x ) and I'll be more than happy to discuss this with you. Just comment here and let me know whether or not you can help.
Thank you so much for understand and if this type of post isn't allowed to the community I do apologize in advance and I welcome you to delete the post as I wasn't trying to break any rules.
Heres a small batch of Clana. A few from the upcoming episode Spirit. (Awaiting with much anticipation.) Alrighty then, just comment and credit if you use them.
After seeing the combined preview of Onyx and Spirit I was reminded of how close we are to the end of this season so I got thinking. Behind the kind is more in depth Clana centered thoughts. ( Read more...Collapse )
Heres a batch of icons I made using Caps from Season 2 Gag Reel. (Only Lana and Clark) But these are a bit different. I used some mulptiple picture templates, to hopefully make up for my lack of ability to make animated icons. Check them out...
Hey. I was just wondering if anyone else watched "The Starlet" tonight. The girls first screen test (as most of you know) was of the scene between Lana and Clark in Visage when Lana goes to Clark in the caves and they have that amazingly touching scene which i feel Kristin Kreuk does extremely well.
They showed the clip (to us, not the girls I dont think). Gave the girls a script and had them act it out in a cave with Adam Lavorgna. I thought Mercedes did the best. I won't be talking about it anymore I just wanted to tell my thoughts about this one scene.
Hey, I just got back from buying the One Tree Hill soundtrack (this is smallville related I promise) and I got the best surprise....cut because its a bit spoilery for Unsafe.( Read more...Collapse )
I bought Smallville Magazine #6 today. It has interviews with Jensen Ackles and Eric Johnson. Theres also a backstage look at the special effects of Season 3. Also a look at Martha Kent as the "Working Mother" This issue has some great pics.
Theres a "Official Companion" To Smallville Season 1 now out. I haven't been able to find it but I bought the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Companions that came out and they are just awesome. (So basically I can't wait to find it so I can check it out.)
I watched the Season 2 Gag Reel on my computer today. It was funny! Tom seems really different as himself. Not a bad different though, he deffinitly is funny. Kristin seems like she has a good time. And Michael is his own special kind of funny. ( Read more...Collapse )